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Quote from my son - “I have no use for Sativa’s”


Well-known member
I don't buy into the whole this strain makes you feel this way and that one makes you feel that way, I have had a harder time running after smoking durban poison than when dabbing bubba kush, the first time I did 100 situps in a single set I smoked a bunch of afghani beforehand

the best weed is the weed that produces legitimate euphoria from your head to your toes, that nice trickle down the back of the neck and the rest of the back


Active member
Lol, let the kiddies smoke some properly grown Malawi then tell me all about bubba og kush.

Being stuck to the couch might be nice but not being able to find the couch, lol.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I was the same as your kid. Younger folks and narcotic type highs are a good match it seems. These days I have little use for indica. When I was young it was hard to find sleepy type smoke.


Already the old greeks said that the youth wasn't good for anything any more and with sativas as with many fine things in life , you need to develop the taste for them first.
Aka get really old ;-)

my mom did always say i was a grouchy old man at heart, i been lovin the soaring sativas since my first time really getting high.

sleepytime buds have their use (at bedtime) but mainly i like to get crazy, thinky, electric.


speaking of grouchy old man, why is it that everyone uses apostrophes for plurals these days?

(ironic that i notice, considering my refusal to use capital letters, i know)
If you want to disown your son and adopt me I'd be more than happy to appreciate your old school sativa strains. Plus you can take me on my first hunting trip and teach me stuff that I never learned growing up with a single mom. Lmfao:biggrin:


The Tri Guy
I don't see the point in knocking people for having different tastes. I hate Sativa's, can't handle them. Feel like I'm on acid again, feel like I'm gonna have a heart attack. Its just not enjoyable to me. I'm not an old timer quite (getting close to 50, so maybe I am). But not a young newbie by any stretch.

mack 10

Resin Herder
I recently grew some nice Sativa's.
None of the youth understood the high.
As GMT says they can be a bit racey,
Heart pounder's , even super trippy.
Which people even love or hate.

I do enjoy a good Sativa hybrid,
Especially if I need to get some shit done.

If I smoke the Blues, then I stink too much to go out.
If I smoke the Glue, I don't go out! Lmao
Love them all though.

What made me chuckle was the complaint,
It don't get me stoned !
I said it's not supposed too.
It's to get high! lol.
They really don't get the Sativa vibes.

Saying that, I think you should smoke what you want.

H G Griffin

Well-known member
What made me chuckle was the complaint,
It don't get me stoned !
I said it's not supposed too.
It's to get high! lol.
They really don't get the Sativa vibes.

Saying that, I think you should smoke what you want.

The difference between high and stoned seems to baffle some people all right.
My kid just went for the guts of the distinction. When coming by to hit dad's stash the request is either for "happy stuff" or "sleepy stuff".

Agreed on the smoke what you want, with the caveat not to be close-minded. If someone you trust says 'give this a try, I think you may like it', don't give a knee-jerk "I don't like ______".
The great thing about our favorite plant is its infinite different expressions, and we never know when we'll find the one that affects us in a new and wonderful way. :yummy::woohoo:


Well-known member
Find a sativa that makes you highly paranoid with a trippy edge and the younger crowd like myself will be all over it.


Well-known member
Fun thread;) I think that most of us grew up in the 70s and 80s started with mind blowing sativas - of course anything blows your mind when you smoke infrequently, but this became our reference. Thai, colombian, mexi, jamaican about sums it up as to what was available. I had to move to Europe to meet Skunk.
You say your son has worked in the modern cannabis world, where Blue Dream is considered a sativa. I've been to dispensaries in CO that only sell their own strains, and one is exactly like the other. Can't hardly tell the difference between a pure indica and a sativa dom hybrid. From that world to any real nld would be quite a jump, first in imagination. They most likely literally don't know what they are missing;)


Well-known member
I've turned my youngest son and my girlfriend into sativa snobs. He now prefers to smoke Colombians over hybrids, due to the quality of effect and because there's no crash on the come down. She has experienced orgasm synesthesia after smoking weed, but only when we smoke the 20-week Colombians. We all agree that THC percentage is meaningless as a measure of quality of effect.

hard rain

It's all couchlock for the youngsters. Dope in every sense of the word.

I doubt anyone under the age of 55 knows what a real sativa is. In my travels in Canada recently I could not find any real sativa's. Plenty of hybrids labelled as such though.


The 21st century pothead doesn't even like pot.

Seriously. They smoke unflushed synthetic petrochemical bullshit and call it gas, then turn around and call clean organic fuelly dank "laced" or "spoilt". These kids are running on 100% placebo power. Even if it says 'sativa dom' on the label of the free pesticide joint they got for writing a weed maps [p]review they throw a fit.

The entire west coast is full of these people. Plastic weed for plastic people. Too weak minded to smoke sativa or organic. I've never been too high on weed even to the point of illusionary hallucinations but these legal era kids seem to get too high every time they smoke something flushed and pesticide free.

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