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Please Help me identify this Bug

I had the worst possible had everything I imagined last year somehow thanks to one Spray managed to avoid complete shut down.
I had Root Aphids, Cannabis Aphids, HpLvD, Russet Mites, and Broad Mites and Spider Mites. I was pretty sure i got the BTCV too but it turns out that was the Broad Mites twisting the F out of my leaves!

This summer "indoors" in my Hydroponic Top Drip/ DWC GH Power Growers as my Medium my Large Plants got some of these (I am posting a Video. They are much faster and bigger then any of my Mites and maybe similar size to the Cannabis Aphids. My Guess so far is Thrips. The great part and honestly I haven't gotten scared yet because of the confidence I built up fighting through all the aforementioned Creatures and Virus. But I am not panicking because they seem to be at more or less a stand-still probably due to my Regular usage of Micronized Sulfur? I believe I located a Winged Version that looked like an Adult Thrip but lost the picture. This is the Un-winged Version


  • Thrips?.mov
    3.8 MB
How where you able to tell? How worried should I be? my Neighbor said he had to shut down as a result but he thought they were breeding in his soil? I read somewhere that unlike the russet/broad Mite they don't respond as well to Sulfur?


Well-known member
Spinosad, spray foliar and get the soil too.
This will get rid of your thrips.
I don’t like to spray anything really in flower but I would not worry at all about spinosad in veg.
If you're not in flower you have lots of options. In flower you're limited. Putting a layer of diatomaceous earth on the soil will keep the numbers down. Thrips have a life stage where they live in the soil, the DE will keep them from emerging. Unless it's a bad infestation you'll probably be fine. Once your done, you'll need to sanitize the tent, soil, and any tools.
I am growing in Hydroponics L.E.C.A. expanded Clay which I think they have not moved into at ALL! Maybe the lack of 'Soil" is greatly assisting their lack of Spread?
I am growing in Hydroponics L.E.C.A. expanded Clay which I think they have not moved into at ALL! Maybe the lack of 'Soil" is greatly assisting their lack of Spread?
Yeah, it certainly would, they have a stage that needs soil, so you may get some adults, eggs, and pupae, but the lack of soil should stop the life cycle.


Well-known member
They like temps in the upper 80s and can get out of hand if you don't watch it. Since you have already had bug problems you need to be extra careful. If you practice preventive measures you will have fewer problems with pests. Start when the plant has 3 nodes and spray every couple of weeks with neem mixed with a drop of dish soap. If you have an infestation it's best to spray every 3 days for 12 days and then every two weeks until flowering. Use yellow stickies in the garden to catch the adults.

To prevent thrips from appearing, you can use potassic soap or neem oil. Pyrethrin is also a decent preventive measure and can be used to get rid of pests that have already infected your crop. Google