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Post Your ACE X's !!!


Well-known member
CBD #1 x Ethiopian.


I didn't have time to do a proper selection but I am pretty sure I saw some female pre-flowers. I don't know if it'll flower in my location. I'm crossing my fingers.

below is a stockier CBD #1.


Well-known member
Nice catch! :) in case you do any f2, let me know :D
I think the line is already worked to around F6 if im not mistaken by the fellas at CBG while stabilizing the line. I could be wrong though.

In any case, if i gotta go premium or whatever to make this happen, so be it. We need some fresh destroyer beans.

Sorry for derail. Go Ace!! Got your Purple Haze 23 A5 and some vermontman purple Satellite Id love to one day grow out.
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Well-known member
I think the line is already worked to around F6 if im not mistaken by the fellas at CBG while stabilizing the line. I could be wrong though.

In any case, if i gotta go premium or whatever to make this happen, so be it. We need some fresh destroyer beans.

Sorry for derail. Go Ace!! Got your Purple Haze 23 A5 and some vermontman purple Satellite Id love to one day grow out.
As far as hybrid landraces go,I’ve always been envious of people posting there destroyers. I just want to experience that legendary high. 🤣🤣🤣


Well-known member

Growing over an inch a day over the last two weeks, now 6ft+ and showing some new smells, this is definitely "Thai" dominated, creamy green tea, fruity green apple, sour bitter lime rind and a nutty oily smell like sesame oil, despite the indica influence it reminds me of the Golden Tiger grandparents.


Active member
On topic and on theme I've got a Hazexkalichina x Destroyer

This one just showed female preflowers so she's graduated to the big bag. I'm amazed at how big and tall it got in that one gallon pot without showing any sign of dissatisfaction. I'm a bit concerned it's gonna get too big in the stretch but I'll deal.


Well-known member
One of my favorite Ace strains is Zamaldelica x Kali China so I crossed with PNG male over the winter. Three of my friends are growing them out now.
Here’s one grown by MikeyMeteor and his report so far: “Update on the sweet and skunky smelling Zam Kali PNG from @Azure. I like the structure - it’s an ideal Sativa for my small space. Also this was one of the few plants that handled the recent heat and high humidity without complaining much. I’m taking clones and will keep it going as we see how it smokes. its vigor is below maze but a step above Nepal jam or dread bread and other landrace crosses I’ve grown . Thanks again. Nice herb”
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Active member

i have some flowershots of my Oldtimer´s Haze crosses to share with you all.

Since January this year i´m growing my OT-Haze crosses. First was [NorthernLights x Oltdtimer´sHaze]. The Flowers are 3 months old now and maybe i will post a smokereport the next Weeks. (But its summertime and i enjoy the pure Oldtimer´s Haze flowers a lot more...)

NLxOT-Haze about Week 3 flowering

NLxOT-Haze about week 8/9 flowering

At the moment, [KaliMist x OldtimersHaze] is flowering. The first two specimens where harvested two weeks ago and will be jared today or tomorrow. Two will be ready in about 10-20 Days and two others need atleast 4 more weeks i guess. This cross feels special to me, budstructure and smell of the Kali Mist but swelling of the Haze. Lets see what the High is going to say! One specimen looks like becoming the forearm of Conan the Barbarian.

KMxOT-Haze about day 90 of flowering


Edit: Exifs removed
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Well-known member
View attachment 19031667 View attachment 19031668 View attachment 19031669
(Gashmoygle x Golden Tiger) Open Pollination f2

I tossed some seeds around february from my November harvest because they were open pollinated and I couldn't determine the males involved, I found one plant made it above ground, I've done zero to help it survive the environment. it's already starting to stretch/ showing sex at about 4 ft tall, smells like limes/pine/peaches and appears resilient to the local pests, the spider mites don't like it, the leafhoppers don't like it. I guess I should clone it and quarantine it until safe! New York State (41°N) where I live isn't very suitable for sativas, or "indoor plants" as pests eviscerate them, so this will be a test of resilience- along with about 50 others.
My Goodness that is a sexy lady, those palmate fans are some of the biggest I've seen in a while, even my GT I ran a while back did not have such large fans (that you could almost literally use as a fan) 🪭😊. Great job, what a vigorous and healthy plant👍


Well-known member
Took her over 15 weeks 12/12 but it’s starting to look like bud. Tied her up and can’t really take a good pic in the small space she’s in. OTH x Silver Haze, clearly more like OTH x Silver Haze’s haze parent.


Spent a week abroad and planned to cull her early but figured let’s just drown the pot turn off light and see how she looks on return… better than I expected though she did start throwing some nanners. Since I counted on having to cull her I didn’t take care of her very well overall and I’m impressed how well she handled all of that.

Smells delicious, perfume/incense haze with a hint of sauna wood smoke, a little more than the sum of the parents.

Top on smallest branch (dunno why first pic turned out so dark green..)


Well-known member
(Gashmoygle x Golden Tiger) f2- open pollenation plant.

I did some training, trimming and removing some lowers thst are not getting any light, I topped it and now it's going wide, flowering stretch has ended, buds appear to beginning to form which takes toughly 3-4 weeks for the f1 to get to this point, so I say, another 9 weeks of flower (mid october) and I can harvest.

now showing some purple on the stems from the last few cold nights, glad to know its got some coloration, hopefully the flowers will be colorful too!

Males all starting to show their stuff


Mango-Carrot Soda Male, I have several fems of this same phenotype I have to flower to determine quality, hopefully these f2 phenotypes are slightly more energetic than the f1 phenotypes I selected from.

I found a Lavendar/Turkish Delight candy Smelling Male, I intend to make seeds with it if it clones well, definitely one of the smaller heirloom phenotypes.
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