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Post your nug jars !!!


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joeshmoe said:

Ruth Buzzy. Ain't that the shit. lol :)

Anyway, I'm a jar head also and have most of my pieces from Sur la Table.
You know, the glass from italy with the orange or clear rubber seal.

My question is, I just bought a cheap pressure cooker from JC Penny because I want to autoclave (sterilize) my jars in between strains because some, I believe get old and moldly, and I want to kill off all the mold spores so I have a clean slate for my new arrivals. So, does the pressure cooker melt the rubber seal or is it safe to put the seal in with the glass because I would think some of the spores could adhere to the rubber seal (gasket) as well as the inside of the glass.

But yeah, so far for me it's all about the wire-bail/bale glass.

PS, anyone have a link where I can get a wire-bail pocket size, like to hold an 1/8th max. I've seen them at dispensaries but never for sale "empty" on there own and I've googled it more than 100 times.
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RooR HeaD

Bro you shouldnt have to wash them ive had a stash for years my pic above is the shit ive saved for the longest and ive never had a mold problem i mean if your worried about mold then you shouldnt even buy or grow the weed that you would be worried about. put it this way ive had weed in my statsh for three years and it looks the same way it looked when i put it in the jar just more cracky. so you should be fine but dont put rubber in boiling water or your house will smell like burnt rubber.


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor

im gonna guess thats 9 lbs ^

or are those halves?

if they are halves, my guess is 4.5 lbs

RooR HeaD

You got any better pics of all those jars cause im not gonna lie the stuff in the jars just doesnt look like buds more so shake or spices. just wondering if it is all bud cool but da due with the little wayne pcs i think it is is right i think its 4.5 not 9.



Slap-A-Ho tribe
Blakendn that's insanity in a good way. Bet it's a pita to cure that and have to burp the jars every frew days lol.....if you do that

RooR HeaD

bluebottle said:
Aurora Indica in jars...

Dude nice jars u get them at target. check out the jar to the far left in this pic and youll see we have much in common by that i mean i keep my purps in that jar too. how long you plan on cureing that shit it looks like it need another couple months.

A smaller purps bud. i like this pic cause the shit turned gold after a six month cure i got to take pics of the buds above they were from the same bag just havent got around to it.but just imagine how this little guy looks now think of how the main kola looks hahaa Jk.


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