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please help - show me the best auto water!!! Do you know a better way, Do they work well ? Capillary Mat Systems


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A soil's BS should be greater than 80% to be productive.
A soil with a BS of less than 40% will have difficulty producing crops.

To calculate base saturation, you can use the following formula:

  1. Add the meq/100g of K, Mg, Ca, and Na (the bases) together
  2. Divide the result by the CEC
  3. Multiply the result by 100%
For example, if the values are: K = 0.28 meq/100g soil, Mg = 0.12 meq/100g soil, Ca = 1.00 meq/100g soil, Na = 0.03 meq/100g soil, and CEC = 3.83 meq/100g soil.

The percent base saturation would be calculated as:

  • Total for bases: K + Mg + Ca + Na = 1.43 meq/100g soil
  • Percent base saturation: (1.43 ÷ 3.83)(100%) = 37%
Base saturation is the percentage of the cation exchange capacity (CEC) of a soil that is occupied by base cations. The CEC is the total amount of cations that can be held by a soil.

Base saturation is closely related to pH, and as base saturation increases, so does pH. A soil with a base saturation of less than 40% may have difficulty producing crops, and a soil with a base saturation of less than 80% is usually lacking calcium.


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"Root mass" refers to the total weight of a plant's root system, while "yield" represents the amount of harvestable product produced by a plant, meaning a higher root mass generally correlates with a higher yield, as a robust root system allows for better water and nutrient uptake, leading to greater plant growth and ultimately, more harvestable produce; however, the relationship isn't always linear, and too much root growth can sometimes be detrimental, depending on the specific crop and growing conditions.

Key points about root mass and yield:
  • Positive correlation:
    Generally, a larger root mass is associated with a higher yield as it enables better access to water and nutrients in the soil.

  • Not always linear:
    While increased root mass can lead to higher yield, there can be a point where excessive root development doesn't translate to further yield increases and may even become detrimental.

  • Factors affecting the relationship:
    • Crop type: Different crops have varying root architecture and requirements, influencing the relationship between root mass and yield.

    • Soil conditions: Soil quality, moisture content, and nutrient availability impact how much a plant can benefit from a larger root system.

    • Environmental stress: Drought or nutrient deficiency can emphasize the importance of a robust root system for maintaining yield.


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G.O. Joe

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Characteristics of rapid and slow sand filters

1. More complicated than UV.

Though I doubt UV alone could give the perfect clarity of the sand water. On a large system, maybe involving several tanks, no need for electricity, there's that. There's a lot of fine points to the sand thing, design and operation, but for a tent this can be done with a tube 6' high and preferably 6'' wide, a pump, a couple tanks - with aerators if for DWC. Maybe only 4-5' tall and 4'' wide with all rockwool, but who likes rockwool dust. But the smaller the system, the more difficult to maintain in a steady state. Some people on the internet built tiny little filters and don't know why things aren't working as advertised. Some are selling 5 gallon bucket systems for use with lava rock or something - it's not quite that easy.


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Soil moisture is another important factor influencing soil respiration. Soil respiration is low in dry conditions and increases to a maximum at intermediate moisture levels until it begins to decrease when moisture content excludes oxygen. This allows anaerobic conditions to prevail and depress aerobic microbial activity. Studies have shown that soil moisture only limits respiration at the lowest and highest conditions with a large plateau existing at intermediate soil moisture levels for most ecosystems.[10] Many microorganisms possess strategies for growth and survival under low soil moisture conditions. Under high soil moisture conditions, many bacteria take in too much water causing their cell membrane to lyse, or break. This can decrease the rate of soil respiration temporarily, but the lysis of bacteria causes for a spike in resources for many other bacteria. This rapid increase in available labile substrates causes short-term enhanced soil respiration. Root respiration will increase with increasing soil moisture, especially in dry ecosystems; however, individual species' root respiration response to soil moisture will vary widely from species to species depending on life history traits. Upper levels of soil moisture will depress root respiration by restricting access to atmospheric oxygen. With the exception of wetland plants, which have developed specific mechanisms for root aeration, most plants are not adapted to wetland soil environments with low oxygen.[11] The respiration dampening effect of elevated soil moisture is amplified when soil respiration also lowers soil redox through bioelectrogenesis.[12] Soil-based microbial fuel cells are becoming popular educational tools for science classrooms.


