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We are all going to die you know. Eddy and I are old enough to have realized long ago that making money isn't enough in life. Making commitments and love are what are important.

We are all going to die you know. Eddy and I are old enough to have realized long ago that making money isn't enough in life. Making commitments and love are what are important.
I love Eddy. He knows that Payaso and I know why he had gone through all this pain. He wants pot legal. It's what's right and Eddy risked his freedom to make a point.
Under Prop 215 no limits were set on collective med grows. Eddy told me he wanted to test the law regarding the federal jurisdiction in California. The supreme court of USA decided the feds did have jurisdiction later on.
Now the 420 law was knocked down in court and the Supreme Court of Cali has rejected the case to back to 215.
Eddy grew a bunch right in sight of the road and it never came to harvest. He had all the people signed up with their med recommendations but the feds disregarded all that.
Mandatory miminum fed sentence is 10 years and Eddy won't flee the country. He is dedicated to the cause for many reasons but remember that Eddy is an ex vietnam vet and he is pissed off about many things like a lot of us are. His lovely wife, Linda who Mrs. BOG and I loved dearly died of Cancer not that long ago.
She was the reason for Eddy to fight. She had chemo and needed medical marijuana like to many people. I loved to smoke my herb with Linda and I remember that she felt my sour bubble was good shit. I would ask Linda not how she was in the typical way, "How are you" but instead I always asked her how she felt right now. She almost always answered, "Great"!
We are all going to die you know. Eddy and I are old enough to have realized long ago that making money isn't enough in life. Making commitments and love are what are important.
Eddy was and is ambition. He wants to change the world. I want to change the world too but I just don't have the balls to commit to a crusade as completely as Eddy has.
I told Eddy he should leave the country and so did that judge who is about to sentence him. But Eddy is resolute. Can you say you would be under the circumstances?
I bow to Eddy Lepp and say what an honor it is to have him call me friend. If you knew him and his true motivations all doubts would be forgotten. My hero. BOG
I love Eddy. He knows that Payaso and I know why he had gone through all this pain. He wants pot legal. It's what's right and Eddy risked his freedom to make a point.
Under Prop 215 no limits were set on collective med grows. Eddy told me he wanted to test the law regarding the federal jurisdiction in California. The supreme court of USA decided the feds did have jurisdiction later on.
Now the 420 law was knocked down in court and the Supreme Court of Cali has rejected the case to back to 215.
Eddy grew a bunch right in sight of the road and it never came to harvest. He had all the people signed up with their med recommendations but the feds disregarded all that.
Mandatory miminum fed sentence is 10 years and Eddy won't flee the country. He is dedicated to the cause for many reasons but remember that Eddy is an ex vietnam vet and he is pissed off about many things like a lot of us are. His lovely wife, Linda who Mrs. BOG and I loved dearly died of Cancer not that long ago.
She was the reason for Eddy to fight. She had chemo and needed medical marijuana like to many people. I loved to smoke my herb with Linda and I remember that she felt my sour bubble was good shit. I would ask Linda not how she was in the typical way, "How are you" but instead I always asked her how she felt right now. She almost always answered, "Great"!
We are all going to die you know. Eddy and I are old enough to have realized long ago that making money isn't enough in life. Making commitments and love are what are important.
Eddy was and is ambition. He wants to change the world. I want to change the world too but I just don't have the balls to commit to a crusade as completely as Eddy has.
I told Eddy he should leave the country and so did that judge who is about to sentence him. But Eddy is resolute. Can you say you would be under the circumstances?
I bow to Eddy Lepp and say what an honor it is to have him call me friend. If you knew him and his true motivations all doubts would be forgotten. My hero. BOG
With all due respect.... Umm, I think.....
Eddie went WAYYYYYY to far... The movement was Never aided by these actions... 30K plants, in plain view of Hwy 20....? Sheesh... It is not - nor ever was that mellow in NorCal, no matter what HIGH TIMES erroneously publishes..... Especially, after High Times published all that junk. And the Marijuana, Inc. TV "Docufarce," shown twice weekly to feed the publics' bottomless curiosity...
Believe it or not, Rural NorCal does not accept eccentrics very well.... UNless they are female, of course.... Or a male wearing a Flannel shirt and driving a Monster Truck... (The seemingly incongrouous, ubiquitous Whitebread, Xenophobic, Socially Inept, Redneck/Hippie/wannabe-Thug personality)..
I don't know what he expected..... Did you ever read the signs at the gate of his property...? Pretty Ballsy/Provocative.. Just asking for trouble. NorCal LEO's ALWAYS go after those who act flagrantly or flashy.... I surmise he got just what he thought he'd get... Martyrdom for the cause...
Hopefully, he won;t have to sit too long...
Thanks Reckless Eddie.....