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Playstation 3 (game chat) safe chat ?


so with all the threads about cellphones and different ways of communicating...

instead of making a new thread, lemme ask you guys this question.

besides face-to-face contact.

is there ANY way out there that is safe to talk to the other person about shady business?

obviously phones are out... what about skype... encrypted e-mail or sms text msgs? xbox is relatively safe i guess.

anything on your guys' thoughts?


oohcow said:
so with all the threads about cellphones and different ways of communicating...

instead of making a new thread, lemme ask you guys this question.

besides face-to-face contact.

is there ANY way out there that is safe to talk to the other person about shady business?

obviously phones are out... what about skype... encrypted e-mail or sms text msgs? xbox is relatively safe i guess.

anything on your guys' thoughts?

Why not prepaid phone's? Obviously both parties would have to have one, and they would have to be soley for each other that way no tracking down joe called suzy who called bobby who called the dealer on his prepaid.

If I email you and say, I am going to call you at 5 PM after work, then you know to leave the house, put the battery and SIM card in and get some Starbucks. They could hear all they want, but much they could do with both phone #'s being untraceable. I had a situation and bought two phones. The only problem I had was my contact was 800 miles away and I had no secure way of getting him my #. Other than that, I think its better than email, or PS/XBOX.

On the PS/XBOX, do you understand the amount of traffic that goes through those servers? Create a private room passworded and talk. There is NO REASON to say, hey how many pounds of high grade marijuana are you sending? More like, hey you get those CD's? Yeah, I am going to send you 20. OK, I'll send you some money.

Now if for some reason you need to talk about details, like maybe to another grower, prepaid is the best option IMHO


If its random conversations they pick up it doesnt matter when using prepaid phones. No way to track them back to you.

We pay cash for our phones and time cards, then use a payphone to activate them. Sim cards and batteries removed before coming home.

But if they are targeting you and listening into your conversations, you are pretty much screwed anyway.

Jeff Lebowski

Hey Yamaha, I usually agree but this time idk. Recently a friend dealt with the DOJ/FBI using my prepaid phone with no information being tied to it, or so I thought. They needed to return my call after finding some info for my friend and called back specifically asking for me, my full name after I had not given them that information. And yes, this is one of those "drug" dealer phones but I use it because I am always broke and hate any contracts with anything. Kinda creepy, but paranoia is much worse than any cage could ever be.

As for the op question, if you play games you know half the people playing are usually high as hell and are bragging about it. Have you heard of any busts? Calm down, we don't live in terror, our government does.


Jeff Lebowski said:
Hey Yamaha, I usually agree but this time idk. Recently a friend dealt with the DOJ/FBI using my prepaid phone with no information being tied to it, or so I thought. They needed to return my call after finding some info for my friend and called back specifically asking for me, my full name after I had not given them that information. And yes, this is one of those "drug" dealer phones but I use it because I am always broke and hate any contracts with anything. Kinda creepy, but paranoia is much worse than any cage could ever be.

As for the op question, if you play games you know half the people playing are usually high as hell and are bragging about it. Have you heard of any busts? Calm down, we don't live in terror, our government does.

Someway your name was tied to that phone. Either he gave it to them, or it was linked to the info they were looking for. Or you used it in a craigslist ad, attached to credit card records etc. I dont know how far they were looking. I think the answer is probably very simple

There just is no way if paid in cash, and used strictly for private conversations, it can be tracked. There is the whole who called who, follow the paper trail but if there is no trail, I just dont see how.

Yes, half the names I see are 420XX or kush something. A kid the other day was bragging about he knows ALL about weed from smoking to growing. I just laughed to myself

Jeff Lebowski

I would really love to say there was some other way Yamaha, but there isnt. I sat there next to him, have never posted on craigslist and only used cash to top up for minutes. I think it really comes down to the agency he was contacting and the information they can look up. I could really care less honestly, but it is the truth. I have about five friends and I do any business of any sort in person. The thing is, they called back asking for me and I had to tell them they were asking for the wrong person. We both sat for a while trying to figure it out only to not give a shit after a few minutes. I always thought it was way more anonymous than they advertised, but I guess not.

Weedman Herb

First off ... why's yer boy dealing wit da feds? And ... it's pretty simple ... your boys a snitch ... the feds look at all their snitches very closely. AND ... if yer boys not a feds rat ... I'm betting the Feds look into all the Incoming communications they receive. So the 7-11/WalMart/Bodega/BestBuy where you buy your minutes for the phone (and where you probably bought the phone too) catches your Face at the register and they track you through your Drivers Permit Picture. Or ... they asked the fuckin clerk ... who knows you by name. You narrowed it down for them all nice and neat. The next time your boy wants to use your phone to call the feds what are you going to say?
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Weedman Herb

Now back on topic ... kinda ... On my first Network Gaming experience I unintentionally made a 10 year old kid cry over the XboX Live. We were consumed by a vicious game of Marble Madness when the kid asked to be "friends". For those like me who are technologically challenged, this means we opened up communications with him. He started to get pissed when we entered a zone that can only be reached with help from another player (you bounce on someone elses marble while they too bounce) and he got left behind. Hey ... It happens to the best of us Marble Madness freaks. You can still play but can no longer hang with the "crowd". The kid became bored and he quickly got in a heated argument with his 5 year old sister. He lost the argument. Badly ... I might add. Keeping in mind that on a good day you can hear street noise Clearly over XboX Live and everything going on in the room is Very audible. This sibling feud induced a fit of Laughter from I & I that took almost 24 hours to subside (I'm laughing as I write this and ... Yes ... for some unknown reason I'm prone to long fits of laughter). Our new "friend" took great offense to my having laughed for an hour straight and promptly (almost to the minute) started to outright Bawl and throw a proper tantrum.

Jeff Lebowski

Why not, it has to deal with a job? And, if he is a snitch, whatever that's his deal not mine. You've been watching too many Bourne Supremacy movies my friend to think they would track me down from minutes. I'm not a slave to anyone, especially not fear tactics put up by ICM members, or any government. If I'm the fish they want to fry, bring on the oil already because I'm no flounder.

What sort of information would you be speaking about over voice chat on those lines? It's pretty sensible about what to say and what to keep your mouth shut about. Need the first rule be repeated, tell no one unless you want to be caught with anything.

Weedman Herb

I gave you a reasonable explanation ... I'm not your friend ... as I'm not a Fed or a snitch and that seems to be High on your list of Friend Qualifications. I've never seen a Bourne movie so your theory is bunk. I guess if you like hanging with Fed snitches than that IS your business. You were the one wondering how the feds got your "drug dealer" phone #. My guess was better than yours. Watch your back. You know they have your Name and Number.


any thoughts about skype?

EDIT: i've been researching and this seems to be a very secure way.... but who knows
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There's a program called OTR proxy that can be used in conjunction with AIM/MSN messenging clients. It encrypts your text and supposedly can only be cracked by NSA....if you communicate between two laptops connected to public WIFI networks you are nearly completely anonymous.
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All chat messages are logged (but not actively read) for a period of 3 years. SCEA will give up this information under subpoena. I can't go in to any further detail.

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