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Water photolysis​

Main articles: Photodissociation and Oxygen evolution
Linear electron transport through a photosystem will leave the reaction center of that photosystem oxidized. Elevating another electron will first require re-reduction of the reaction center. The excited electrons lost from the reaction center (P700) of photosystem I are replaced by transfer from plastocyanin, whose electrons come from electron transport through photosystem II. Photosystem II, as the first step of the Z-scheme, requires an external source of electrons to reduce its oxidized chlorophyll a reaction center. The source of electrons for photosynthesis in green plants and cyanobacteria is water. Two water molecules are oxidized by the energy of four successive charge-separation reactions of photosystem II to yield a molecule of diatomic oxygen and four hydrogen ions. The electrons yielded are transferred to a redox-active tyrosine residue that is oxidized by the energy of P680+. This resets the ability of P680 to absorb another photon and release another photo-dissociated electron. The oxidation of water is catalyzed in photosystem II by a redox-active structure that contains four manganese ions and a calcium ion; this oxygen-evolving complex binds two water molecules and contains the four oxidizing equivalents that are used to drive the water-oxidizing reaction (Kok's S-state diagrams). The hydrogen ions are released in the thylakoid lumen and therefore contribute to the transmembrane chemiosmotic potential that leads to ATP synthesis. Oxygen is a waste product of light-dependent reactions, but the majority of organisms on Earth use oxygen and its energy for cellular respiration, including photosynthetic organisms.[28][29]


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Water in Space: How Does Water Behave in Outer Space?​

By Water Science School May 23, 2019

Does water still feel wet in outer space? Does it float or does it fall? With a little help from our friends at NASA we will help you understand exactly how water behaves in outer space. Continue reading to learn more.
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Here on Earth, we all live in a state of gravity. Not only us, but everything around us, including water, is being pulled towards the center of the planet by gravity. True, it is nice that our dogs don't float off into space, but when a child drops their ice cream (which is full of water, by the way) they don't have to know about gravity to be upset.
A bubble of water floating in space on the International Space Station
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NASA astronaut Chris Cassidy, Expedition 36 flight engineer, watches a water bubble float freely between him and the camera, showing his image refracted, in the Unity node of the International Space Station.

Credit: NASA

Water is a sphere in space​

But, if you go far enough out in space, for instance, onto the International Space Station, gravity becomes negligible, and the laws of physics act differently than here on Earth. Just how might water act in a place of zero gravity? The photograph below of the water drop and air bubble gives you a good idea of how differently water behaves when the effects of gravity are counteracted.
Actually, on the International Space Station, there is plenty of gravity. According to NASA scientists, the pull of Earth's gravity on the space station and its occupants is substantial: about 90 percent of the force at the Earth's surface. But since the space station is continuously falling around our planet, the astronauts and objects on board are in a kind of free-fall, too, and feel nearly weightless. Water on the space station behaves as if in a zero-gravity environment. (Source: how-come.net)
This unique picture shows not only a water drop but also an air bubble inside of the water drop. Notice they both behave the same... according to the laws of physics in space. They both form spheres. This makes sense, as without gravity to tug downward, the forces governing the objects are all the same. So, the water drop (and air bubble) form themselves so they occupy a shape having the least amount of surface area, which is a sphere. On Earth, gravity distorts the shape, but not in space.
A drop of water with an air bubble inside it, on the International Space Station.
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A water drop and air bubble in outer space.

Credit: NASA


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See also​

The concept, put forward by Frank Veihmeyer and Arthur Hendrickson,[3] assumed that the water readily available to plants is the difference between the soil water content at field capacity (θfc) and permanent wilting point (θpwp):

Permanent wilting point (PWP) or wilting point (WP) is defined as the minimum amount of water in the soil that the plant requires not to wilt. If the soil water content decreases to this or any lower point a plant wilts and can no longer recover its turgidity when placed in a saturated atmosphere for 12 hours. The physical definition of the wilting point, symbolically expressed as θpwp or θwp, is said by convention as the water content at −1,500 kPa (−15 bar) of suction pressure, or negative hydraulic head.[1]

Wilting point, field capacity, and available water of various soil textures (unit: % by volume)[34]
Soil TextureWilting PointField CapacityAvailable water
Sandy loam9.520.711.2
Silt loam13.333.019.7
Clay loam19.731.812.1


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Nonlimiting water range​

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The non-limiting water range (NLWR) represents the range of water content in the soil where limitations to plant growth (such as water potential, air-filled porosity, or soil strength) are minimal. John Letey (1985) from UC Riverside introduced the NLWR concept in an attempt to integrate several physical properties associated with plant or root growth to refine the concept of available water capacity. Alvaro Pires da Silva, Bev Kay, and Ed Perfect (University of Guelph, Ontario) (1994) refined the concept and termed it least limiting water range (LLWR).
The upper limit (wet end) of LLWR is determined not only by water content at field capacity (FC), but also the capability of providing adequate aeration for plant roots (usually taken as a minimum air filled porosity of 10%).

The upper limit is then defined as:
min q {air filled porosity = 0.1, FC}.

Rather than air-filled porosity at 10%, LaoSheng Wu from UC Riverside proposed moisture content where Oxygen gas diffusion rate ODR value of 0.2 micro-g/cm2/min as criteria for satisfactory aeration status.
The lower limit (dry end) is not only limited to permanent wilting point (PWP) but also the ability of root penetration.

This is measured as soil mechanical resistance taken at an arbitrary value, say penetration at 3 MPa.

The lower limit is defined as:
max q {mechanical resistance = 3 MPa, PWP}.

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