thadocta said:i grew the swerve cuts and they are not the same as suges. there were even differences between the 2 phenos.
What's up Doc? Don't try and even "Go There" if those pics don't tell the story and some peeps are still confused, FUKIT!!LOL..... Like I've said, to many people, Ignorance Is Bliss!! Those are clearly different plants and anyone that argues otherwise at this point needs to have their eyes examined. Yes there is definitely a "family resemblance" but those pics look no more like Suge's PK cut than all of the other threads of Suge's Lep/Nl X PK I'm hoping that Dafatguy will chime in and post some pics of some finished Suge's PK buds(The "Not Swerve cut" AKA "The Good One") that he recently got to show the differences between The Real Deal and the Hybrids in terms of bud/calyx structure,color,etc.... Just remember I said that Serve or none of his hoodwinked, bamboozled, Run Amuck, Led Astray, mis-informed constituents will EVER post a pic of a flowering plant or finished bud that will compare to what Suge has thoroughly documented as his PK. Not to say that the pics posted don't look very dank, cuz they actually look fantastic to me. But it still is not what he's representing it as, and that was my only point. Ofcourse the hybrid Serve has looks good, it has exceptional lineage.LOL
But just for Shits & Giggles,Somebody with an "intellectual theory" Riddle me this. Why would Suge who already knew the marketability of his PK strain(8 initial C-Bay offerings garnered like 5 Grand!) and started/named an Entire Seed company after his prize genetic strain hence, Pure Kush Seed Company Give this cut to a "Cyber Stranger"?LOL It's not logical, and it didn't happen that's why the pics don't lie!! But I know, I know, Serve is such a Smooth talker, Suge decided what the hell, He'll give the "CORNERSTONE" of his breeding program and his Company's Name Sake to a personality that he didn't know that was PM'ing him constantly begging for cuts.LOL Thats the way it always works.LOL. What's so funny is nobody even thought to themselves, This guy has had this cut online all this time and nobody else has ever even tried to front like they had the cut. Well almost nobody!LOL There was that idiot that got ran out of CW and then got ran off of *****, that literally weeks after Suge's auctions had the nerve to have the Piss(Pure) Kush(A name Suge made up) crossed with Elvis. B.O.T.D.(Breath Of The Dying)LOL. Then after Suge put him on front street, about it, Doc kicked the dude off the site and refused to sell his beans. Hat's off to Doc Chronic for that, most retailers rather sweep shit under the rug and keep shit Pimpin'!LOL Anyways I'm done on this topic, as the old adage goes, "A Picture's Worth A Thousand Words".......