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purging without vacuume?


Senior Member
i plan on getting a vacuum deal soon enough, as i'm getting really into bho, and swearing off pot all together...but until i do it seems the only option is to basically leave it in your evaporation dish for a week or two with a piece of cheese cloth on it to protect from dust...

that or this winterizing process I've seen done with ethanol...you leave it dissolved in alcohol in the freezer for 3 days and then filter...but that's a process that also does other things like getting rid of waxes and stuff...

what i'm wondering, is can i just wait till the butane evaporates, and then immediately re-dissolve in alcohol, then immediately dissolve the alcohol? would that purge the butane effectively, without making me wait a whole week to purge? or would i then need to purge leftover alcohol? i figure if it works, i could disolve into alcohol, and then dissolve the alcohol in just a few hours, rather than a week without it...

and if i'm already dissolving into alcohol i guess it probably wouldn't kill me to leave it in the freezer to winterize...i'm just wondering if doing it as fast as possible without winterizing would still purge the butane effectively? also, i'm a recovering alcoholic of 3 years, and i would prefer to not have any ethanol in my place, can winterizing be done with iso alcohol? what about just the process i described above to purge the butane? whats the purpose of using grain alcohol over wood alcohol?

wood alcohol is poison so i have no qualms about keeping it in my place...


just don't molest my colas..
Dude, before I started vac purging a month ago I had been making excellent bho for years. Purging without a vacuum chamber is easy, just take about 4x longer, not a week though. After a hot water bath, put your dish on a heating pad. Most oil can be purged in 12-15 hours this way.


Senior Member
that's another option...are we talking like a hot plate, or like those pads for sore necks? i have a seedling mat though they don't get very hot lol...honestly though given the choice between that and the process i described in my original post i think i would go with the alcohol, because it doesn't use electricity, and my grow is making me a bit paranoid about how much extra watts i use just living...i don't even like to cook food at my place cause all my appliances are electric...if the alcohol method i proposed wont work then i'll gladly go buy whatever heat pad you think will work best, lol but if all i need to do is dissolve into alcohol then evaporate the alcohol/leftover butane mixture off, well anything to save a bit of electricity...


just don't molest my colas..
Adding another solvent make it harder to purge. It's a $20 heat pad from a department store or pharmacy. They have timers that shut them off now, so you have to keep turning it back on. But they get up to about 120 degrees and work like a charm, get the job done in hours instead of days. Hardly uses any electricity at all.


Senior Member
no offense, but i was told being immersed in the alcohol completely purges out the butane, so it's not like i would be combining solvents, just replacing a hard to purge one with an easy to purge one...i don't want to buy a heat pad i just want to know specifically about the questions i asked...


just don't molest my colas..
Butane is easier to purge than alcohol... It's boiling point is 82 degrees. 99% of the butane is purged in a hot water bath. The last 1% is the tricky part. No need to use another solvent, I'm telling you, you're over complicating the process. Using two solvents strips some of the terpenes too.


"Hey bud, lets party!"
dude get yourself a hot plate from like a target or walmart. You can purge it out to be a completely dry powder, beyond what i would even consider wax. You dont even really need to vacuum purge if you have a hot plate. (IME)


You dont want to but a 15$ heating pad, youd rather it take longer and cost more? the guy was giving you the best no vac method. If you werent a smart ass to him hed probably talk you thru every step. Good luck w that now. How is alcohol easier to purge from sticky ass resin? How is alcohol safer to smoke than butane.


Active member


Some shatter made without a vac using only a hotplate! $20 from Walmart


Ticklemyballs - Just to clear some things up and not add to confusion, niether alcohol or butane have a boiling point of 82F. Butane has a boiling point of around 30F - 34F depending on the source of information. The azeotropic solution of water and ethanol in 190 proof liquor evaporate as one at a slightly lower boiling point than that of ethanol which is 173F.

Purge small amounts in large dishes to allow for a more even purge when only using heat. Low and slow thin film purging FTW.

Check out jumps Absolute amber sticky for a better understanding of using ethanol to clean up raw bho.


just don't molest my colas..
I stand corrected. I think I was remembering something I read about 78-86 degrees being the point that it needed to get to to boil in the solution after being blasted. Butane alone boils at 30 degrees.
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Senior Member
wow, lot of responses, i came back cause i felt my last comment was pretty dickish...i'm sorry about that...i was way off base there...

so a hotplate huh? lol seems like a lot of people use them...im new to this and i need to keep a much more open mind...i would ask for more info on it but im guessing now that i know people do it i can find the info googling? again, Ticklemyballs, im sorry man i'm an ass, and thanks everybody for the advice.

*edit*as it turns out this stuff is harder to find than i thought...ive found references to hot water purging, hot plates, or just putting it in the oven at 170 for 20 mins...hot plates are the best way? are there threads out there explaining how? are you guys talking about like the hotplates that you cook food with? ive been searching on amazon and thats all i can seem to find...i wouldn't think that would go low enough...

