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preparing for bud rot

Lucky 7

Active member
I always used the aspirin + water, but wil prob pick up some serrinade.

Thanx fer the tip------------->>


My bio~chemistry education isn't big, even rather small. But when it concerns da holy herb, I know some, enough to help myself going.
I've got to be honest, it's the first time a hear of an effective treat to avoid budrot-mold.
I'll check this stuff. Thanks to spread the good word (I'll be hoping on that).

_ ° 0 _

Captain Skunk

Active member
All the outdoor budrot I have experienced was due to insects burrowing into the compact buds. Stalk and seed boring worms or catapillars are usually the culprit when you encounter bud rot.

I think some growers in this thread may be confusing bud rot with powdery mildew.

I have found that the asprin foliar spray, or the willow water mentioned by RW is effective in controlling the PM if applied frequently in the early stages, or as a precautionary treatment.

Once PM has established itself, it's almost impossible to eliminate. Oldster 1 was mixing one crushed asprin in one gallon of water.

Don't be misled by fungicides that claim to be safe to use up until the day of harvest. These garden fungicides are designed to be washed off off the fruits and veggies before they are consumed.

They are not safe to burn and inhale, so use some common sense before spraying your bud with anything prior to harvest.

Smoking mold and mildew can lead to lung and respitory problems. Lung infections are no fun!

Keeping an eye on the bottom of your plants(where mildew starts) and making sure you have adequete air circulation is the best prvention for PM. Backyard gardeners can also water in the AM oppossed to the PM when moisture can breed PM overnight.

For controlling bud rot, I have found a pair of sharp scissors work the best.

enjoy and stay safe


Old School Cottonmouth
I personally was talkin about brown mold. the kind turns your shit into liquid weed after a week or two.