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Plummeting Marijuana Prices for Growers


Bubblegum Specialist
If anyone at one of the big tobacco companies wants to hire me to teach them how a big continuous production grow could produce high grade it a reasonable price. ;)

We don't know what the future will bring and there are a lot of us Internet guru's who might have some difficulties but how well are you doing now? Are you raking in big profits?

Are these the good old days or does it still suck?


Bubblegum Specialist
None of us remember the time when Hemp was about the biggest industry on the planet. Ships needed sails and ropes.

Pot was legal.


Registered Non-Conformist
It sucks because all of the supposed gurus will brag and bluster, clogging up the opportunities for us that truly are Guru-s. BOG is applying anywhere and everywhere. His name comes up at many a commercial venture. Nice canvassing blatantly for the big sellout Old Man.

Presently, surrounded by Guru-s acting like ball ers with one may be two grows under their belt. Some selling lighting products that they drop ship from China directly. Some of these lights have not even been monitored throughout a whole grow cycle yet...! Amazing cannabis opportunism at its worst.

Luckily, I found my place. Now, to dig in. And no, I ain't telling.




I was not alive but I know this was true, but most of it was grown by poor peasant farmers that did not make any real money growing hemp. And while pot was legal, there was very little demand for it, hard to make a living from it.

I always wondered what the actual cost would be for a cooperative that fertilized and plowed the fields and then planted small clones (theirs or yours) with a tractor, like the lettuce farmers, and then sold the plants when ready for harvest. People could then come pick their own to take home and dry, (like a Christmas tree farm) I bet they could be sold for $100 each and still a good profit for the farmer coop. I know I could grow thousands of 10 ft plants outdoors that easy yield a kilo each when dried and manicured, they need maybe 50 sq feet per plant, 43,560 square feet in an acre, or about 1,000 plants per acre. This is not that hard, I have done similar in the distant past. This will yield about $100,000 per acre, 1,000 plants X $100, with none of the work to harvest, dry, manicure, that is left to the people whom buy the mature plants...
I think it is hard for most farmers that work year round long days to make $10,000 an acre profit with non Cannabis crops. So there is a lot of difference with Cannabis between costs and potential profit when grown outdoors.
In the future Cannabis prices will drop for sure, you have not seen anything yet....


None of us remember the time when Hemp was about the biggest industry on the planet. Ships needed sails and ropes.

Pot was legal.
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Ga farmer

I always wondered what the actual cost would be for a cooperative that fertilized and plowed the fields and then planted small clones (theirs or yours) with a tractor, like the lettuce farmers, and then sold the plants when ready for harvest. People could then come pick their own to take home and dry, (like a Christmas tree farm) I bet they could be sold for $100 each and still a good profit for the farmer coop. I know I could grow thousands of 10 ft plants outdoors that easy yield a kilo each when dried and manicured, they need maybe 50 sq feet per plant, 43,560 square feet in an acre, or about 1,000 plants per acre. This is not that hard, I have done it in the distant past. This will yield about $100,000 per acre, 1,000 plants X $100, with none of the work to harvest, dry, manicure, that is left to the people whom buy the mature plants...
I think it is hard for most farmers that work year round long days to make $10,000 an acre profit with non Cannabis crops. So there is a lot of difference with Cannabis between costs and potential profit when grown outdoors.
In the future Cannabis prices will drop for sure, you have not seen anything yet....


The only flaw in your calculations is you have no input costs. So I can't see that kind of money even in cannabis.


The input costs are less then for most agricultual crops, which manage to make a profit.
You just need to plant 1,000 clones or even seedlings per acre, once mature folks will cut and take them away...
Again much cheaper then a normal crop.
I mean think about it farmers can grow tomatoes, lettuce, and all the other crops that sell at the store for a few dollars a pound, and the input costs of growing Cannabis the way I described is less.

Ga farmer

The input costs are less then for most agricultual crops, which manage to make a profit.
You just need to plant 1,000 clones or even seedlings per acre, once mature folks will cut and take them away...
Again much cheaper then a normal crop.
I mean think about it farmers can grow tomatoes, lettuce, and all the other crops that sell at the store for a few dollars a pound, and the input costs of growing Cannabis the way I described is less.

