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Please rename Oxy Cotton strain!!


Well-known member
+1 for HeadMaster. I Was going to say the exact same thing. MedBand has a nice ring to it as well.


Active member
Med-Man....you are a righteous dude!

You turned a negative into a positive and gained a ton of respect from all of us for your compassionate and creative way to handle controversy!

I too wasn't fond of the name, it didn't stop me from pursuing your seed company or make me have a negative opinion of you, it just took one off the table for me that I would want to grow...now the table is full again.

Medband gets my vote btw.

It's going to be a privilege to grow for you...I see it already.



Active member
I actually vote for Oxy Cotton it is a clever name and there is nothing wrong with it.
If anything it calls attention to the fact that it is a way softer way of achieving the results one would get with a dangerous pharmaceutical.
I guess it is fun to be offended.
A positive side to when this was totally illegal for everyone to grow was that people had bigger things to worry about.
How can anyone whose vagina gets sandy over such a non-issue have the balls to grow weed?


Dont call it head master , sounds like a cheap whore.... i would rather hear it called oxy>
Just my 2 cents ....


Active member
I was thinking of the actual definition of the word but whatever floats yer boat lol

noun: headmaster; plural noun: headmasters

(esp. in private schools) the man in charge of a school; the principal.


I was thinking of the actual definition of the word but whatever floats yer boat lol

noun: headmaster; plural noun: headmasters

(esp. in private schools) the man in charge of a school; the principal.
Yes and i was thinkin street slang . Head master ..... master of head, i cant say i thought of principal when i heard that name but it did remind me of some broad from high school ....


The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
lol haha

both you guys read my mind lol



Way to listen to your growers med-man. Customer service is where its at. Looking forward to trying some of your genetics at some point.


The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
hi unregistered

one thing a young life of stubbornity and ignorance etought me - listen to people. i hear most everything, and retain it. good or bad

people think i never listen to anything. chigong actually gives me amazing memory, and i am surprised after 3 bad brain injuries back to back especially.

i cant ignore peoples' request. espcially if MOST of them are reputable members. i am not the monster the monsters try to make me, on the contrary i am very open minded and open to new things, ideas and suggestions. and prefer to be helpful then hindering. just look at what and do and have done for the community to date, this trend wont stop

thanks for chiming in :)



New member
I actually vote for Oxy Cotton it is a clever name and there is nothing wrong with it.
If anything it calls attention to the fact that it is a way softer way of achieving the results one would get with a dangerous pharmaceutical.
I guess it is fun to be offended.
A positive side to when this was totally illegal for everyone to grow was that people had bigger things to worry about.
How can anyone whose vagina gets sandy over such a non-issue have the balls to grow weed?

Agreed. I don't see why med man should have to go through all the work to change the name of his strain that he chose and deemed fitting. If it's that big of a deal to people, I don't see why they don't just rename it themselves when they start giving out cuts or meds. It's like the whole green crack thing all over again.


Well-known member
One way or the other, it's got people talking about MedMan Brand so Im sure he doesnt mind the conversation :biggrin:


Learning the rules well,so as to break them effect
ICMag Donor
Hillbilly Moxie...

Is coming to mind...
Suppose its because it rhymes with oxy. .lol
Last edited:


Huuummmm??? Money n hype? Or accuracy n medicine? Seems simple to me. But really have no dog in this hunt, other than my aversion to opiates.
Ur kids med-man name em how you want us to see em.

joe guy

It sounds like top notch pedigree parents how about "THE ONE"
It's" THE ONE " that ales your sickness or depression insomnia head back neck knee pains "THE ONE" will numb it all till the pain is none...
Idk maybe I'm just lifted but I kinda like it if u don't use I think I just may have to dubb one of my closet chucks that prove them self "THE ONE"
Other than that rep+ mr. Med for listening to the mass, I could care less about offensive titles for a strain. it's a tricky biz the crowd is getting younger by the day so staying up with times and still being classy is somthing that takes a special talent so "hats off to you sir mighty fine job you are doing all of us"...


The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
well looks like med-band is the choice of most

anyone else

thanks for the kind words joe guy, i really appreciate any form of support



Well-known member
ICMag Donor
sour pain master?

Just was trying to brainstorm and like your medical approach to a name matching what she does :D

My 2 cents!


The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
hey tony

that is the thing

i do like to take the guessing out of stuff

heads and familiars with my works will know what mned-band is

what about the baby boomers and older or younger noobs that use only for medical purposes?
