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QWET oil extraction


I am thinking about stopping the reduction before the decarb/bubbles happen on my next run. I want to try to preserve more of the smell/flavor - see just how big it can get in qwet.

How would one decide at a stopping point for this venture? Maybe pull it out right when the bubble start? I guess another way of asking is how much ethanol is left pre decarb and post decarb, and how do you know right when those points are.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
I am thinking about stopping the reduction before the decarb/bubbles happen on my next run. I want to try to preserve more of the smell/flavor - see just how big it can get in qwet.

How would one decide at a stopping point for this venture? Maybe pull it out right when the bubble start? I guess another way of asking is how much ethanol is left pre decarb and post decarb, and how do you know right when those points are.

If I wanted minimum decarb, I would probably cover it with cheese cloth and blow over it with a fan, or vacuum purge, to get rid of the bulk of the solvent.

If I was using heat for the final purge, I would use a 180F hot oil bath, to keep it molten, and remove it from the heat, as soon as the larger, irregular sized bubbling stopped, leaving the fine CO2 bubbling action.


New member
Just curious would a crock pot work for doing an oil bath? it seems to do the trick evaporating iso, and I think this would work better than lets say a coffer cup warmer.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Just curious would a crock pot work for doing an oil bath? it seems to do the trick evaporating iso, and I think this would work better than lets say a coffer cup warmer.

Most crock pots lack the temperature controls required for alchemy, so I prefer a fondue pot.


New member
I had to do the super slow method because I didn't have access to a fondue pot, so I had to do it via natural evap and putting it on a coffee warmer for hours when I could.

I'm down to just a few ml of alcohol left, but wanted to know any tips on getting the oil off the sides and the bottom? Only thing I can think of is heat up the everclear and put it in and swirl it in the jar. Looks like i'm going to have a hell of a time getting the oil to dissolve into the everclear again, so that I can freeze it and filter and evap once more. Thanks again!

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
I had to do the super slow method because I didn't have access to a fondue pot, so I had to do it via natural evap and putting it on a coffee warmer for hours when I could.

I'm down to just a few ml of alcohol left, but wanted to know any tips on getting the oil off the sides and the bottom? Only thing I can think of is heat up the everclear and put it in and swirl it in the jar. Looks like i'm going to have a hell of a time getting the oil to dissolve into the everclear again, so that I can freeze it and filter and evap once more. Thanks again!

It should dissolve in hot ethanol. Heat the alcohol to boiling and then pour it in with the oil and stir.

You will get minimal dropout winterizing a well extracted QWET, so I might be inclined to see what the product was like, before doing that step.


New member
Thanks GW! Are you saying that winterizing step isn't nessesary with a well extracted QWET? Or that I should try it before I do the winterizing to see if it needs to be done? Thanks again GW

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Thanks GW! Are you saying that winterizing step isn't nessesary with a well extracted QWET? Or that I should try it before I do the winterizing to see if it needs to be done? Thanks again GW

Both. Winterizing is of primary benefit when the original extraction was done with a nonpolar solvent. It just so happens that because ethanol is less aggressive than Iso or methanol, that the process also drops out non active ingredients with them too, but when the original was done with ethanol, it is reaching the point of diminishing returns.

It will typically drop out nonactive ingredients from an ethanol extraction only if the original extraction was loaded with them.


New member
here's some micropics of the qwet after the first winterizing and evap. What to you think grey wolf, do you think I even need to do another redissolve and winterize?
Zoomed in 200 times via microscope


Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Hard to tell on paper without back lighting, but it looks good to me!

How does it smell and taste?


Active member
If I was to take multiple batches and run a 1st wash on all of them using the same alcohol would I return more oil in the end or is it best to run full separate batches? I'm trying to conserve alcohol till I can get a recovery unit going.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
If I was to take multiple batches and run a 1st wash on all of them using the same alcohol would I return more oil in the end or is it best to run full separate batches? I'm trying to conserve alcohol till I can get a recovery unit going.

Depends on what you want to do with the extract. The first and second washes typically produce different products, with the first speedier than the second.


Active member
Depends on what you want to do with the extract. The first and second washes typically produce different products, with the first speedier than the second.

Will be using as a base for tinctures/topicals/edibles.

What I was trying to ask is if I take say 4 batches of 100grams and run alcohol through batch 1, strain and set aside then take that same alcohol and run batch 2, strain and set aside and so forth.

Then do a second wash on all 4 batches again with the same alcohol on all 4

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Will be using as a base for tinctures/topicals/edibles.

What I was trying to ask is if I take say 4 batches of 100grams and run alcohol through batch 1, strain and set aside then take that same alcohol and run batch 2, strain and set aside and so forth.

Then do a second wash on all 4 batches again with the same alcohol on all 4

As a base for edibles and topicals, mixing the different pulls is less of an issue, than for vaporizing.

You can reuse the alcohol until it saturates, but as it saturates it becomes less effective as a solvent.

It is also super important to keep the temperature down, because the longer the alcohol is in contact with plant material, the more water solubles it will pick up. Running multiple batches through the same alcohol, would exacerbate that problem.


What is the proper efficient way to dry extracted, wet buds for subsequent extractions? Will light effect potency during the drying process?

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
What is the proper efficient way to dry extracted, wet buds for subsequent extractions? Will light effect potency during the drying process?

We spread it thin and air dry, or use vacuum.

UV destroys cannabinoids, but not in the blink of an eye, or it wouldn't survive in sunlight.


Well-known member
where does one normally obtain 190 proof ethanol?

thanks for the thread, would love to try this out. i think i may be able to get everclear at least. peace

edit: i googled and foudn the answer to my question. 190 proof everclear. i'll let you know if i can get it done. fondue pot?