^ That was pulled from GW Pharma patent, correct?
No that stuff wasn't in the GW patent. This is from people at the University of Mississippi that were replicating the experiments and reviewing these patents
Aha, sweet. I was almost wondering if they weren't your own replications. I just remember GWPharma mentioning Sephadex LH-20.
Non psychoactive and a powerful inflammatory.
Another thing I wonder is, shouldn't THCA as an acid be water soluble?
Do you mean THCA would maybe get psychoactive, if made watersoluble by this method?What is interesting about this though, is that when you start modifying the alkyl side chain to make it water soluble it also sometimes affects the psychoactivity of the molecule.
Do you mean THCA would maybe get psychoactive, if made watersoluble by this method?
There are many reasons for developing chromatography methods for isolating cannabinoids, I am sure even if GW Pharm were aware of the simplicity involved in a method like ive shared they would still pursue and research other methods, there are utility and merits to different paths.
Ive shared it a few times, but guess I can be more detailed.
The recrystallization for purity part is pretty standard, the initial crystallization part is the first hurdle and just as simple. Its actually easier than making traditional BHO as it involves less steps. Instead of spreading thin and purging, collect it in a container/vessel that allows for slow, controlled evaporation, depth of the solution vs surface area is a important factor as is the headspace and lid for evaporation. A container like a graduated cylinder is ideal or a regular 250ml mason jar filled at least half full work as well. The larger the surface area the easier it is for the solution to crash, and also has other limiting factors. The solution viscosity is important as well, I vac my collection chamber down to -20, there is no liquid tane, I cannot pour out the solution, I scape collect it, but its basically like a No 1. maple syrup consistancy, very liquidy, very terpy, glass baster/droppers work well to transfer.
So recap,
1. Collect bho into proper vessel.
2. Store in proper area; consistent temp, limit light, limit vibrations, limit disturbances.
3. Wait until satisfied with crystallization amount.
4. Pour off un crystallized solution into new vessel to further form crystals(depends on state of solution) or pour/spoon out and treat remaining solution as if it was just extracted, so either vac purge or decarb for edibles.
5. Carefully collect crystals from the bottom of the vessel(probably where a jar has a advantage over a skinny cylinder)
I've been able to grow crystals in little 2.5ml vials with high terp varieties after they have been vac purged, just by leaving the lid loose.
I've had a crystal in a sealed solution of RO water since I first collected them, it hasnt changed. Ive had a few in indirect sunlight for 60 or so days with no visible changes. They are quite stable.
I am excited to see some really large crystals, they're going to look very cool!
The guild guys jumped on it quick they are for sure using the info ive shared, there is no secret and if they are not being open about it to capitalize on being first to market, thats not cool.
They probably recrystallize it after forming seeds from slow evap, its what I do and it can be done quick and easy.
Most processors could add the slow evap process to their regular extraction/purging process/routine by just adding a step between extracting and purging their product, they'd first form seed crystals on order of 10-30% of your total concentrate solution. The guild guys jumped on it quick they are for sure using the info ive shared, there is no secret and if they are not being open about it to capitalize on being first to market, thats not cool.
Price of crystalline thca should be the same as reg concentrates.
How many guys blast tube all day everyday? Instead of pouring or scraping into vac ovens first pour your solutions into mason jars, fill them at least half full, let them sit in a dark coolish area, my temps have ranged from 5 - 20oC, avoid sudden temp changes, avoid agitation, control evaporation speeds with jar lid and band, you can tighten it and release the preasure at different time intervals, this way allows you some more control vs a loose lid, once your jar head space pressure fills crystallization will slow/stop, until the pressure is released and evaporation can continue. After two to three weeks you will should have decent seed crystal formation, you can remove the crystals and pour the solution onto parchment for regular vac purge processing.
Imagine all the processers out there that could turn 10% of their product into pure thca just by adding a cost free step!
The recrystallization is easy, for simplicity and purity I recommend redissolving into distilled butane because of its low bp it will be basically impossible for there to be any trace residuals, if your seed crystals are nearly pure(no surface area contam, no internal nucleating contam particles).
Ive been able to redissolve purified seed crystals into butane, once the butane off gasses you form an amorphous shatter/glass that is clear and pure as can be. As soon as a nucleating force is exposed to the shatter/glass it literally explodes into pure microscopic crystals, expanding to many times its original covered surface area, instantly. Its really cool. The less pure the slower it happens, but its still quick and cool.