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Pot Leaf Art Design Contest

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Niiice, that one'll take a while to draw up...seems like a good painting....
The tat will stretch but if its on your back you'd haveta gain a lot of weight for it to stretch, or get some nice rolls going on...thatd f it up....
I'll see what I can do with your idea, even if you don't want exactly what I draw up it'd be a great starting point to hand that pic to a tattoo artist to play around with..


Smokes, lets go
I dunno if u saw this pic:


but i want the hill to be kind of a chunk of the earth like in the picture, then you can look at the space-like background and use that for the "moonlit" side of the tattoo. I also like the design of the grass under the actual pot plants and mushrooms. I like the picture itself and it's design... but im not big on flamingos, shrooms, frogs, or butterflys haha so if you take away those elements with just the grass and space background, half of it dosn't have to be daytime, it could be out in space like the picture is. But have it so where you can see that the plants are growing under the sun...

I would say draw it like the picture i posted with just the grass, plants, sun, planets, and stars inthe background like the picture.....

but you are the artist if you have a better rendition of the picture i posted feel free to go wild


Sounds cool, I will toy with the design and then draw it out, just don't expect it anytime soon - I'm working on another painting right now that someone already paid for so I gotta focus on that.
I'll post some rough sketches soon. :kos:
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Smokes, lets go
Monad said:
Sounds cool, I will toy with the design and then draw it out, just don't expect it anytime soon - I'm working on another painting right now that someone already paid for so I gotta focus on that.
I'll post some rough sketches soon. :kos:

thats cool man, i am in no hurry its just one of those things u don't rush know what i mean?


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
whats up with the tat ????

honestly a tatoo should signify who and what you are things such as pot leaves betty boop hotstuff and other famous charactorers are all trivial. millions of ppl have them why not get a tattoo that signifys who you are be unique afterall its there for life. unless ya have it lazerd off then it costs even more only 2 of my tats can be found on any1 else in the world. all my other tats are 1 of a kinds only i have them and control all but 1 original drawing, the 1 i dont control i know no1 else will ever get.

just something to ponder be original i'm lookn at another except this 1 is a full back american indian theme no color all black and my skin color. a friend owns a tat shop and will charge me 175$ and will do it in 4 sittings.

along the shoulders is mist partial moon showen through pine trees and wolves, on left shoulder is a chief in the mist in center of back down to belt line a valley with wolf walkn in it a indain face in the darkness of the valley a face in a cliff. very unique and original this peice is art work he bought from a friend who drew it


if i gain a lot of weight will the tattoo stretch?

hmmm .. you'd better get yourself a tattoo of skinny leafed sativa plants...so when you pack on weight and become a fat bastard, it they will stretch out to look like fat leafed indicas!

seriously though....here's an idea..how about the overgrow.com logo..the one with the side view of a cannabis leaf (but without the overgrow.com text of course)..if anyone has that logo, please post it here...I've always thought it was a cool logo...I think it was ~Shabang~'s photo originally
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i've been doing some scribbling...i should probably explain my(abstract)thought process...i come from a artistic background but work mostly in work in abstract principles(i'm not the best illustrator!)so i like patterns/images that are unlikely to be recognized by those that are not experienced...
when i think of cannabis the first thing in my mind is sex(no pun intended) so pistels first,seed pods and buds...second trichs(lovely big crystal heads)..third seeds and leaves..

so i think maybe i can combine the plant lifeline in one...whether to make a pic with the lifeline(bud,seed,leaf/trich)or concentrate on leaf

so i do these then realise i dont know what a leaf looks like!!so i decided that i need to practice leaf drawing

the indica leaf is elementals so gouda,cant remember where the sativa leaf is from..like i said im gonna practice drawing leaves for the next few days...
if you like any of the drawings tell me what/which direction you want me to go in and i'll refine/work that way!
edit pretty obvious but i'll still say it i dont know how to draw on a pc/i cant use art programs.but i can draw :rasta:
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i did some more scribbles

