when i say a kid, i dont mean 9 years old smoking a doob with grandpa out in the barn. anything past 14 is in the realm of acceptability. i mean, who didnt experiment with marijuana as a kid?
and if
the first time i got high, i knew i was in love. went inside and ate half a cake, then went into my bedroom and listened to music for 5 hours... was effin unreal.
my mom knew instantly when I started smoking herb. I was 14, and had just come home from work (yeah, hustling since birth) all high. Mom said "are you high?". I said "yeah, this is my new thing." Mom said "are you sure?" I said "yeah, I need water". That was it. I didn't realize that I had just told my mom I smoke weed now until I sat down on my bed and started changing out of my work clothes. About an hour later she came up to check on me in my room where I had attempted to see what playstation was like high. I was just sitting there staring at the screen. lol
I said "mom, I'm not angry at the world anymore.". She said "good, I guess it works for you, don't grow dreds".