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"Propaganda and Control of the Public Mind"

"There's no doubt that one of the major issues of twentieth century history, surely in the US, is corporate propaganda... Its goal from the beginning, perfectly openly and consciously, was to 'control the public mind,' as they put it. The reason was that the public mind was seen as the greatest threat to corporations."

- Noam Chomsky, "Propaganda and Control of the Public Mind"


Everytime you tell yourself that there is nothing that can be done to stop the corrupt american elite then ask yourself why they are so scared of the public.


My little pony.. my little pony
Good ol Noam, for a self described libertarian socialist he sure practices and benefits from a lot of capitalism.


>> he sure practices and benefits from a lot of capitalism.

Chomsky is one of the most brilliant people on the face of the earth. Anytime somebody like that engages in the things that smart people normally engage in the product is likely to be seen as valuable and thus produce good returns.

But he's not the kind of jerk that sez hey I'm making money so capitalism must be great. Nope he bites the capitalist hand everyday. As a matter of fact Chomsky often tells his audience that they are the problem.

So his behavior is consistant with his belief system. And there is a large demand in our capitalist system for somebody that will tell the truth about it (he's booked up for about 2 years in the future)


Since when has Chomsky said that selling books should not be allowed? lol Sometimes, Verite, you're too much.

The way I understand it, is that Chomsky advocates a change in our capitalist society. He advocates a taking-away of the power and influence of modern corporations, because they are destructive and corrupt. He's not a Marxist.


According to what i read Chomsky is worth about 2 million.

Wow a genius at the age of 70+ years (who has written dozens of books and given thousands of lectures) managed to accumulate 2 million.

Yeah it sounds like Chomsky is really a big phony out to line his pockets. (sarcasm alert)


My little pony.. my little pony
Cool, then why isnt he known for his philanthropy?

What do you normally call someone that attacks a system that they clearly use to their financial advantage and well being?

And can anyone point out any socialist movement in the last 200 years that didnt fall apart from corruption?

The only thing I agree on is the current system needs to change. If Noam is for ending all corporate lobbying and no more political fund raising then Im all for that. Let each side take 25 million out from taxes and thats all they get for advertising their campaigns.. end of story. Eliminate the lobby grift and then politicians might actually be able to stick to some of their goals of making the country better. Chances of that happening are better once hell freezes over.


>> Cool, then why isnt he known for his philanthropy?


A guy worth 2 million is suppose to have some reputation as a big philanthropist.

Cripes i know civil servants that are worth more than that these days


>> And can anyone point out any socialist movement in the last 200 years that didnt fall apart from corruption?

Ah you have a bunch of (relatively) socialist countrys in western europe that are doing much better than the US. Now why would i say that ? Because if your a kid there is no doubt they are better.

"Poor Kids In A Rich Country" written by a couple of Harvard profs shows that child poverty in some european socialist countrys is 10 times less than in the US.

And Chavez has more than twice the approval rate of shrub.


My little pony.. my little pony
twilson said:
Cripes i know civil servants that are worth more than that these days

Gold pieces in your guild of the wee trodden in world of warcraft doesnt count.



My little pony.. my little pony
Ah but for what I lack in Einstein math I more than make up for with a keen sense of fashion. Too bad old Al couldnt manage more than one outfit.


Okay. So instead of a rational answer that addresses the topic at hand, you resort to ad hominem. That's classy to the max, Verite.


Cannabrex Formulator
Verite said:
Too bad old Al couldnt manage more than one outfit.

Actually, Al did that on purpose.

He had 7 sets of the same model of suit, because in his words: "I have better things to think about than what I am going to wear in the morning"

I personally subscribe to Al's school of fashion, and have many sets of overalls.....(don't like tan suits much).


Cannabrex Formulator
Any system that is governed by pure profit as it's sole driving motive will inherently abuse, manipulate and exploit those it depends on.

The basic fact of the matter is that we are living in a system that is based on and driven by infinite profits and infinite growth, and naught else. "progress").

In the natural world, the only things that grow indiscriminately for growths sake are malignant tumors.

Our species has become a cancer on this planet, and if we don't don't wise the fuck up REAL soon and stop being the squalling, greedy, immature, shortsighted and self-centered asswipes we have become, the planet will render itself uninhabitable to us, and will start anew.

And the next large brain-cased animal to evolve here will put us in their museums as the species that amused and consumed themselves to death.

FUCK ALL the Corpo-Nazi scumfucks and their evil system of exploitation, enviornmental and societal rape and filth spewing.
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My little pony.. my little pony
Dr.Feelgood said:
Okay. So instead of a rational answer that addresses the topic at hand, you resort to ad hominem. That's classy to the max, Verite.

Sorry Drf didnt mean to sully your house of upstanding class, but in all honesty I give Al all his props in the math dept but outside that arena theres nothing to support that anything he said regarding socialism was based on anything but his own biased opinion. No math involved there.

Interesting to also note while youre on Einstein was that a further autopsy in 1999 revealed Einstein was missing the parietal operculum region of his brain.


Cannabrex Formulator
Verite said:
Sorry Drf didnt mean to sully your house of upstanding class, but in all honesty I give Al all his props in the math dept but outside that arena theres nothing to support that anything he said regarding socialism was based on anything but his own biased opinion. No math involved there.

Interesting to also note while youre on Einstein was that a further autopsy in 1999 revealed Einstein was missing the parietal operculum region of his brain.

Hate to break it to ya, but there was no "further autopsy" in 1999. It was further analysis.....he was cremated in 1955.

Einstien donated his brain to science, and it was sliced into about 300 000 slides.
And one of my relatives is one of the neurologists who studied it.
She keeps it in her closet.

I shit you not.
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genkisan said:
Einstien donated his brain to science, and it was sliced into about 300 000 slides.
And one of my relatives is one of the neurologists who studied it.
She keeps it in her closet.

I don't know why it popped into my head, but it did, and I gotta say it----I'd love to see ya whip up a pic of that one! Something along the lines of insulting idiots would be great :D

C'mon, with the bull's balls and Paranoiacs, it could be the all time best in your collection.

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Cannabrex Formulator
Nikijad4210 said:
I don't know why it popped into my head, but it did, and I gotta say it----I'd love to see ya whip up a pic of that one! Something along the lines of insulting idiots would be great :D

C'mon, with the bull's balls and Paranoiacs, it could be the all time best in your collection.

Wish I could help ya, Mikki, but she lives far away, and is quite old....so I won't be able to accomodate ya....

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