I know Lastdon. People downstream shouldn't have to suffer from these fools arrogance or their ignorance.
I've actually worked in short term contracted risk management positions for conventional agricultural outfits whose greenhouses are measured in acreage, not sq ft.
The OP is obviously lying, has no business being employed in their current position and will continue twisting the narrative to fit the prerogative of protecting their ego.
I've given away much more for free over the years than I have in that single post. Instead of saying thank you, the ass hat has to make another rebuttal justifying their ignorance and failure. Exactly what I expected.
OP and their entire operation clearly have ZERO understanding of IPM strategies.
There will be lots of opportunities for people to come and clean up their messes. Actually it might be advantageous to set yourself up as
Save your multi million dollar operation for 250k or
Lose 300,000 sq ft worth of crop.
In a 4 x 4 area = pound for most people
So 300,000 sq ft area is worth 250k-500k of consultation fees and to do it right. Btw they usually learn the tatic and kick you to the curb after the technique is learned to that is part of the fee.
AGAIN THEY DID NOT BECOME AN LP to make 1000's. They became and lp to earn Billions! Licensed Producers not the normal icmag small time grower.