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Post Your ACE X's !!!


Well-known member
okay, here's a better shot.. I'll wait a few weeks to post other pictures



...como el Son...
Psilocybo's Malawi Bangui

Psilocybo's Malawi Bangui

Resinando lentamente la Psilocybo Malawi Bangui (Bangui Haze X Malawi) a 2016-Noviembre-7.
Las fortísima lluvias continuas desde el 4 al 6 de Noviembre no le afectaron:
Aún le queda... (...y en la esquina superior izquierda, la mundialmente famosa Spanish Fly...):


Montuno, that Malawi x Bangi is banging my friend, thanks for sharing!

Destroyer x Zamedelica(Meao Thai Pheno) another Thai backcross couldn't hurt..


Green Haze x Malawi x Zamedelica(Meao Thai Pheno)
She been in and out of stealth mode so limited sun ..


Two (*OLD BGrimm lineage) x Zamedelica(Meao Thai Pheno)

i.e (CINZAM)

Thinking about taking the better Female(one in the cat litter container is STINKY..) and backcrossing to the Zamedelica(Meao Thai MalePheno) from the original Cross I did. Still have some pollen in the freezer provided it's active.. It should be, it's from this last US winter run..

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Sticky Sat

Active member
Hello brothers !

Impressive amazing plants Montuno !!! :)

Not in the same league but here's a nug from the first Bango ((Agent Orange x Congo) x Bangi Haze), harvested at 45 days, for weather and white flies reasons...

Haven't tried it myself yet but, despite the roughly sped up drying of what they smoked, the few friends who did couldn't stop praising the high... It's been years since i saw them so enthousiastic... ;)

Glad i reveged a nug from each of the 2 phenos... Didn't have my glasses on when i shot the pic so sorry for the lost unripe seed that comes from a light pollination of lower branches with the Bangi Haze male... :)


Have a great week my friends ! :tiphat:


Elite Growers Club
It would be great for all the ACE growers to post your beautiful plants and grows in the NEW OUTDOOR STRAIN guide in the Growing Cannabis Outdoors thread. It's a updated version of the old OUTDOOR STRAIN guide. The thread has just started and it would be great to have ACEs strains posted. You guys have some beautiful plants!!! Thanks hopefully some of you guys can contribute.


Active member
Hey nld I was glad to see your update on GDP x Zamaldelica, I tried the purps from BCBD (sigh) and got a male whom I dusted onto a (I think) very Zamal dominant Zamaldelica fem S1 (mentioned her in Zam thread):

Gotta get better pics of her... still got her in the stable..
Here's the plant I grew from the 1 seed that I found



Active member
I found Zamaldelica genes quite dominant in structure and growth patterns vigour etc... purps also has strong side branching stretch and vigour so was a good match that way. Plant maintains horizontal branching pattern from Zam line and needs lots of lollipopping to avoid larf. Difference becomes apparent in flower. Zamaldelica x The Purps has a more similar flowering pattern to its mother but with much denser buds of a rounder, less spear shaped nature and greater productivity early in flower. Takes fertilizer very well as compared to Zamaldelica and takes on an incense-grape must aspect to the aroma as opposed to the typical mango aromas which are also still present.
As it enters week 8 of flowering it is still gaining weight steadily and has begun to exhibit purpling in some older calyxes (purps turns purple from inside out) as well as the beginnings of significant trichome formation. Leaves have begun very light hint of fade and flowering is expected to last no more than 9-10 weeks. Yield looks like it will be high... the number of budsites and massive side branching as well as stretch from Zam serve this cross well with a greatly increased density coming from the purps in addition to a less stemmy nug structure and larger bud size. Very excited to try this once it's done. Will post results here..


Well-known member
It started pushing pistils.. as expected.. next pics in a few weeks should be more interesting. Next year I will try and find a spot to let it grow outside of a container, see what kind of height it can reach.

Destroyer x Zamaldelica(Thai Pheno)


Green Haze X Malawi X Zamaldelica(Thai Pheno) Center Plant

ACE's x's LEFT Tikal X Honduras Far right Panama x Zamaldelica (zamal red leaf stems)


Sticky Sat

Active member
Hello my friends ! :)

Thanks a lot for sharing your beautiful girls with us !

Here's a bud of each Bango (Agent Orange x Congo) x Bangi Haze phenos.



I made an exception to my "cookies only" diet and sampled the #1 today. It was simply excellent !!! :dance013:

The plant was left to hang for 5 days and the sample was finished on the warm fluo's ballast for a first assessment.

After an average hit, the quality of the high was among the 5 most noticeable ones i ever had.

I was barely able to withstand the first 20 mn rush to the head, and relieved when it evolved into a super clear, electric and positively energetic high that lasted for more than 4 hours. The come down is extremely clean, especially when one considers the intensity of the trip. I wish the lovely BH terps hadn't been lost in the cross but, if not for that, i just don't know what more i could expect from a strain.

I can't tell enough how grateful i am to Ace for giving us access to such incredible genetics, and to Luis for advising me so well regarding the perfect mate for the O.

I wish all of you brothers an excellent week end ! :tiphat:


  • Bango 1 bud.jpg
    Bango 1 bud.jpg
    77.6 KB · Views: 32
  • Bango 2 bud.jpg
    Bango 2 bud.jpg
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...como el Son...
Psilocybo's Malawi Bangui

Psilocybo's Malawi Bangui

I recolected my Psilocybo's Malawi Bangui durin 2016-December-8, but I not recolected same lowest little buds in order to see how it developement with the Winter cold. The 2017-January-6 was the coldest night of the Winter (-5°C), n this pics of "frozen" little buds are from the next morning (January-7):





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...como el Son...
Psilocybo's Malawi Bangui

Psilocybo's Malawi Bangui

Cogollitos ya secos de Psilocybo Malawi Bangui (recolected in December-8 n dried bus):





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