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Purple Kush X Black Domina



Here is one of my pk x bd very easy plant to grow vegged for about 5 weeks then flowered no huge stretch thanx to the purple kush side. i have four different phenos each have there own unique smell. i havent had the pleasure of smoking it yet as they still have about 3-4 weeks to go. Any question regarding growth and early flowering will gladly be answered :wave:
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ya i was hoping for some colour but i doubt it i didnt see any colours in the tips as they were growing hopefully something might happen during the flush


The Tri Guy
I like the look of the first plant in the second post in particular.



Yep I grew some out (Willy Jack) early this year and I am still enjoying it. It ended up drying out with orange hairs. Very tasty, but the indica pheno I had I let go too long I think and is harsh. It is also too "stoney" for me. My head friends like it but I'm a wimp when it comes to pot and don't like the major body buzzes it gives me.

The skinny sat. pheno I grew out is a pretty happy smoke that I didn't let go so long and that is what I prefer (personally).

Good luck and stay safe.
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Ya GMT that ones buds are alot tighter then the other ones to.X how long did u flower them?


I didn't pay much attention. The sat. I harvested really quick around 7-8 weeks I think and the bushy indica one I waited another 2 or so IIRC.


well just to let yall know every cutting i took from this cross auto-flowered under 24hrs light 4 different phenos beside all kinds of shit that this did not happen to
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hello kushum :joint:
i don't know bro, but that shit looks good to me......
hummm :chin:


Those are purdddy, start flushing and the smells will start coming out really nicely. I suggest 24-48 hrs dark cause i seen plants on here that get frostier from it. :smoker:


Active member
hi, kushumpeng! :wave:

is this your own creation?

they look real nice!

i was hoping to grow some black domina this round, but all 4 were male... :badday:

:lurk: :lurk: :lurk:


If your looking for something that tastes good this isnt it out of the four phenos only one has a good flavor the other three taste horrible hard to smoke a spliff (very harsh) better off in a blunt Xsmoker you got lucky man only one of my phenos is easy to smoke but this stuff is strong it does the job very lazy weed not what i like at all i'll stick to the fruity stuff

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