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Pot Wars: California Pot Doc Jailed in Missippippi


wow flyng goat (applause) your ever so right we need the help and support of the legal states.if the south is won then the rest will fowlow suit.thats a sure thing to think the like they was saying the south will never be medical.they sould stand and fight with us.those who stand in arms band together can always prevail.people lend use a helping hand.


Active member
ICMag Donor
The good doctor's bust makes me angry as fuck!

I believe the doctor when he states the authorities are after his land and a conspiracy is in motion.

Does this guy have any support from the ASA OR NORML?

GOD DAMN! This is so fucking wrong!!!!

I'm going to send a couple of emails out and see if they are doing anything about this.


Active member
I was born down south and didn't leave until college and I wasn't downplaying your cause or anything just saying the thinking of a lot of people down there that have power (old money)don't want it.I hope and pray that their thinking changes so I can go and get err done on my 10 acres


Active member
States in the Bible Belt will never change their mindset

I gotta disagree, my state is becoming more and more progressive by the minute, especially in the western parts but even in the piedmont and coast...hell out here in the mountains even the old god-fearing christian folks burn or don't mind people who do