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plant sap pH 6.4


Active member
So you agree with my statement. Love you man. Keep doing whatever it is your doing. Keep spamming anyone who isn't lockstep with your leaders idealogy.

I have never seen you post much that wasn't riding the coat-tails of others, so Im glad Im wrong.


Active member
Wow that was silly.... and I thought these guys "thrid eye" was open......

I guess were just freaks...I'm ok with that

As the late great Jerry Garica used to say "weirdness,weirdness,weirdness, weirdness......."

C-ray thanks for the Goethe Quotes, most excellent. Thanks


Neo 420

Active member
LOL they have one already filled with this sort of stuff..


Ha ha. Very funny.. That there thread is full of real life examples that produce results. You may not appreciate the banter but the information is solid.
Seems like somewhere down the line, someone took this internet tomfoolery personal...

Watch out fellas we are about to talk about PH meters, move along now, nothing to see here. We already know your gang doesn't believe in PH meters.. :thank you:

Your dead on there buddy... I grow great without em...
I will exit this conversation and roll me up some of this no-till ROLS weed....Yummy!!
Enjoy that 250$ Super PH pen!!


yes 5 pages of golden info followed by 4 pages of arguing about the merits of belly button lint, congratulations all around..


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
What i don't get is what can you ascertain from the plant sap ph you can't from a look at the leaves or the general vigour of said plant?

I know my plants are healthy when they grow well and look good.

Do you folks test the sap from every single plant? Time well spent or time when you could be doing something else??

For example I would rather spend my time making compost, collecting comfrey or seaweed from the beach and watching my garden grow (and smoking tasty bongs). Not to mention the unavoidable time spent trimming, mixing up soil and making compost tea...

Just seems like a bit of a gimmick.

Happy to be proven wrong...

ok... time to address this thread.

FatherEarth, sorry if i offended you by anointing you as supreme weirdo. i didn't think it was insulting. in your post you referred to yourself as weird and in direct comparison to VortexPower420, i consider you to be slightly more weird. as for your stir stick/wand/sceptre, i'm cool with it... i would utilize it as a cane to go with my halloween pimp costume and stir my water with whatever is handy. i did ridicule your method, because i considered it to be ridiculous. i'm sorry, i shouldn't have commented. now, as far as your comment.... "if you can't see it aint real" eh buddy?..... i'm guessing that you don't mean to make those type of generalizing blanket statements without any merit whatsoever. at least that can't be derived from any of my posts... including my assertion that ghosts don't exist. my predator counter quote was for comedy to lighten the thread up. i really didn't take your comment seriously, i would never imply that because something is not visible it does not exist. that is just a generalization to suggest otherwise. and for the record i don't believe in ph meters either, but i do use one to check my activated EM... i can't figure out why i would need to believe in a pH meter to use it.

SeaMaiden, i actually thought your post was blatant sarcasm, especially considering that you wrote 'seriously' at the end of your post. i thought i was adding to that sarcasm...sorry about that, i was confused and stoned. if you would like to believe in ghosts then whatever...but really, don't everybody get all pissy that i put up the ghostbusters trailer, that was hilarious. and science does not support the existence of ghosts, and there are no instruments available to detect ghosts so i was making the leap of faith by suggesting that they simply do not exist. my bad. sorry.

Oregonism, i never did address you. in fact you decided to pull a comment that somebody left on my page and spammed it onto this thread. i have no idea why you did this, but i will assume that it was about my ghost comment. let me clarify something for you because i don't think you have read my posts... i'm new to this site, this is my one and only account, i provide links for any info that i post, i help if i can, i make positive comments, i post funny shit, i have no leader, i adhere to nobody's ideology, i am not a member of any groups and don't give a shit to join any. i assume that you have a dislike for some people on here and have mistaken me as one of them because of which threads i choose to post comments. sorry, but that just isn't so. if you wanna chirp me or flame me then by all means post the insults for everybody to see so we can all have a chuckle.

