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Plants DO Talk to Each Other


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
so plants do communicate with each other.
and real scientists have the evidence.
I've always talked to my plants so I'm glad theres documentation that says I'm not crazy...

from http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencet...-right-plants-really-communicate-another.html

One cabbage plant had a leaf cut off with scissors and started emitting a gas – methyl jasmonate – thereby ‘telling’ its neighbours there may be trouble ahead.

Two nearby cabbage plants, which had not been touched, received the message they should protect themselves. They did this by producing toxic chemicals on the leaves to fend off predators such as caterpillars.

It is the first time such a process has been caught on camera.

check it and start telling your bitches how it is going to be in the grow room.


Active member
I've seen similar studies in the past, i remember one study that showed that plants can also "communicate" pest alarms through their root systems. These signals can even propagate beyond adjacent individuals.

On a related vein, plants will sense and stress in smoky environments, so be polite and don't smoke around your garden.


dont wanna be a jerk and rain on your parade but this is pretty old news... Spurr, OsWiZzLe, OldMan&TheWeed, Storm Shadow and others have been talking about volatile MeJA acting as an aromatic PGR and effecting surrounding plants for more than 2 years. I've personally commented elsewhere that my attempts to quantify dosage testing with Methyl Jasmonate and Methyl DihydroJasmonate failed, and I will need separate rooms (or tents) with separated air flow for each test groups to not cross-contaminate each other. cool that it was caught on camera though. Ethylene is another compound that has shown to be a "signal" for certain plants to change their growth cycle, usually off-gassed from nearby rotting vegetation IIRC. So dead plant can talk to the living, in a similar sense...

If you wanna read more about chemically mediated plant communication, do some reading on 'Strigolactones'. Plants 'talk' to other plants, mycorrhizae and even seeds with Strigolactones through the ground .They're just one of the many not well understood chemicals that plants exude through the roots as a form of plant to plant communication. Most known chemically medicated communication happens in the rhizosphere, and communication via volatile compounds dispersed through the air is less common than rhizosphere communications IIRC. Yaay science!


ICMag Donor
they do talk to each other...

"omg powdery mildew.. you got to try this it is simply amazing!"

"omg youre right. it looks so good on my leaves.. hey! try this"

"omg i look fabulous! hey guys check it out!"

"omg simply amazing. spread those spores around you pm whore!"

bench warmer


"OMG... Check out those poor indicas over there... Can't they afford the good PM?"
"Ewww! Look how fat their flowers are... Pfft! Nute piglets"


i knew cabbage had toxic chemicals... brussel sprouts are just mini cabbages, youre not fooling me.


ICMag Donor
So I wonder if they get nervous when one leaves and never returns....lol. Perhaps I should not hang the dead in the same room as the living!



Active member
this is why im always nice to my plants, it always seemed like they could sense things. and even when i chop or prune or let em get too dry, etc. i can smell that there is a change in the way the plants smell. for instance when you chop one i notice the scent goes faint. but if im prunning, topping training etc the smells get really sharp. i saw and read reports about plants being able to respond to music and your emotions but i always knew there had to be more.


Active member
this is why im always nice to my plants, it always seemed like they could sense things. and even when i chop or prune or let em get too dry, etc. i can smell that there is a change in the way the plants smell. for instance when you chop one i notice the scent goes faint. but if im prunning, topping training etc the smells get really sharp. i saw and read reports about plants being able to respond to music and your emotions but i always knew there had to be more.

anybody noticed how they start smelling when you water them,without touching the plants?
like they wanna say ,,thank you''....


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
Plants DO Talk to Each Other

Im usually pretty positive towards my plants while im working with them
But i also tell them straight up they need to perform well to continue their journey to the next cycle or theyll be in the compost pile with the grass clippings and dog shit cause i dont keep losers haha
Works pretty good so far


ICMag Donor
lol...keepin' tha' pimp hand strong, eh GS!

I'm more the please, please type. I've mixed results...hahaha! ;)

I have read of, and even experienced evidence of, "pheromonal communication" between plants to differentiate sex. Trying to sprout and veg seed in the near proximity of a room full of females led to an incredibly disproportionate Male/Female ratio. I ended up with well over 75% males. I have never tried the reverse, as I do not have the room to keep an entire room full of males to see if I can acheive a higher ratio of females.

http://perso.crans.org/bourbousse/TD L2 Developpement/EXPOSES/genderinplants.pdf

I've been called an idiot for even proposing this, even tho I have seen this same hypothesis elsewhere.


This makes alot of sense..I REALLY recommend you read the thread "Jasmine increase rein"..something along those lines..here in the Botany section..

The theory is that Jasmine..along with a few other chemicals,increases terpenoid production..not only through SAR (defense response) but other means..

And it would explain why "stressing" and trimming the plants can increase resin....

I can say that,a few days ago,I did a HEAVY defoliation of all my plants..and now they have started to produce resin...they are in their 4th week...

guy fawkes

Active member
everything gives off vibrations and energy of some kind, we as humans only see 0.7% of the elecotromagnetic field and hear 1% of acoustic energy so who are we to say they dont speak to each other, just we cant hear it..
food for thought


there was also a study that stated clones planted closely together will share and disperse nutrients if they are fed unevenly, on another note if they are not clones the stronger of the plants will block nutrient intake and suffocate the weaker.

Storm Shadow

Well-known member

Trends Plant Sci. 2012 Jul 18. [Epub ahead of print]
Fungal superhighways: do common mycorrhizal networks enhance below ground communication?

Barto EK, Weidenhamer JD, Cipollini D, Rillig MC.

Freie Universität Berlin, Institut für Biologie, Plant Ecology, 14195 Berlin, Germany.


In many natural communities communication between plants and other organisms below ground drives community dynamics. This communication is primarily through the release and detection of infochemicals, which must traverse the soil matrix to be effective. In this opinion article, we propose the Network Enhanced Bioactive Zone (NEBaZ) model, which posits that common mycorrhizal networks (CMNs) increase the bioactive zones of infochemicals by serving as superhighways directly connecting plants below ground. Here we argue that infochemical transport via CMNs allows for systemic defense signaling across plant populations and directed allelochemical delivery to target plants. Plant-animal interactions may also be facilitated by CMNs, suggesting that these fungal networks may be crucial components of many natural ecosystems.
Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

PMID:22818769[PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

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