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
wow, lot of responses, i came back cause i felt my last comment was pretty dickish...i'm sorry about that...i was way off base there...

so a hotplate huh? lol seems like a lot of people use them...im new to this and i need to keep a much more open mind...i would ask for more info on it but im guessing now that i know people do it i can find the info googling? again, Ticklemyballs, im sorry man i'm an ass, and thanks everybody for the advice.

*edit*as it turns out this stuff is harder to find than i thought...ive found references to hot water purging, hot plates, or just putting it in the oven at 170 for 20 mins...hot plates are the best way? are there threads out there explaining how? are you guys talking about like the hotplates that you cook food with? ive been searching on amazon and thats all i can seem to find...i wouldn't think that would go low enough...

Google Laboratory Hot Plates. We use Corning lab hot plates, one with a stand and magnetic stirrer, and the other is a Scholar 170, which is small enough to fit in our vacuum chamber.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
pretty sure n-butane boiling point is −0.5 °C

In that neighbor hood for sure.

Different numbers abound; -0.6°C (30.9°F) according to Air Gas MSDS, 30 F (-1 C), per AGG, -1C/30/34F per Wikipedia, and 31.2F/-0.4C per Engineering Toolbox. All in the same general range.


Active member
Google Laboratory Hot Plates. We use Corning lab hot plates, one with a stand and magnetic stirrer, and the other is a Scholar 170, which is small enough to fit in our vacuum chamber.

Why would you suggest to this guy to google a laboratory hot plate? He is already talking about how he is afraid to use his electric appliances at home cause of the added electricity expense and you suggest to him a 300+ dollar laboratory hot plate??

The kind of hot plate brought up here and used by a lot of people lately is nothing more then a "presto" brand flat cooking griddle you find at places like target or walmart for about 20 bucks.



Senior Member
thats what we are talking about!? a big skillet!?lol i guess i could handle a bit of electricity, though i would prefer not too, i see that big thing uses 1500 watts, thats a lot of juice! im gonna assume the smaller ones use much less...i'll get over it...so could i just set my oven to 170(thats how low it goes) and use that or are we talking about lower temps than that...and so from what i gather you just heat it till it stops bubbling? and that takes like 12-15 hours? i didn't even think those skillets or hotplates went that low...i seem to remember having an electric heat pad for my neck, it got pretty hot to the touch, but not scalding...i bet it was around 120...wonder if something like that would work? just put the pirex dish on it? or maybe it wouldn't be hot enough...i'll definitely get whatever you guys think is best...though, no offense graywolf, but $300 is a little out of my price range...

so if you can just slap your oil on a pancake skillet why do people vacuum purge? does it do a better job? i found this one on amazon, it seems to be the lowest wattage setup i can find(800w), think it would work? im only going to be purging a few grams at a time, never more than like 7 grams i would think... http://www.amazon.com/Aroma-AHP-303-Single-Plate-Black/dp/B0007QCRNU

and also, is it possible to winterize with iso alcohol instead of ethanol? the stuff i've been making has been really good, although later on i might be interested in trying this step, i guess i could probably order a small bottle of pure ethanol, though i couldn't get any from the liquor store in my state...the most we can sell i believe is 151 proof...


honey oil addict
way back i used to use a small coffee warmer electric hotplate, and leaving a dish of oil on it overnight would totally overheat it and turn it very dark and mediocre tasting. most terpenes all gone or distorted.

i dont vacuum purge ever, i use stove top heat only. i take fully evaporated oil in pyrex on top of hot water and place it on the stove turn the burner on just till it starts glowing bright red and turn it off. thats most of the heat needed for the full purge, depending on the amount it might need a couple 30sec.-1min burst of heat again.


Senior Member
i dont vacuum purge ever, i use stove top heat only. i take fully evaporated oil in pyrex on top of hot water and place it on the stove turn the burner on just till it starts glowing bright red and turn it off. thats most of the heat needed for the full purge, depending on the amount it might need a couple 30sec.-1min burst of heat again.
i tried your fanning technique lol as my butane was finishing off...i doubt i would be able to tell the difference at this point...im still relatively new to bho production...but i am now really confused, it only takes one burst of heat on a stove to purge it? whatever happened to the 12 hours of heat purging people were talking about? how long does your stovetop burst method take? you take the dish your butane is in and put that directly on the burner? is there any benefit to doing it for longer on a lower setting? if not, i wonder if a toaster oven or regular oven might also be used?

is this basically low heat for a long time or higher heat for a little time? i have found a few people saying just chuck it in the oven for 20 mins at the lowest setting...i don't want to overcook my oil, but if i can do it faster i think that would use a lot less electricity...better than using a skillet for 18 hours straight that uses 3 times more electricity than my entire grow...