id rather donate to this site or send in some seeds..........
as a matter of fact, i will...........
lol, why not do both, i haven't made any seeds of my
own so i'm not able to do that yet, maybe someday
soon as i've just begun a coloidal silver experiment,
i'm already planning on donating seeds to the local
mmj program for the benefit of local patients.
and no man, same country, different coast, lol, and nothey, but you being a disabled veteran and im sure on a tight budget, and sounds like another country, thats pretty bad ass of you to donate to a cause that you truly believe in......
so bad ass really, i've just had Henry Anslinger's boot
across my throat long enough and maybe, just maybe,
we can all come together and help crack the door open,
i don't care it doesn't open the door for me yet as i believe
it will spread, it just makes too much sense in every way!
anyway, don't meant to rant.
peace, and stay safe, it ain't legal yet, SOG