a picture really helps. be sure to get a whole plant with the pot picture. probably over watered and transplant shock.
Not quite sure with the spots. As to the female not showing depending on pheno and strain it may just take longer then the others to show. I'm growing all same strain and was about 9 days from when the first showed to the last.
And as to the plants only having red hair's, that is a little odd. What's your temps ?
You seem to not post pictures the right way. When I click on them I get to my own albums. Please use the forum codes which you can find under every full size picture of your albums.
theres two codes at the bottom of the picture in the album. you'll want the one on the bottom called BB code. just copy paste that into your post.
i think you're having a fertilizer problem regarding your spots. i just do a water only soil and i don't grow the way you do so I can't offer advice. I hope you figure it out!!