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Plantingplants' Flower Farm 2017


Active member
Lemon Thai Kush is throwing pollen sacks. First they weren't even feminized and I had rip out males and now they're throwing pollen? I guess you could say they are masculized seeds. HSO's Green Crack has been great for years, super vigorous, but they're fucking me on this one. I don't want to risk it so I guess I'll pull the ones doing it. Lame as fuck. Its like we are in an ancient war against the male gender of cannabis... we have killed so many, for so long.. and yet they're still able to sneak in, like a Trojan horse, for one final 'fuck you' as they shoot their load all over your girlfriends. Cucked.

Anyway on a good note:

hso amherst sour d light dep

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Ancient OGs about to close the gap.

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Apparently they don't mind low pH water. They look very happy and are growing. Still some with yellowish leaves and purple stems though. I dumped another 60 gal each to get the bottoms wet. The last 30 gallons carried to each pot almost 3/4 of a quart of Pacific Gro, mn, cu, zn, mo, co, and b. And yucca. Top dressed gyp. I feel like that wasnt enough N. I'm thinking MAP and humic.

Gonna back off the water now, only keeping the top moist with frequent light waterings until they need another drench.

Anyone ever use Mammoth P? I am hoping my increased EC and significantly lower pH water gets P moving somehow but I think I'll try these microbes out. I'm skeptical but I need this 1000 ppm P available. Although I shouldn't rely on that... I don't want to flood my P-heavy soil with more P but if it's not available then I have to prioritize the plants needs over soil management.

Hh, haven't read that yet but will.

Anyone know what this is?

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Flush asap . it is nute imbalance or colrossis ( the later being unlikely). Then feed a good all around water soluble/ redialy aviable nute two weks after flush .


Active member
Little update.. dep is drying. Fed the outdoor some gyp and ammonium sulfate and p acid. True top dressing one with bone meal but no alleviation of the purple petioles. Ca didn't help either. Bout to send another soil sample so I know where K is at. Been slacking on the sap.

Caught this dude in the act:


huge mushrooms popping up all around this pot.. can anyone ID them?


So the LTK that threw sacks has these long growths popping out of its normal flowers. Wtf are these?? Super foxtails?


Noonin NorCal

Active member
Little update.. dep is drying. Fed the outdoor some gyp and ammonium sulfate and p acid. True top dressing one with bone meal but no alleviation of the purple petioles. Ca didn't help either. Bout to send another soil sample so I know where K is at. Been slacking on the sap.

Caught this dude in the act:

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huge mushrooms popping up all around this pot.. can anyone ID them?

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So the LTK that threw sacks has these long growths popping out of its normal flowers. Wtf are these?? Super foxtails?

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None edible mushrooms. I had them out in my old soil pile during the rains. My friend and his family have been picking wild mushrooms for ever, i asked him about ones in my yard and he said not edible. Glad you got that little rat bastard


Well-known member
Nice catch! Hopefully not many more to go...

Do you have any plans to do any seed work with the LTK and get it acclimated?

I think I have asked a few times if you are spraying Mg, are you? Even if your soil is balanced you may still need more Mg in the foliage. P and Mg interact together...along with that pH swing...


Active member
Heyyyyy long time no see. Things are chugging along. I've cut down about 8 plants so far, the early Lemon Thai Kush. Most were ready, some could have gone longer but were molding. They came out very nice. Unfortunately I fucked up flower again. All the small plants are nice and stacked, full dense flowers, and all the bigger plants are fluffy trash. Even the medium-ish blue dreams didn't plump up too much.

I don't know what the fuck I do wrong. I guess I just don't feed them enough and I'm always too nervous about plant health or something. I hit them with N and Ca a couple times but I guess not enough. I pHed my water so the bicarbonates wouldn't rob the Ca and got my soil pH down. I'm feeding calcium and K now.

This is one of the fluffy nothing-buds of a big green crack. This a MAIN COLA. What causes big plants to have fluffy buds? Not enough Ca or nutrients in general because lack of N during critical early flowering?


Here's that plant in its pot with two others


Here's the early short little LTKs. Pulled around 4 lbs off this pot from 3 plants. Kinda want to just do that next year. So much easier.


Soil test, before fertilizing.



Little update.. dep is drying. Fed the outdoor some gyp and ammonium sulfate and p acid. True top dressing one with bone meal but no alleviation of the purple petioles. Ca didn't help either. Bout to send another soil sample so I know where K is at. Been slacking on the sap.

Caught this dude in the act:

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huge mushrooms popping up all around this pot.. can anyone ID them?

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So the LTK that threw sacks has these long growths popping out of its normal flowers. Wtf are these?? Super foxtails?

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Lepiota sp. Actually, contrary to the previous comment, it's possible this is edible, but you should never experiment eating random mushrooms without having a 100% guarantee it's not poisonous.
Hi i didnt see your thred yet, but very interesting!
your light dep SD looks delicious!
looks like your big girls reveged for a few days? especially on the first pic where you asked whats going on 08.18. there are little new laves where sould be new pistils already. but let them stand for 3-4weeks and they should fill up a little. PK booster is a good idea.imo
you will end uo with fluffy branches but still good yield.
and a big oldtimer trick: dont put different strains in one and the same pot, always only sisters in the same pot! the bitches will fight if they are not from the same family!
good luck, im looking forward for preharvest pics!


