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Active member
i think it will be interesting to see what the traffic will be on this sticky now that all the "elitist" have their own thread?

Mr. Tony

Active member
The I.C. mag Heady Glass Thread ( enter with caution)....

The I.C. mag Heady Glass Thread ( enter with caution)....

Well glass heads of ic mag, we couldn't get our own forum but at least we'll have a better thread without the prodo trolls.

I've owned at some point or another glass from

roor .us
roor. de
El hefe
blaze master
Fat mike

Don't get butt hurt if you post a chinese prodo piece and catch flak for it.

Good production tube comapnies
Roor. US
Roor. DE

Mid level " name brand" tube companies
US tubes
Manifest glass works

Hand blown bongs made by headie artists don't fall into these categories

Where can I buy good glass at?

the b/s/t section of www.fullmeltbubble.com

Mr. Tony

Active member


Whatever mod moved that thread here needs to seriously learn how to pay attention. Gypsy allowed them to create the new thread!

Yes you are welcome to make a thread on the production and use of fine hand-blown glass as long as it does'nt turn into an advertising vehicle to sell your own glass to the members here....

unless you wish to pay to advertise.......and help the site out that way....

tony: may have something to do with the fact you linked sales sites? use your head.

Make the thread again and QUOTE Gypsy in it.

Mr. Tony

Active member
tony: may have something to do with the fact you linked sales sites? use your head.

Make the thread again and QUOTE Gypsy in it.

I linked those for places for people to get glass, gypsy doesn't sell glass nor do i, does he get pissed when people link a place to get a air cooled hood....

RooR HeaD

You're missing my point.

I had to ask, because the shop and pretty much all shops, carry new tube brands or brands I can't remember. Like... the Darby tubes... they look (except for the inlines) like they could be any other shit glass maker... there's really no way to tell except for buying it yourself or learning from others mistakes.

Other than that, I have to drive 4 hours or possibly fly to NY to get a Toro. The ones 4 hours away, are overpriced, as several people have told me. The shop I goto now, has another shop which is somewhere downtown/west side of Houston, the owner of my shop, said his brother gets Toros occasionally, but who knows when that could be...? or how expensive they would be...?

So...when I see what looks to be quality glass in this particular store, I have to find out on the inernet, because I don't know new brands, I don't remember all brands from along time ago and i'm not buying a 430$ tube only to find out it wobbles or has a crooked joint.

IDK... I would really enjoy dropping about 5-600 on a Toro and having 3 to drop on a nice inline.... actually...I would reallllly like an inline toro.... :/

price check on inline toro? :p

major point though RH? Tony knows all this already, guess who I PM'ed to ask about the Darby tubes the first time I saw them? Tony.

INline toros at my shop r around 800! but they r toros nicer inlines meaning they have a worked perc but the cheaper inlines ive seen by toro r around 500!
I linked those for places for people to get glass, gypsy doesn't sell glass nor do i, does he get pissed when people link a place to get a air cooled hood....

Yeah, I think a mod may have simply decided not to pay attention.

Make the thread again and quote Gypsy in it.
Well, then post a thread titled "Who the hell keeps deleting my post"

and quote gypsy inside.

see what happens?

Im guessing they just didnt see gypsy say that


Whats all the hype around RooR. They make nice piece's, but it's still just a pipe you smoke weed from. This whole anti everything non-RooR is really gay.
Its like going to midnight drags and hearing NOTHING but " Ferrari this and Skyline that. People don't even know what the fuck is cool, they just see a name and dive right in.

Mr.Tony, you have or have had a nice set of glass. Some pretty trippy piece's, But your attitude and demeanor blows.

Relax and sit back and try not to rip on someone thats not in the "ROOR club".

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
My concerns are for the members here....offsite links to buy glass could be some sort of LEO fishing scheme especially if they eminate from the US......and this could compromise the security of growers here......

I am not adverse to any of you starting a dedicated glass blowers thread as long as you are not trying to sell the glass to our members and taking down contact info from them.......

What I may do is contact Roor (a German based company) myself and ask them if they wish to participate in ICM since there is so much interest in their products.....and I am sorting it out with the Mods as to what policy to adopt in regards to this....
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