you don't need a new sunrise to start over, just a new mindset.
need a little positivity in my life.
I wanna be on a phil swifty boat during that sunrise....da phil phleet
Was that pic taken in Norway?
Lmfao I tried smokin nanner peels in my adolescence! It was in anarchist cookbook we were told. Didn't do shit if I remember correctly.
Man we were such suckers for a cheap high.
I read a PLAYBOY ARTICLE about "highs", and it listed Nutmeg as something that could get you high.
One of my high school friends basically swallowed an entire bottle of ground nutmeg from my mother's spice cabinet.
He was OK but it could have sucked.
Seems like teenagers are real eager to get "high".
Lol, gave me a headache!Lmfao I tried smokin nanner peels in my adolescence! It was in anarchist cookbook we were told. Didn't do shit if I remember correctly.