I wasn't trying to compare the two. It was the $100,000 profit per acre I was questioning. Due to cost I didn't see in your calculations.

Row crop farmers make no where near a few dollars a pound. But a little guy can make pretty good money growing and selling at the local market(s).

Edit: not sure why the thumbs down has appeared?


Active member
interesting post sam and nice to see you around still!

but you are right...most real AG business dont even make 10k an acre. shit the vineyard will gross maybe 1-2 tons per acre and each ton sells for 1300-1600 each....so barely 3k an acre gross revenue and that does not even include the labor costs. but another thing is that other crops like lettuce and corn are subsidized by the government....MJ will not have those same subsidies.

california labor costs are pretty high even with migrant workers....most professional farming companies pay around 15 an hour and they even have benefits.

there will need to be an acre cap on marijuana grows in order to let everyone compete......say a 10 acre cap PER company/grower. if we go and let folks with 500 acres grow MJ on every single inch than prices will really come crashing down into the dirt...

Grass Lands

We can continue this thread for a hundred pages....please folks, continue giving us excuse after excuse why it is impossible for you to produce bud any cheaper. I'm sure it will make you feel better thinking you're "in the right" (safety in numbers...surrounded by fellow dittoheads) when you pile up on and dismiss as foolish anyone who thinks it can be done cheaper. After all, if YOU can't personally imagine it, then it can't be done, right? Maybe if you raise your voices loud enough and repeat your words often enough they will go away and shut up. (For now.) But guess what's going to happen, folks? Somebody IS going to figure out a way to do it cheaper. Somebody IS going to put together a factory that turns out the highest quality bud for $.005 a gram, day in and day out. What kind of excuses and rationalizations will you use then, to justify why you're now out of business?

Here is the biggest one everyone misses...its still FUCKING ILLEGAL UNDER FEDERAL LAW....this is reason enuff for me to charge what the fuck I want to charge...and my customers have no issue paying what I charge...furthermore if you want it to be free by all means buy some fucking property and grow the sacred herb and give it away...I bet your fucking tune changes when you are running your ass off just to give it away.


Active member
That's correct, 1/2 of 1 cent per gram. The majority of expenses go to nutrients, little to no electricity, free water when one has their own well (minor electric cost for pump usage), and no seed expense because the plants come from cuttings.
People need to jump off the bandwagon that they can't feed their families if they charge less, or that they can't operate a dispensary if they were to charge less.
Maybe it's time for all stoners to reevaluate the value of cannabis... it's highly overpriced.
Just my opinion on the subject...
Happy oily farming...

you're calculations are off, people who havent run larger commercial operations and talk about weed being .005 a gram are wrong, your desires and thoughts are admirable but they are just not reality.. theres literally thousands and thousands of dollars worth of expenses are you are not accounting for, which ive already listed several times before whenever someone says weed should be extremely cheap. ive been spending around 5k a week for the last month just getting things rolling on some outdoor spots, not even including initial investment, soil, monthly payments.....labor is a huge cost, you cant grow on mass scale by yourself. and infrastructure is also a huge initial cost and always requires recurring investment. and thats not even including the sin tax that will be placed on recreational/medical cannabis sales, upwards of 25-50% for every single bud sold.

i mean you said that theres no cost for the plants because you use cuttings? for example to veg enough plants required for 100+ large outdoor plants needed 6kw of indoor veg for almost two months, even if you cut your own clones there is still a monetary value in them, requiring the right strains also requires keeping a mother stock going in a veg room somewhere, soil and container costs for the transplants, the other couple K spent building up the room to grow healthy starts...i could go on and on but ive already explained this many times. most large commercial grows cost alot of money and time to build, and even if growing weed was free the sin tax alone would make herb much more expensive than those estimates.

