I've never understood how some people have so much trouble with cloning plants. It really is idiot proof lol I can leave clones in the fridge for 6 weeks and still get them to root
If it isn't expired and just liquidy it should be okay, but it won't stick as well to the cutting so if you have some rooting powder as well that might help. If you are really apprehensive try just 1 cutting and give it a few days to make sure. I have heard people store their clonex in the fridge to increase the shelf life and keep it more gelly. Also bumping a really old thread with a question is probably less likely to get a response than just opening a new thread. Good luck!My gels gone all watery cuz of the weather being hot will it be OK to use
My gels gone all watery cuz of the weather being hot will it be OK to use