i did another 5 hour treatment today and felt ok, then my dr called and gave me bad news. he said to spend time with loved ones and i said i always do........he said i have 5 or 6 months left and im in tears. i dont want to go
Don't waste a minute, but don't fret every minute - decide what is best for you and your loved one's and do it.
Your pain is unimaginably hard - most people don't get a chance to express their love -
and you have love and compassion by the shed-load. But you are not alone, and don't be alone.
We're / I am here for you - as other's are. Be with your family.
my prayers are with you and your family. This Is a journey we all must take. You will not be alone we will all be there with you. Sitting on the porch smoking some nugs that you grew with much love. IAM AND ALWAYS SHALL BE YOUR FRIEND.
This is my last post here - I am on a hiatus - and I especially wanted to save it for Luckeye.
Luckeye, I am so incredibly glad to have met you.
I wish we were closer geographically. In our short time you have shown me so much by your gentle and kind ways for you are a proper gentleman. If I ever get to be half of what you are, I should count myself very lucky indeed, as do those whom you love.
You are the kind of reason why we are here on Earth - to make a delightful and positive difference - and you have made many many more than you can imagine.
Good luck, my friend (and I don't call many people friend).
So sorry to hear that brother. Reading this brought a tear to my eye this morning.
My cousin was just diagnosed with prostate cancer yesterday. My family is pulling together to console and comfort him during this difficult time. I hope you have the same kind of support around you. It sure does sound like you do! Both at home and from the caring individuals here on the boards.
Wish you the best brother.
Stay strong. Stay safe. Stay positive.
I will think of you and remember the compassion you expressed for your friend and I pray if this does come to pass you are both re united for eternity
may your days be filled with peace, comfort and compassion like that you have shown to those in your life and know you live on in everyone you have touched
shit man..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................am lost for words right now (tear in ma eyes).........keep fighting bro, dont let know Doc knock ya back.....
spend what time you have with your loved ones,,,go do the things youve always wanted to do, holidays, skydiving , nascar ect ect ect...live it large,, ........i know youll have heard it a million times,,but try not to let it get you down,,just take each day as it come,,,yeh somedays you will feel like shit,,,,but i can asure you your family will pull tight and support you in every way thay can....(that includes your family hear on IC)
were hear for a good time, not along time,
your in my familys thoughts
keep it green
This hurts. I wanted to reply to a pm he sent me, I thought I would have time tonight to reply to him....all I wanted to say is that he's loved. We will miss him so much.