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Question on plant placement for vertivcal grow


New member
Hi all
Im getting ready to put my plants in a colliseum style grow. Im looking ar this configuration here. Theres 5 rows. It looks like theres no plants in the top 2 rows, but pretend there was. Do the bottom 2 rows in this pic look like they are too far away from the light or almost "non vertical"? That pic just looks to good to be true. The fact that i could run 4 or 5 lights in a row infront if tgat many plants. What do you guys think? Seems like the distance from the bulb on some of those plants would promote stretching and loose buds.
Thanks in advance


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Boyd Crowder

Teem MiCr0B35
they arent 2 far - this is packerfans prefered method - u should pm him for some tips
your setup will always be governed by your genes
if this is a mono crop or mixed bag you will be adjusting as you go
stop worrying, dont overthink it, smoke some weed and flip em
- a fellow vert grower

Speed of green

Active member
The overlapping light from multiple bulbs will keep you from stretching and is key to heavy yields. Max Distance to the center of room/bulb 36-48" should be okay.

If you've never run a bare bulb before make sure you turn them off before working around them, they burn really bad haha.


Well-known member
The pic you showed is stadium style and does ok with a walkway to work the plants , but a coliseum type setup uses stacked bulbs to hit all levels with equal lumens par umols whatever the fuck they call it these days.....but....

I ran semi octagonal flip rooms with angled vertical racks and 4 levels of 4 plants each wall except the angled parts where all environmental equipment was located....IOW....

16 plants on 4 walls with 3-600 watt eye hortis stacked and the whole room covered in reflectix including ceilings....My take on an old thread by Heath Robinson that served me well for several yrs once dialed....also a pain in the ass to do plant maintenance but I managed.....to be honest....

If I were to do it again , I`d prolly go with stadium style and light the room with 50 watts per sq ft....it`s just easier to work the plants....anyways....

My 2 cents from all them yrs....


Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
G `Day BTI

The lamps don`t throw any where near as much light under as they do from the sides . I`d go with stacked bulbs to get a lamp orientated in front rather than above the lower shelf .

Thanks for sharin

EB .


New member
I would advice not to

I would advice not to

It might be a lil late but to be honest I would not advice thise type of grow.
you get multibleproblems.
you have uneven light distrebusion so each row and each plant will get diffrent amount of micromols. wich ofcause does not give you a homogonese crop.
you will have all kinds of diffrentmicroclimats because the plants at the bottom will have as an example lower tempetures compared to the upper plants and same with other parameters like relativ and total humidity and CO2 (if you would use it)
Workflow in such a setup is not favorleblebecause you cant reach your dop shelfs that easy and genarally working on the cannopy is a pain in the ass when the plants grow larger.
This will also increase the risk of Pest and desies and also deficency. because you should regularly check your plants and the setup makes it unnessosariely hard.

plus at the end you need to figgure out alothow you can use your room best in terms of genetics phenos... so you want at the bottom a Geno/pheno that streaches more and at the top smaller plants to get somewhat of a "even" cannopy.
In my oppinion it just increases unnessosariely the work load by at the same time not rly delivering supririor quality nor quantetie.