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protecting yourself and your family?

In all states, you're screwed if they find drugs in your house.

If they find drugs, according to the police, you were defending a drug enterprise, not a home.


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
first off, get that picture of the cop out of here

second, why would you want to kill someone? wanting to shoot someone that is on your property is way different if they have a gun and are in your house pointing it at your kid.

you need to grow up and use other forms of getting someone off your property then shooting them. what if there informing you your car on the street has its lights on? coming over to ask for help that someone fell? coming over to see if someone just broke into your house? thought something was off in the neighborhood and wanted your opinion? there dog ran away and wanted to see if it was in your yard? ..........

your gonna give smokers a bad name...


"second, why would you want to kill someone? wanting to shoot someone that is on your property is way different if they have a gun and are in your house pointing it at your kid.

you need to grow up and use other forms of getting someone off your property then shooting them. what if there informing you your car on the street has its lights on? coming over to ask for help that someone fell? coming over to see if someone just broke into your house? thought something was off in the neighborhood and wanted your opinion? there dog ran away and wanted to see if it was in your yard? ..........

your gonna give smokers a bad name..."

to answer your Q there i do not want to kill anyone i just want to be left alone !

second off if they are coming to inform me that my car on the street has its lights on im gonna shoot em for stealing my car and parking it on the street and letting my battery run down lmao J/K

but seriously i did buy a nice spread of land deep in the woods no neighbors that is all fenced off with woven wire cattel fence and barbed wire at the shortest highth the fence runs about 5 foot tall and in most places at 7 - 10 ft tall it is posted no tresspassing at the required distances and posted for the dogs we keep 1 monster 150+, a chow, and a 5 lb alarm


M.U.R.D.A. / FMB crew
kinder- worst advice ever, eh? it should be noted that i was throwing that out there BUT then what did i type IN UPPERCASE RIGHT AFTER IT? please learn to fully read before trying to call me out. if you read my complete post i said that guns arguably grant you zero protection since once shots are fired the boys will show up.

so which part was the worst advice ever again?


You Gotta Learn to Listen Lou. I thought he said illegal guns and shooting people as well as growing dope crops but then im in a state that allows us to live uncivilized.

If you have been aggressive in the past you must expect it to come back to you.


dontstepongrass said:
check your state laws as they differ state to state. if you want to defend your property with a gun i would recommend a "throw down."

throw down - noun. a weapon from the streets (not registered to u) that is loaded and wiped down (free of prints) so that if u happen to incapacitate someone in your home who is unarmed you can remedy the situation before law arrives.


Please read bold. This is your bad advice. Your sentences in caps contradict your own advice above. I wasn't arguing how much a gun can protect you. I was arguing against it being illegal. Perhaps you should read my whole post? "yea get an illegal gun and shoot someone, that way you can hide it or deny it once the cops show up" HENCE remedy the situation as quoted above...."but the cops will search your property if someone gets shot"....which is what is in caps. Once again, I am not arguing how much a gun will help you, I am arguing how much and illegal one , which is recommended in bold above, will NOT help you. Like I said maybe you should re-read my post. your recommending getting an illegal gun and 'remedying' the situation when the cops get there and your only warning is "but.... the place might be searched after someones been shot" well no shit, you think so? You really don't see this as bad advice? Good luck.
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Was he talking about shooting him with an unregistered gun, then claiming to have wrestled it out of the intruders hand? Or maybe shooting them with a registered gun and then putting the unregistered gun in the intruders hand? Either way I hope no one on here ever has to deal with any stupid shit of the sort.


M.U.R.D.A. / FMB crew
i'm not saying i'd "jump" at the chance to kill someone, but i'll be damned if i'm gonna get killed so that someone can steal my things. to each his own...

i'm not quite sure why my advice was so bad since i gave a disclaimer that said it was a bad mix with growing... oh well. im over it


M.U.R.D.A. / FMB crew
im gonna answer this since he asked, but again, NOT FOR GROWERS

srk - no if some shit goes down and u happen to find yourself in a situation where u just shot someone dead in your house and AFTER they are dead you discover that "gun" in their hands wasn't actually one. you go get that revolver you keep in under the loose floorboard (the one thats loaded, wiped down, and wrapped in cloth) and place it in the hand of the deceased while using their finger to squeeze one off in the wall behind where you were when you shot them. a risky maneuver to cover up a lapse in judgment is really what it is.

once again, i wouldn't feel bad about ending someone for breaking into my place. if you break into people's places in states that allow handguns for home security then you should be expecting that sooner or later you will get shot at. in fact, they do. often they carry guns which is what makes that split second decision to fire upon an intruder that much more nerve wracking. a split second lapse in judgment and u have a corpse in your house with cops on the way since neighbors have called it in by now. i'd be damned if i'd go down cuz i was minding my own business. sorry, rant over.


confedrate69 said:

you need to grow up and use other forms of getting someone off your property then shooting them. what if there informing you your car on the street has its lights on? coming over to ask for help that someone fell? coming over to see if someone just broke into your house? thought something was off in the neighborhood and wanted your opinion? there dog ran away and wanted to see if it was in your yard? ..........

your gonna give smokers a bad name..."

to answer your Q there i do not want to kill anyone i just want to be left alone !

second off if they are coming to inform me that my car on the street has its lights on im gonna shoot em for stealing my car and parking it on the street and letting my battery run down lmao J/K

I belive he/she was saying if they are breaking into their home, not a friendly hey is my dog there or your lights are on. I think somebody would know the difference. In that situation. (there is useally a big difference in the persons deminor.)