Here is the biggest one everyone misses...its still FUCKING ILLEGAL UNDER FEDERAL LAW....this is reason enuff for me to charge what the fuck I want to charge...and my customers have no issue paying what I charge...furthermore if you want it to be free by all means by some fucking property and grow the sacred herb and give it away...I bet your fucking tune changes when you are running your ass off just to give it away.

word, said it many times. but even if it was LEGAL UNDER FEDERAL LAW....the costs for large scale cultivation is still expensive! just to harvest 50 acres of vineyard grapes can cost 150k in labor and management alone. these guys act like they will have 50 acres of plants all to themselves, and be able to process and care for everything, while using free water from some free well with a free pump, grow with free nutrients, harvest 1000s of plants themselves with free hippy labor, trimmers will trim for free, and process the herbs into free drying rooms with free dehumidifiers, eventually ending in free labor to package for sale in free containers with free logos designed for free, with free advertising and marketing for their product, because hey high times, weedmaps are also free right?

people literally have no idea the costs involved in this business whether quasi legal, illegal, or straight federally LEGAL....


You could be right for indoor grown but I am right for outdoor grown. I am saying you could sell very large plants for .10 a gram.
I am refering to a christmas tree style farm, where the customers come pick there own plants. I have run much larger grows and the labor is not more then a few people can do. You could plant clones or seeds, clones could be made onsite or brought by folks that want specific Cannabis varieites. This is not any harder or more expensive to grow then many other agricultural crops, the expenses are less due to not having to harvest dry or process the plants when done, just open your doors and they will come...
I am presuming that many farms would have much of the infrastructure needed already, just switch crops. It is not as expensive as you think. If you think it can't be done cheaply what about organic fruit and veggies, what is it a pound? It can be done cheaply you just have no experience doing so.
As for the "sin tax" will that be charged on home frowers that do not sell? Or on contract growers that sell small clones or havested plants not dried or manicured? I bet a clever person could find a legal way around the taxes, are you clever? As for the costs to make large cuttings to transplant out doors, I know people that can easy make 1,000-2,000 clones a day, the clones can be kept in an unheated greenhouse with lights of just a few hours a day to correct photoperiod for veg. This is not rocket science, it is farming. You say others have no idea of the costs involved, but I do, this is not new to me, I do know the expenses involved, both your way and my way, you just have no experience with real farming, so you think inside a box. I still say .10 a gram is easy if the customer harvests his own plant and takes it away...
One thing is sure, if I can think of it someone will try it, it is just not that hard, except for the federal laws, but they are going to be changing real fast.
you're calculations are off, people who havent run larger commercial operations and talk about weed being .005 a gram are wrong, your desires and thoughts are admirable but they are just not reality.. theres literally thousands and thousands of dollars worth of expenses are you are not accounting for, which ive already listed several times before whenever someone says weed should be extremely cheap. ive been spending around 5k a week for the last month just getting things rolling on some outdoor spots, not even including initial investment, soil, monthly payments.....labor is a huge cost, you cant grow on mass scale by yourself. and infrastructure is also a huge initial cost and always requires recurring investment. and thats not even including the sin tax that will be placed on recreational/medical cannabis sales, upwards of 25-50% for every single bud sold.

i mean you said that theres no cost for the plants because you use cuttings? for example to veg enough plants required for 100+ large outdoor plants needed 6kw of indoor veg for almost two months, even if you cut your own clones there is still a monetary value in them, requiring the right strains also requires keeping a mother stock going in a veg room somewhere, soil and container costs for the transplants, the other couple K spent building up the room to grow healthy starts...i could go on and on but ive already explained this many times. most large commercial grows cost alot of money and time to build, and even if growing weed was free the sin tax alone would make herb much more expensive than those estimates.

word, said it many times. but even if it was LEGAL UNDER FEDERAL LAW....the costs for large scale cultivation is still expensive! just to harvest 50 acres of vineyard grapes can cost 150k in labor and management alone. these guys act like they will have 50 acres of plants all to themselves, and be able to process and care for everything, while using free water from some free well with a free pump, grow with free nutrients, harvest 1000s of plants themselves with free hippy labor, trimmers will trim for free, and process the herbs into free drying rooms with free dehumidifiers, eventually ending in free labor to package for sale in free containers with free logos designed for free, with free advertising and marketing for their product, because hey high times, weedmaps are also free right?

people literally have no idea the costs involved in this business whether quasi legal, illegal, or straight federally LEGAL....
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Active member
ICMag Donor
$1400 PER ounce here in **************. I wish cannabis prices were plummeting here, quite the opposite.

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