VortexPower420, you may have taken offense to my observation that FatherEarth is weirder than you... sorry but from where i stand he is the superior in the category of weirdom. if you would like some kind advice...dare to be weird. i did not mean to insult you as you too are a self proclaimed weirdo. i do think that you are suffering from a touch of the group paranoia being exhibited in this thread. your comment...and I thought these guys "thrid eye" was open...... am i one of "these guys". or from FatherEarth.....LOL they have one already filled with this sort of stuff..... am i a "they" also? that is the group paranoia that i am referring to. the assumption that my comments represent others, or that there is a group attacking/challenging your beliefs shouldn't have been derived from any of my posts. so please don't lump me in with others...call me out by name.

C Ray, sorry for spamming your thread. last post.



No damn given.
ICMag Donor
OK friends,
I don't mind giving everyone a little space to vent, but this is getting to be third grade. Let's move on and either get back on topic or let this thread die.
Be nice!


What i don't get is what can you ascertain from the plant sap ph you can't from a look at the leaves or the general vigour of said plant?

I know my plants are healthy when they grow well and look good.

Do you folks test the sap from every single plant? Time well spent or time when you could be doing something else??

For example I would rather spend my time making compost, collecting comfrey or seaweed from the beach and watching my garden grow (and smoking tasty bongs). Not to mention the unavoidable time spent trimming, mixing up soil and making compost tea...

Just seems like a bit of a gimmick.

Happy to be proven wrong...


I do all the same things you do and still have time to test plant sap pH and brix, it is 5 minutes at most a day,.. I usually test the same plants every time as a sort of control then test another plant or 2 at random.. I do a lot of visual plant symptom observation, that's easy and helpful but with plant sap pH and brix analysis even more helpful.. I am of the view that the more information the better.. I don't really get the aversion towards pH meters, they can be had for 20 bucks and in my case when I was away for a week and had a friend watering without pH adjustment the brix went down big time, pH of the water was in the 7-7.5 range, so for me that is enough evidence that pH monitoring and adjustment is extremely useful in my garden.. one thing that should be mentioned in case it has not been made clear enough and that is that plant sap pH and plant sap brix are equally important metrics, so if one is going to take the time to do one they may as well do both, only takes an extra few seconds.. for me personally, because that is what it is all about me me me, I have been using the plant sap pH and brix data in combination with visual observation to refine my cmc compost recipe, so it is conceivable that I will not need to do it anymore at some point, as the compost the way I make it will be pretty much the same every time.. for folks who are merely curious but perhaps not quite curious enough to take the giant leap of faith required to order 40 bucks worth of garden tools, I suggest just tasting some petiole or leaf and take note is it sweet like stevia and smooth without any bitterness, or is it bitter and not so sweet? that would be step negative one and if there is any bitterness then perhaps it may be a good idea to go for the refractometer and pH 5.5-8.0 papers, if one is not afraid to hand over the reigns from intuition into the realm of direct measurement.. just because a plant 'looks great' does not mean it is functioning at it's highest efficiency, and most importantly it can look fabulous and still be completely vulnerable to pest and disease, pretty sure we could find a few examples of that here and in the real world (<just a guess)
in summary, take the leap but only if you are bored or extremely curious, it works for me and is very helpful and could be for you too (only one way to find out)
or as my good friend the green supreme would say in a situation like this:
'can't win if you don't play'


hopefully we are back on track folks, group hugs and off to check out refractometers and pH papers online.. would love to see this thread evolve.. thanks BurnOne for the navigation and thanks DDG for the succinct explanation, hope we can all learn to live and love and let others do the same..



Active member
I think I may rder some ph paper litmus or what ever the shits called and "just take a look" curious to see what my plants are saying through the pH of the sap, then I can say whether it's shit or not. my plants are healthy but what will they tell me other wise? will order them tonight should post back b4 the end of the week if I dont get banned


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
Hmmm so is it the future or just a passing fad?

Let's say my garden is booming, i ph my sap and its not 6.4. You are saying this is a problem i should rectify?

