Do yo guys know what plant was this?
Fwiw...edit: TMITo my recollection Yo Sammy confirmed A5 to be official and has since shared this cut . I also believe Bonk confirmed that Cut to be official .
If i recall correct it was sourced from @Karma G who had connections with some of the South Holland Haze crew and someone was a friend of Yo Sammy
That's an old post above show the date
do you mean mustafunk..?You clearly didn't see MasterFunks post about this, where he posted a screenshot of Nevil and Sammy's Skype conversation and how Sammy just stopped communicating once he collected the clones ?
It's posted in Icmag.
I remember reading at the Sensi Hemp - etc. - museum that it was Jack, now I can't even remember if it was Herer or Flash, really...
do you mean mustafunk..?
He's still around if so, I was just chatting with him on/off this last week... My Spanish brother from another mother that Musta - he's been laying low, staying out of the scene to those whom miss him & are interested, I know elchichas talks with him a lot too...
Lots of great people around here, sharing ideas & passion; a beautiful thing indeed
send my regards to musta,do you mean mustafunk..?
He's still around if so, I was just chatting with him on/off this last week... My Spanish brother from another mother that Musta - he's been laying low, staying out of the scene to those whom miss him & are interested, I know elchichas talks with him a lot too...
Lots of great people around here, sharing ideas & passion; a beautiful thing indeed
silver haze?
Font: Cáñamo Magazine
Who did Nevil trick, it's not a magic show, or am I missing something ?Interesting read... so most of people around Nevil was trick Nevil or Nevil tricked them,
hmmm,those seeds or genetics is cursed like gold digging before,always somewanne
needs to be dissapointed in the end.
So @HEMPY those A5 crosses are not correct since that plant dont exist any more,this are actually C5 crosses if i get it right what Karma G was write in that post?
silver haze