Hey forums. So I am curious if anyone has to quit smoking on a regular basis? An example would be drug tests for work. My smoking pattern was gradual (high once a day), to intense (last couple weeks I was high right off of work, until I fall asleep).
The reason I ask is because I quit often for 10-15 day periods to clean up, but I get terrible symptoms. For one, insomnia. Christ all mighty, why did you create insomnia.. what an asshole.
Another symptom is definitely the depression. I am not a sad person, and haven't been in slumps like what I feel when I quit before. But when I quit, I get very sad 80% of the day, through-out the day. Thinking about the future, people, just life in general. After two weeks of sobriety I start to chipper up and get on with my life A-OK, sober and happy; or if I start smoking again within the two weeks off.
A third symptom is my appetite. The first couple days I munch out at weird times, but when I take my first three or four bites of whatever, I feel full or just don't really want to continue eating. After a few more days I starve at odd times at all hours of the day, but only for a few minutes at a time...... Again, 2 weeks maybe 3 I am back on track and eating normally, as I would, and have ever.
Fourth, I get so lonely, at odd times during the day. WHAT THE FUCK. I have been an average socializer all my life. In my teen years I partied with lots of people, and spent time alone 50/50. I don't ever seek attention, sometimes I avoid it. So why am I feeling lonely?? I will just randomly show up at my parents house, or call guy friends up and talk? That's a clear violation of the man-code. Sure enough though, two weeks later and I am back to my normal self.
Edit: Fifth has to be the 'edge'. I am much more short tempered with various events. If something doesn't go my way, I snap much faster. If I smack my hand at work or stub a toe, shit storm happens. When I am sober or using though, content and relaxed.
Lastly.. First few days (3-5) I want nothing more than to smoke a joint\ bong rip. Real life example is when I am watching a movie, or playing video games, or going out to the bar, maybe see my friends. Just normal day-to-day activities.
I love MJ and I am not trying to bring her down nor quit her. I am just realizing for the first time in my eyes, that weed does have addictive properties; logical sense of course, ease up the hard-cores out there.. I am not saying that my Lady Jane calls me back as hard as Jack Cocaine or Sally Meth-amphetamine. But I am saying that the addiction can happen. In my mind these aren't harmful addictions, more like a very inconvenient hassle every time I quit. And maybe that is why weed exploded on our society and vastly used among all ages, that this drug has 'silent' addictive properties.
IS THIS JUST ME?!!?! 3 billion people smoke the shit, I doubt this is just me...
If this happens to others, please post because I want to know what you do to cope. I am NOT a basket case, no medical problems, and my mental health is 100% (unless you count my addiction to females, because that ain't normal, haha) and I am not old and dying . 1+1=2 right?
P.S. I really hate doing a yummybud, my life is falling apart thread but this may open up some discussion about what weed may be doing to our bodies. And may produce some great information on how to deal with quitting.
The reason I ask is because I quit often for 10-15 day periods to clean up, but I get terrible symptoms. For one, insomnia. Christ all mighty, why did you create insomnia.. what an asshole.
Another symptom is definitely the depression. I am not a sad person, and haven't been in slumps like what I feel when I quit before. But when I quit, I get very sad 80% of the day, through-out the day. Thinking about the future, people, just life in general. After two weeks of sobriety I start to chipper up and get on with my life A-OK, sober and happy; or if I start smoking again within the two weeks off.
A third symptom is my appetite. The first couple days I munch out at weird times, but when I take my first three or four bites of whatever, I feel full or just don't really want to continue eating. After a few more days I starve at odd times at all hours of the day, but only for a few minutes at a time...... Again, 2 weeks maybe 3 I am back on track and eating normally, as I would, and have ever.
Fourth, I get so lonely, at odd times during the day. WHAT THE FUCK. I have been an average socializer all my life. In my teen years I partied with lots of people, and spent time alone 50/50. I don't ever seek attention, sometimes I avoid it. So why am I feeling lonely?? I will just randomly show up at my parents house, or call guy friends up and talk? That's a clear violation of the man-code. Sure enough though, two weeks later and I am back to my normal self.
Edit: Fifth has to be the 'edge'. I am much more short tempered with various events. If something doesn't go my way, I snap much faster. If I smack my hand at work or stub a toe, shit storm happens. When I am sober or using though, content and relaxed.
Lastly.. First few days (3-5) I want nothing more than to smoke a joint\ bong rip. Real life example is when I am watching a movie, or playing video games, or going out to the bar, maybe see my friends. Just normal day-to-day activities.
I love MJ and I am not trying to bring her down nor quit her. I am just realizing for the first time in my eyes, that weed does have addictive properties; logical sense of course, ease up the hard-cores out there.. I am not saying that my Lady Jane calls me back as hard as Jack Cocaine or Sally Meth-amphetamine. But I am saying that the addiction can happen. In my mind these aren't harmful addictions, more like a very inconvenient hassle every time I quit. And maybe that is why weed exploded on our society and vastly used among all ages, that this drug has 'silent' addictive properties.
IS THIS JUST ME?!!?! 3 billion people smoke the shit, I doubt this is just me...
If this happens to others, please post because I want to know what you do to cope. I am NOT a basket case, no medical problems, and my mental health is 100% (unless you count my addiction to females, because that ain't normal, haha) and I am not old and dying . 1+1=2 right?
P.S. I really hate doing a yummybud, my life is falling apart thread but this may open up some discussion about what weed may be doing to our bodies. And may produce some great information on how to deal with quitting.