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Pro-Mix Questions


Anybody ever notice the BX is like water proof lol that shit like repells water, IDk I didn't really like that.......but I always use HP mixed with fox farm OF some perlite and some extra lime
I use promix.... dolomitic lime.... pure blend pro grow and pure blend bloom....

thats it.....

the compressed bale is about 7 cu ft loose.....

As far as the amount.... not very precise....

My guess is that I use about 18 oz per bale....could be a tad more....

The package says for plants in ph range 5.0 to 7.0...

my assumption that means the stuff is pretty close to 5?????

I dont use additional perlite....

what is the ph of your nutrient solution? What do you use in the solution to buffer it or do you just rely on the lime in the soil. I have tried pbp before and even at less than the recommended dosage it was knocking my ph down in the low 5's


Hi everyone, i've been out of the loop for a little while but i'm working on a new room and will be starting a new grow soon. Anyways, i've decided to go with Pro-Mix as my medium, but i have a few questions since i have not used it before:

Should i go with the HP or BX? It seems like most people prefer to use the BX and add Chunky Perlite which is what i am probably going to do but figured i would ask.

If i go with the BX, how much chunky perlite should i add?

I know it's PH stabalized, but will i need to add dolomite lime at some point and if so how much should i add and when?

Also, the bales are supposed to be 3.8CU Ft compressed, since they are compressed does that mean it will actually give me more than 3.8CU Ft once i unbag it?


Yep go with the BX, add a little perlite. I feel you need to add more lime like 6 to 7 weeks into flowering, if you have an 8 week strain, you're good. If its a 10 weeker +, you will need to add a little extra into the soil around week 6.5, thats usually when the ph starts getting wacky for me. I just try to work a bit into the top of the soil.

The bales explode when opened, yes I gotta believe there is more than they state on the bag. I lost count last bale but there was something like 130 gallons of soil and I think there is only supposed to be 107 or 108 gallons.


Ok, i just read that Dolomite Lime lasts 30-60 days according to another thread on here. So adding more lime every 45 days or so would probably be ok right?

Also, since Pro-Mix has Lime already in it should i wait a month or so before i put any lime in or do you guys add some right of the bat?

Yep 45 days is about right.

I add a little extra lime at each transplant, but I probably dont need to, even if you add more, you still gonna need to add more late in flowering.
Anybody ever notice the BX is like water proof lol that shit like repells water, IDk I didn't really like that.......but I always use HP mixed with fox farm OF some perlite and some extra lime

hit it with a fine spray first - like from a pump or backpack sprayer. SOunds like a pain but makes watering a lot more enjoyable. Once you get that top layer wet it seems to suck everything up.


Active member
I wonder why one would want to use promix over coco. I understand if you are usind soil mixes but If feeding with chems what advantages do you see in pro mix over coco? The reasons I ask is It seems to me all plants react an grow better in coco I have used both.

Hold Your Fire

Finding my way back home
Price and availability. No ph issues with pro-mix. I have to drive an hour to find coco and it's expensive as hell.


Do you just mix lime into water first, top dress or do you use liquid lime?

I try to just work it into the topsoil(topdress), if you got pulverized it works well, the pellets seem to take longer. I was using the pellets for awhile and found pulverized just recently. If you got an 8-9 week strain you might not even need to. Ive never mixed lime in water, I considered it but was told not to in another thread.


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
Something to know about pro mix.. I used to pre water my girls with just water, then i would water them with my nuted water... cos pro mix has a tendency to harden up when it gets dry.. pre watering i believe helps the nutes distributed quicker and better.. peace and puffs..



I wonder why one would want to use promix over coco. I understand if you are usind soil mixes but If feeding with chems what advantages do you see in pro mix over coco? The reasons I ask is It seems to me all plants react an grow better in coco I have used both.

I've never used coco, I might try it someday.

I use pro-mix because its very hard for somebody like me to screw my plants up. It pretty much has nothing in it. I tried FF Ocean Forest and my seedlings were burnt, its too hot for that stage of growth. I can roll with Pro-Mix from beginning til end, its a lot easier to add nutes in, damn near impossible to get nutes out. Also, the added benefit of not really ever having to worry about ph unless Im growing a sativa. For a busy lazy person like myself, its just easy. You got to be utterly retarded to not be able to raise healthy seedlings in Pro-Mix.

I just dont know enough about coco yet, but I understand its sterile too? I just never see it at my store and pro-mix is right there and I usually get it for $25-$30 a block and it lasts me forever.


Something to know about pro mix.. I used to pre water my girls with just water, then i would water them with my nuted water... cos pro mix has a tendency to harden up when it gets dry.. pre watering i believe helps the nutes distributed quicker and better.. peace and puffs..


Thats a good idea sack, I know what you mean, especially when the roots get comfortable in a pot and the pro-mix gets dry, its like a rock. Im gonna try that out.


Something to know about pro mix.. I used to pre water my girls with just water, then i would water them with my nuted water... cos pro mix has a tendency to harden up when it gets dry.. pre watering i believe helps the nutes distributed quicker and better.. peace and puffs..


If your soil is pulling away from the pots and water is running
down the sides your soil has become hydrophobic. If you use a
surfactant like dish soap at a rate of 1/4 tsp./4 gal as a wetting
agent, it will loosen the top layer. For the long run if you mix in
EWC/compost at 25% it will provide enough humus to keep your
soil from doing that. Well, that and a regular watering schedule
where the soil is never allowed to get severely dried.
50% promix bx because that's what's here. I noticed nothing different in my grows with hp
25% EWC
25% perlite
2 tbs dolomite lime per gallon, works for me.
ferts- PBP pro gro and bloom, LK, cal-mag and last and not least good old blackstrap molasses.

I've never had to add more lime during a grow.

This right here!

Carl Carlson

I also wet down peat moss based mixes before planting.

The rewettability of peat moss is one of the reasons why there exists a consumer market for potting mixes, potting soil with moisture retaining crystals.

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
wear a dusk mask, this stuff has alot of fine particles that will get into your lungs badly. I have weized the night i did not use a dusk mask
I got some b'cuzz hydro mix hp, store owner says its same company as pro mix just better quality. I alwaysdoubt people who say stuff like that but the garen center was closed and it wasn't that expensive (45 for a 3.8 cuft bail.) Let me tell you, it was a lot easier to deal with with less dust by far. Just my .02$ but I think I'll be sticking with it instead of pro mix for now, until I bite the bullet on the coco thing


Well-known member
im my mix oyster shell, it slowly dissolves to continually adjust ph until its gone
also contains rare minerals that are slow released

to keep things wet (moss repels water)
coarse vermiculite 20%, 1:4 mix by volume adds minerals and wicks water and air
1 container coarse vermi 🇹🇴 4 cups moss
(youll love how moist light and airy it is)

add some epsoma tomato tone or garden tone organic fertilizer per container
supersaturate the bottom of the pot with fert
its a complete goto mix thats easy and $ cheap
one you try this... no more looking for the perfect mix

some fabric pots on perlite base (keeps bottoms fresh)
and some blumat generic automated water
what else do you need? :unsure: guess im easily satisfied :p


Well-known member
i'm normally using fox farm ocean forrest, but only could find '2' bags- thinking of combining them 2 bags with some pro-mix and some worm castings... what ya think?? for ferts, i use fox farms ... bit of a pain to mix, but i bought a shit-load of it...