I have a ? what do the mantis eat if there are no pest,EACH other or the plants as I thought the only time they eat each other is after sex,female eats males head(BAD SEX)lol
highonthechroni said:
AHHHHHHH YEAH ME TOO! THOSE BASTARDS ARE SCARY AS SHIT!!! I'D PROLLY RATHER HAVE a tiger or a bear in my cab before i put one of those things in there....BLunTeD4LifE said:chronic... really nice post man...
but unfortunatly i couldnt have any predator bugs running around on my plants... because i am shit scared of things like that... and if there was praying mantis beside my plants i wouldnt go near my garden!!!!
they look really freaky IMO... i really would run a mile if i seen one of them walking accross my plants with those beady eyes!!!
i could maybes handle ladybirds as they are cute little bugs... but not mantids!!
i think this pic is really awesome though,...
ThunderBolts said:Praying Mantis egg pods are available at Home Depot (So.Cali) for $4.00.... around 200 of the little medieval bastards per egg pod.
Lady bugs are cool...spray some coca cola on their wings so they are sticky and they don't fly off ..... it wears off after a while and they will get back to whoring around after the cola wears off in a week or so .......