Glad to see ya back brotha, Love the addition to the sig. I pm-ed the admin about that member and the next day our quotes were erased from his sig. Bitch move to quote members within your sig.
Plants look very good... you have literally changed my outlook on growing. I'm eager to get my show up and running. Exact same setup but gonna run a 7x14 room with 4 shelves... 48 plants vegged for 1 month in each 7x7 area. I just moved into a new place and currently have the room framed. I have a hvac tech coming to install a dual zone mini split system this Thursday. I decided to get the 2 zone model just in case I decide to double the show and go with a 14x14 setup harvesting every 2 weeks on a flip flop.
Best of all I am far from the bay and have to literally start from scratch or drive a few cuts 5000miles across country. I literally know no one here besides my wife so meeting new contacts should be interesting to say the least. I have some JW AK99, serious seeds ak47 and kali mist beans but hoping I can track down some nice cuts out here on the east coast.
I have been living in the bay area for the last 5 years and you have access to some very elite strains. Keep in mind I have not smoked some of the rare strains you have but I have heard of them.
Hope you and the fam had a pleasant holiday season.
EDIT I saw the last pics and for some reason though it was a current update. Guess you never returned KB. Hope you didn't get banned because of that one member.
Hey Krunch been folowing your grows, just picked up some Alien OG, gonna be running it soon here. What nutrients are you using H&G? Are these working well for the Aliens, and what additives are you using with the base nutrients, if you want to spell out your whole formula I woudn't mind.....Keep up the goodness, Peace.
hey Krunch can you go into detail about the netting? i just set up a room like yours and i am wondering if you hang it from ceiling to floor, or attach it to the shelves, or what? thanks
i use horti-trellis, you can Google it. comes in 4' high and how ever long you need it. its cheap enough to cut up at harvest and staple up a new one. i staple it to the ceiling and to the top shelf, then top shelf to lower shelf. makes a huge difference when trying to manage a wall of weed! plant yoyo's work good, but the trellis is way better.
Key KB... I've sat down and read all your grow journals and just wanted to compliment you on a job well done. Few questions.
-I've seen all your pictures but don't really understand how you built/designed your shelves to collect your drain waste. Can you provide better pictures or a better explanation?
-Does that HG Drip Clean only work with HG nutes? I use GH nutes. I also was wondering what the difference is between GH Drip Clean , Clearex and Flora Kleen for they all remove salt build up?
- How do you feel about Passive hydro i.e. hempy compared to drain to waste or to your feed with no waste?
I have a design in my head using adjustable shelving racks with wheels (2'x4'), the steel type with mesh shelves and just using 2 shelves. Front side will be covered by a trellis net and the back side with a removable reflective film. I like the rolling shelves idea because I can move them closer or farther away from the light if need be and also no drilling holes in the walls and access to the back side of plants. I could also have a separate nute and drain res for each rolling shelve so I would be able to do a perpetual. The only dilemma is how I would drain to waste back into a rez. If I could manage to feed and have no run off waste, I think this idea would work perfect using 3 gallon sealed buckets. But I prefer to have run off...
Any input to my idea will be greatly appreciated!!!
what up KB you are well know in tha bay for your VERT growing i give you much props and keep it going lookin really trying to get tha yeild you do hopefully by next month if all things go to plan and i can get a good regiment and schedule...but im going to do 3 1k lights in cool tubes and 18 2g buckets in a bucket drip system with tha tubes all down to tha res for drainage in a 8x6x7 1/2 due to tha height of tha garage but im going along with your watering system cause its tha best way....cause tha dude at GROWERS CHOICE said theres no better ways to grow than VERT gotta do it for tha yeild...have a good one BRO ill be postin some pics soon....!
Ive grown out the alien formaggio for a couple of harvests and there is definetly 2 distinct phenos. 1 a more sativa structure and lighter colored buds. 2. a more indica shape with big round buds and very dark green in color
The second pheno is amazing... the buds get covered in resin, taste is great... looking forward to starting a new room using this in a 1200 watt scrog...
the alien forms absolutely reek of grapefruit. alien form pheno 1 grows and looks like og.
the purplebubblegum was grown in coconot. crystallize and purple as fuck, but the weight is going to be crap, maybe 3 zips off the one plant.
the urkulan's are actually my lavender! guess i mislabeled the plants before i put them in the room. they look the exact same, except when they get late into flowering. the lavender starts to purple up and stink like a skunk. my trimmers hate trimming the lavender, it gives them migraines from the stench. decent yielder, should get 6-8 zips a plant easy.
some pre harvest pics.......
-purple bublegum-
-alien formaggio pheno 1-
-alien formaggio pheno 2-
dont have any pre harvest pics of the grass knuckles, the pics came out fuzzy. will top 400+ grams dry easily, but i took it longer then it wanted and started to herm, no more grass knuckles!.....