This is how my GH looked the first year i grew in it.
This is what it looked like at the beginning of last year.
I took an old metal shed i wasn't using removed the roof and put corrugated plastic on it. I put the white plastic on the lower sides so nosey family couldn't see in. I have an intake and exhaust fan in the gable ends ( I built sealed boxes around them so they would run more efficient). I put white panda plastic on the walls to add some reflection. I used CO2 the first year with great results last year i didn't run it and was really disappointed so this year I'm going to use it again.
Last week, I finished constructing a simple "blackhouse" that will enable me to flower plants throughout the summer. It's 4' x 7.5' x 5.5'. I just attached a bunch of leftover panda plastic to a simple frame that I screwed together with a bunch of corner braces:
So we've finally made past the first page on the Greenhouse Forum!!!
I'd say it's about time for a few sticky's and I'd like to be the first to nominate this thread. This probly isn't the right way/place to request this but......
I've got a few years experience with building my own low budget greenhouses.. Here pic's of the first 2 editions, after 3 yeas the wind destructed these, but last spring I've made there a bigger and better greenhouse instead of the plastic one..
First edition,
Improved first one, plants were growing trough my roof, so after a week there was a new roof
Greenhousejunky ... i like what you did & want to do something along those lines next season ... most excellent & thanks for posting
peace and good growing to you