Not everyone who has a gun wants to shoot somebody I own several guns, wouldnt have it anyother way they are my other hobbie. I have no plants in my house now (I am trying to sell) The way I look at it.......if somebody is in an emergency, needs help, needs a phone they can KNOCK or RING THE DOOR BELL. Once that person has entered my home without doing either especilly at night will probably catch a few rounds. If I could see they were a threat, even if I didnt see the theat I would probably still have the 1911 in my hand and ask them what the fuck they want, why are they in my home without my permission. People should know that you dont just enter a home likes its nothing, no matter what. I dont want to kill anyone but like I said if you bust my window or bust my door down is on like donkey kong :)

You deffiently want to check you local laws on shooting somebody through the door, Where Im at would that would cause alot of trouble and heartach, why not just wait the few seconds it takes them to walk in the door and catch em then?


Active member
well sadly in cali, if we protect out home and family we can still be sued by said burglar,murderer, rapist.... i dont like violence but ill always protect mine


SemperAltus said:
well sadly in cali, if we protect out home and family we can still be sued by said burglar,murderer, rapist.... i dont like violence but ill always protect mine

I hear ya there but they cannot sue if the burglar, murderer or rapist is dead, Im not here to offend anybody but those three are some of the worst of the worst kind of people and if you think about it if they are dead they cannot hurt another human being. I would also like to inclue people who beat their children and their anmials.


Active member
Unionman said:
I hear ya there but they cannot sue if the burglar, murderer or rapist is dead, Im not here to offend anybody but those three are some of the worst of the worst kind of people and if you think about it if they are dead they cannot hurt another human being. I would also like to inclue people who beat their children and their anmials.

oh yes bottom line, if its between me and my family or some scumbag ill choose mine... and sadly burglaries are on the rise... more and more people are deciding instead of working hard they would rather just try to take it from someone.
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well you can use a liter bottle or potato or keep a dirty gun all will muffle the report of the gun.lye or lime will break a body down.hell if you know an intruder is coming turn stereo,home theatre up.i had somebody hop my wall 7 ft high put in a camera security light some more fencing and mantraps.you don't have to hit them to knock them out..
my .45 buzzing by your head pushes a concussive wave of energy that will knock you out cold. :bashhead: now without the sound or report of gunfire to make neig hbours call police , i doubt some of your neighbours like mine would even bother calling anyways.without probable cause or an unimpeachable witness to your criminal coming on to your property.there is no probable cause to search or obtain a search warrent to see if a crime had occured. :muahaha:
it's not that it's illegal more importantly who's going to catch me?stolen from that little frosty wench ayn rand. :spank:


nephilthim said:
well you can use a liter bottle or potato or keep a dirty gun all will muffle the report of the gun.lye or lime will break a body down.hell if you know an intruder is coming turn stereo,home theatre up.i had somebody hop my wall 7 ft high put in a camera security light some more fencing and mantraps.you don't have to hit them to knock them out..
my .45 buzzing by your head pushes a concussive wave of energy that will knock you out cold. :bashhead: now without the sound or report of gunfire to make neig hbours call police , i doubt some of your neighbours like mine would even bother calling anyways.without probable cause or an unimpeachable witness to your criminal coming on to your property.there is no probable cause to search or obtain a search warrent to see if a crime had occured. :muahaha:
it's not that it's illegal more importantly who's going to catch me?stolen from that little frosty wench ayn rand. :spank:

For one if the intruder is comming into your home there is no reason to muffle the report. Unless you are a convicted felon. A 2 liter will not muffle enough if you have close neibors but does a pretty good job with a 22LR


and a potato doesnt work.


And I for one would never keep a dirty gun in my home ever that is something that should be stashed off somewhere safe and hidden (AWAY FROM YOUR RESIDENTS) (only used if premeditated and a last resort then tossed) That .45 wizzing by will not knock somebody out. :laughing: sorry to dissapoint you

If it was the case that you needed to be quiet (which isnt the reason for the post) You should just get a .22 they sound like a fire cracker. Not real suspissious noise. A Ruger 10/22 (rifle) new is only 150.00 and you can buy a 50 rnd clip for it......not to say you should use all the rounds if you want to be quiet.


Herbal relaxation...
LoL Jamey :yeahthats Good to see you btw, what happened to your gear´s release?

I wount encourage anyone to get illegal gun if they dont really have to.. If they do, they should try to acquire it from a trusted friend, so you have better changes it hasnt been used previously in serious crimes.. Anyways, a bad choice for a legit grower..

Unionman did drop some science at his last post, better be aware what you are doing before using any of the previously mentioned "muffling" techs :2cents:

However, I thought this site was about weed & growing it :chin: I think gun is absolutely the last way to protect yourself/fam and always and I really mean always will bring enemies to you after using one on another man, even thought the another man pushed you to use it ;)

If you guys decide to arm yourself then do yourself & family a favor and dont talk about it!!!! Never let anyone know you are armed, it may scare some starting2rob punk, but if someone "serious" wanna rob you, it´s only good tip for them how to prepare!

Also, neva eva flash your gun if you really aint ready to use it!!! They probably will use theirs, at least they do after seeing one at your hand!

I really hope that no one of you guys have to never go trought that shit/use their guns!!!

Lay low and get your lip´s together, this way you probably never find yourself shooting anyone :2cents:


Windows and doors are the weak spots.
Anybody reinforce either?

I like dogs that bark when someone comes up.
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Active member
EasyBakeIndica said:
In all states, you're screwed if they find drugs in your house.

If they find drugs, according to the police, you were defending a drug enterprise, not a home.

there was a case in lake county ca where some idiot kids broke into a grow house to steal weed and got shot by the home owner. i think two kids were killed and the 3rd kid was charged with murder. the homeowner didn't get charged with anything :yes:
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