i like the one on the right(looks like a kalideascope)its a top down view of elementals so gouda (great pic mate! :wave: )i'm gonna try and combine tiger stripes from seeds in the drawings
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concentated on the kalideascope today

i like that it just looks like a flower..if someone asks what it is"oh its a rare breed called the so gouda!"hehe :muahaha:
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do a search through my previous posts, there's a thread I started in the Toker's Den recently that has several photos of that Overgrow leaf logo i mentioned above.....that or a variation on it would look very cool......
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Herbal relaxation...
Check out Japanese style tattoo :wink: They have old tattoo culture that has always been looked down by the society, even thought they are more acceptable nowadays, due to many Japanese youngsters taking very visible, big pieces.. Only people that dont got these looks are yakuza, who have their own baths to bounce their pieces :D

Still the traditional art is what amaze´s me and has inspired me to take large traditional style tattoo.

Check out Horiyoshi 3 & the Horiyoshi fam. They do some sick art using traditional methods -> slow tattooing with ink & long sticks with several needless :wink: I am going to take Horiyoshi fam tattoo sometime at my life, would love to have by the great master, but I think I cannot get it booked in few years...

Horiyoshi 3 also has started tattoo museum, do a little search in google "pics" using search words like "horiyoshi3, traditional Japanese tattoo" :wink:

I have couple cool books of traditional Japanese tattoo -> big body/hand/leg etc.. pieces. I may try to take some scans with my old scanner someday, if they come out nice, I post them here!

They are masters of doing these different colored pot leaf´s "falling", or covering something :wink:

Just my :2cents:

EDIT: cool link about his book &:
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Smokes, lets go
havent checked in on this thread in awhile, my mom is gettin into tattooing and i might be her first tattoo im not sure yet, she is an artist draws with oils and does photo realistic colored pencil portraits she is taking a class downtown so we will see how that works out


ive been inspired by japanese artists,here's the result

i'm gonna pactice drawing,and do some research....
i love japanese art,from 36 views of mount fuji to hello kitty i love it all!:D
:wave: herb i love japanese tatoos too(speciallly the highly regarded yakuza artists work...they have massive talent,truly inspirational they get paid massive (but totally well earned)amounts as well...if i had a full suit,i'd walk around in nothing but shorts all day no matter the whether:D!
edit... :wave: chamba! i tryed using the sativa leaf in the og logo..but its really hard to work with sativa leaves they are hard to draw for some reason..they dont lend themselves to designs like indica leaves do...i like sativa leaves more as well but the serrations on the leaves are to small(and theres too many!)so when you draw them you get confused i'm gonna keep trying though
edit i havent worked(in art) for a bit,so i'm really only posting for others and to practice...so i can draw properly again!!! :rasta:
i was stoned when i did this thats why i got confused on the bottom leaf:Di'm most happy with the top leaves
i like the colours as well:D,i'd put some green on the stems to lead the eye to the leafs,also increase stem on top left leaf and add a curve to the bottom leaf maybe extend the shape to make it rectanglular instead of square but pretty happy with it:D
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just do it
i got it, how about a tattoo of stewie from family guy on your buttcheek and hes pulling a large indica plant out of your rectum? i bet you wont see anyone else with that one!


nice pics buddyrekka I really like the last 3
I wasn't gunna post till it was done but now you've inspired me.

This one is my take on norcals idea, keep in mind its a first rough sketch - plants look realllly rough in this one, I'll have to simplify them a bit, or as a tat it'll look like a green blob.

So its in space, sun on the left, north star in the middle and moon on the right.
A chunk of earth with roots coming out of it in the middle - Sativa on the left, hybrid in the middle, indica on the right, and the earth below.

I'm gunna have the sunlight/daylight on the left reflecting warm colours (orange yellow) on the plants and the right side dark/moonlight reflecting cool colours (purple blue) on the right of the plants.
Also earth will give off a white glow.




Smokes, lets go
wow nice thats definatly what im going for....

i can show that to my mom who draws for a living and i bet she can detail it really good.


Good idea, I wanted to paint it - not good for a tat, so if she can just use it as a reference that'll work great.
Love to see the tat version and the painting version.
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