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Pre98 Bubba


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P98 Bubba about two weeks ago
Comparison between working them

Fast forward a bit

The mom/veg tent


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Active member
Evening yall, hope everyone's weekend was awesome!
End of week two for the P98 Bubba. Plants are looking great, praying leafs and chugging along.

The mom/veg tent is doing its thing too. Plants are just cruising along nicely. I have a side by side going on with the two Maui Wowies, the one on the left is in Gaia Green (mixed both the all purpose and mega bloom) and on the right is Growdots extended. So far the Gaia looks better IMO.

Gaia Green



Active member
This run is looking great so far, good job!
How long did you veg the pre-98s before flipping them? They’re usually kind of slow to veg for me.
From cut with rooting time 75 days ish, before I flipped them. I take cuts once I move the vegged plants into the flower tent. Let them root, then veg as long as the flower tent is occupied from the prior run. Works pretty good on the normal 8w strains. I did have to cut off like 3-4 nodes on two branches so there would be a relatively even canopy.
From cut with rooting time 75 days ish, before I flipped them. I take cuts once I move the vegged plants into the flower tent. Let them root, then veg as long as the flower tent is occupied from the prior run. Works pretty good on the normal 8w strains. I did have to cut off like 3-4 nodes on two branches so there would be a relatively even canopy.
Nice, thanks! When I grew Katsu’s Pre-98 S1 from seed I had one pheno that ended up chocolatey and another that was also chocolatey but with like a rich spiciness. Both were nice and stoney.


Active member
Ok this is a weird question, normally we want faster growth. My two plants in veg are growing super fast and won't be able to flower them for another 6-8 weeks. What can I do to slow them down, but keep the super healthy at the same time? Do I just keep doing what I am as far as feed and environment, train, top, cut branches back? Also considering going from 2 to only one bigger plant. Any thoughts would be appreciated friends.


Active member
Whats going on, its been a while since the last update. Things in the flower tent are going smooth. The girls are drinking lots of water. With the butt chugging wick system im roughly getting a week out of the 2 gal reservoirs, they go dry a day or two before refilling on Sundays. Been doing every other week on just RO water to RO water with Recharge. Buds have started to swell and fill in, looking like some nice kolas this run.
In the mom/veg tent things are looking up as well. I had previously transplanted my moms from 1gal plastic pots into two gallon fabric pots (coco coir and Gaia green all purpose) the new growth looks amazing. The Anaimal Tsunami and The One had an explosions of new growth over the weeks after transplant. For my vegging Maui wowi side by side experiment, I wish I could say both are doing great, but the GrowDots plant is alive and growing, but looks like shit. Unsure what's going on with it. Let's just say moving forward its coco and Gaia green only.
I took cuts a few days ago, took 6 of the AT, The One, and P98 Bubba, and 4 of the maui wowi. My wifes friend is letting me do some outdoor girls at her place, so the cuts have a good home.
Right now its just watching and maintaining the flower tent, tossing the growdot girl outside and trying manage the powerhouse maui wowie with as much training as I can till I can get her into the flower tent.
Trying to decide what to start up next after the maui wowi goes into the bloom tent. I have a bunch of beans and can't decide between Green Crack, Full Gas, Cheese, or White widow. What do yall suggest running next?
Well thanks for stopping by, and hope yall have a blessed weekend coming up!


Well-known member
Whats going on, its been a while since the last update. Things in the flower tent are going smooth. The girls are drinking lots of water. With the butt chugging wick system im roughly getting a week out of the 2 gal reservoirs, they go dry a day or two before refilling on Sundays. Been doing every other week on just RO water to RO water with Recharge. Buds have started to swell and fill in, looking like some nice kolas this run.
In the mom/veg tent things are looking up as well. I had previously transplanted my moms from 1gal plastic pots into two gallon fabric pots (coco coir and Gaia green all purpose) the new growth looks amazing. The Anaimal Tsunami and The One had an explosions of new growth over the weeks after transplant. For my vegging Maui wowi side by side experiment, I wish I could say both are doing great, but the GrowDots plant is alive and growing, but looks like shit. Unsure what's going on with it. Let's just say moving forward its coco and Gaia green only.
I took cuts a few days ago, took 6 of the AT, The One, and P98 Bubba, and 4 of the maui wowi. My wifes friend is letting me do some outdoor girls at her place, so the cuts have a good home.
Right now its just watching and maintaining the flower tent, tossing the growdot girl outside and trying manage the powerhouse maui wowie with as much training as I can till I can get her into the flower tent.
Trying to decide what to start up next after the maui wowi goes into the bloom tent. I have a bunch of beans and can't decide between Green Crack, Full Gas, Cheese, or White widow. What do yall suggest running next?
Well thanks for stopping by, and hope yall have a blessed weekend coming up!
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Looking good friend, those are perking up very nicely.


Active member
Sup wit it,

Clones took really good. 9 days and bustin out on 90% of them. All 22 rooted picking the best of each to keep and the rest get a short outdoor run at a friends. I culled the Maui Wowie that was using growdots, plant was struggling with some nutrition issue. The other MW in Gaia is still blowing up with exceptionally fast strong growth.
The p98 in flower, one plant threw some nanners, got them early with some tweezers. Been doing longer inspections daily since they popped up. Got a few more weeks to go, pretty excited with this run, minus the herm issue.



Active member
Whats up,

Prob last update before these girls come down. They are still swelling up and getting frosty. The fade is coming in, looks like fall in summer. Just watching colas grow.
Mom tent, clones are getting settles in, gave the maui wowie a massive pruning to try and keep her in check till the flower tent opens up. Next run will only be one big plant, prob going to have to put a net up and flatten her out to fill the tent evenly.
Well I'm off to the island for some fishing, girls are all topped off with water and hopefully do great for the next few days while I'm out fishing.
I hope all my stateside friends have a great 4th, be safe and have a fun weekend!