Active member
Heyyyyy long time no see. Things are chugging along. I've cut down about 8 plants so far, the early Lemon Thai Kush. Most were ready, some could have gone longer but were molding. They came out very nice. Unfortunately I fucked up flower again. All the small plants are nice and stacked, full dense flowers, and all the bigger plants are fluffy trash. Even the medium-ish blue dreams didn't plump up too much.

I don't know what the fuck I do wrong. I guess I just don't feed them enough and I'm always too nervous about plant health or something. I hit them with N and Ca a couple times but I guess not enough. I pHed my water so the bicarbonates wouldn't rob the Ca and got my soil pH down. I'm feeding calcium and K now.

This is one of the fluffy nothing-buds of a big green crack. This a MAIN COLA. What causes big plants to have fluffy buds? Not enough Ca or nutrients in general because lack of N during critical early flowering?

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Here's that plant in its pot with two others

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Here's the early short little LTKs. Pulled around 4 lbs off this pot from 3 plants. Kinda want to just do that next year. So much easier.

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Soil test, before fertilizing.

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I dont know shit .but i would say the fluffy buds on said plant are due mainly to poor genitics for your latitude ( sativa dominant). buds look light intensity deprived during stack ( ie 2nd week - 4th week of flower . did you have low light periods during that time ?


Active member
Also in my limitted 15+ years of growing i have found sativa's require a higher ph then indys. More like 6.6- 6.9 for sativa dom strians instead of the 6.4-6.7 recomendend for indy doms. Also i run sativa dome strians at 11on 13 off indoor and indy doms at 13on 11 off . i finish all indoor strians at 10-11 on and 13- 14 off for the last two weeks . should help explain my view .


Active member
Thanks for the input guys.

C00k1e, that one reveg photo just happened to that weird lemon Thai kush. Nothing else seemed to stall. And I already chopped one of the fluffy green cracks just today. About the same strain in a pot you'd get a kick out of one of my pots-- all my pots are the same except I have one with a green crack in the back and two ltk in front and the GC just grew everywhere the ltk wouldn't. It was pretty cool. Ill upload it.

Dankwolf, intensity was good but my garden is notoriously early so the amount of direct Sun they get isn't great. Maybe you're right but I feel like it's nutrients too but Idk. Its always the big plants. The small plants are always the best but the big ones either don't get enough nutrients or Sun. I certainly shorted them at least on N during stack.

Jidoka, yea I'm trying to remind myself that lol but my garden is early so I do expect them closer to mid-late Oct.

EasyGoing, check the soil analysis- I thought P seemed high?


Could be genetics. Green Crack is known to dud out, and there are many inferior blue dream clones that suck compared to the real blue dream. Although if it is all of the big plants across many different genetics, might not be just genetics.

Maybe to much soil analysis, and not enough mother nature!

Soil analysis and soil chemistry is only part of the equation imo. Should read teaming with microbes when you get a chance. Even if you don't get really into it and start brewing tea, just putting down a layer of worm castings, then a layer of compost on top of it, once or twice a year is a huge benefit to any type of gardening.

We use soil analysis, typically one time in spring. We usually have enough or even high P to start the season. Although when it is flower time we always add P Guano. Want some fresh available solution grade guano directly hitting those feeder roots. Also soluble seaweed or liquid kelp. Microbes, guano, kelp... mhmm organic PK booster.

Haven't tested our soil since spring, but our PH was around 7.2-7.3, from years of well water. Our tops are rock hard, even lead like. Didn't bother to try to bring the PH down, just a lot of compost tea, and layers of compost, worm castings, organic top dressings.

Always next season,


Active member
Could be genetics. Green Crack is known to dud out, and there are many inferior blue dream clones that suck compared to the real blue dream. Although if it is all of the big plants across many different genetics, might not be just genetics.

Maybe to much soil analysis, and not enough mother nature!

Soil analysis and soil chemistry is only part of the equation imo. Should read teaming with microbes when you get a chance. Even if you don't get really into it and start brewing tea, just putting down a layer of worm castings, then a layer of compost on top of it, once or twice a year is a huge benefit to any type of gardening.

We use soil analysis, typically one time in spring. We usually have enough or even high P to start the season. Although when it is flower time we always add P Guano. Want some fresh available solution grade guano directly hitting those feeder roots. Also soluble seaweed or liquid kelp. Microbes, guano, kelp... mhmm organic PK booster.

Haven't tested our soil since spring, but our PH was around 7.2-7.3, from years of well water. Our tops are rock hard, even lead like. Didn't bother to try to bring the PH down, just a lot of compost tea, and layers of compost, worm castings, organic top dressings.

Always next season,

Ypur regamin is vary simaler to ming minus the soil test.


Well-known member
I'm going to get some sap samples and soil samples. I got to see what the fuss is about.
Seed plants sometimes just dudd... But i rather have my plants have to much then 2 little anything. P i don't think you can ever have to much. Organic n has rarely given me nitrogen toxicity/abundance.
I have had seed plants do this thing that just throws giant fluffy football buds. I spot them a mile away and those don't ever get trimmed.

Genetics are a weird thing. Seeds have the potential to be bigger then clone, but the plants are never uniform. You will always have some that don't do what the rest do. Put out crappy bud, dwarf out. Whatever. S1s are basically f2s. You always have the potential for some real freaks and recessive genetic traits. Don't know how i feel about using s1s for full sun. It's kind of allot of time Put in and allot riding on one Seed.