Equally lets say my garden is struggling. I can tell it needs some more nutrition. I test the ph of the sap and its not 6.4. Usually i would add some compost top dress, comfrey soak, compost tea or sprouted barley soak. How would the reading affect my/your decision on what to feed?

Just trying to understand.


Active member
Im going to grab the ph papers and do some sap testing to see if or what I can learn from it.

Ive tried letting go of my regular ph meter, I wouldnt mind not having to test the PH of water or things that I mix up. I read about tossing your meter in this forum and tried to stop using it. My plants went to crap real quick. My soil is very alive, I check it under the microscope at least once a week and use ACT once every other week indoors and once a week outdoors. There is a whole group of guys who swear by it but my plants didnt care for it at all. If someone can show me a side by side, or tell me how to run one the way you non PH'ers do Ill certainly give it a go and document everything to post up.

I will be back with some PH papers and some sap testing...


Im not offended at all by anything you have said, I hope my one liner didnt offend you. You seem not to dig into stuff you cant touch or see, based on reading through your posts that is what I gathered. If you want to discuss it further feel free to PM me anytime. The same goes for anyone else who wants to speak their mind, my line is always open.


My Apologies.

Respectfully Open Minded,



I got some ph papers a couple of days ago, and the refractometer will be here tomorrow. For the money I think it is some cheap tinkering. Maybe my plants world won't be rocked by the out come, but a bunch of tiny steps makes for a large leap forward. :)


ok... time to address this thread.

SeaMaiden, i actually thought your post was blatant sarcasm, especially considering that you wrote 'seriously' at the end of your post. i thought i was adding to that sarcasm...sorry about that, i was confused and stoned. if you would like to believe in ghosts then whatever...but really, don't everybody get all pissy that i put up the ghostbusters trailer, that was hilarious. and science does not support the existence of ghosts, and there are no instruments available to detect ghosts so i was making the leap of faith by suggesting that they simply do not exist. my bad. sorry.
I know that people have their own ideas about stuff like whether or not ghosts exist, and it's one of those things I don't get my panties bunched over, just like with religion, everyone has and needs their own flavor.

But, I do truly want to know, once and for all, whether or not "ghosts" exist. Student of Joseph Campbell, aka The Other JC, so I know that *all* cultures have certain things in common, marriage and stories of ghosts being two of them.

I am, however, just as willing to accept that it's our brains playing tricks on us as any other truthful explanation. Mass hysteria isn't it for me, too trite.

So, this time, I was indeed being serious. But no worries! No skin off my nose if you don't believe in it. :)

Hmmm so is it the future or just a passing fad?

Let's say my garden is booming, i ph my sap and its not 6.4. You are saying this is a problem i should rectify?

Equally lets say my garden is struggling. I can tell it needs some more nutrition. I test the ph of the sap and its not 6.4. Usually i would add some compost top dress, comfrey soak, compost tea or sprouted barley soak. How would the reading affect my/your decision on what to feed?

Just trying to understand.

SSOG, believe it or not it is, once again (thinkin' permies) you folks out in the land of Oz who have broken new ground on this. I believe c-ray has been posting quite a bit of his work, but you should look into Hugh Lovel (and maybe his wife, Shabari Bird Lovel) and what he's saying about this stuff.

In fact, I'm gonna be out with it--IF it weren't for all the science the man drops, I would have a hard time accepting other things he writes, too. Truth. The water memory thing is just whack-a-doodle to me, but what could I be losing out on for maintaining that attitude? I get the feeling I could be losing out on a lot.

Also, again, as c-ray has been saying, look into the work of Bruce Tainio as well. There's also John Kempf... you know, I'm sure I'm leaving out others just as knowledgeable and important in this field.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
interesting thread!

fascinating juxtaposition of science and faith...

in fact ive been inspired to voodoo-up my dowdy old pH pen

hope you approve :tiphat:

im gonna stir clockwise for a minute, then anticlockwise, then take the reading.




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