satyr said:Yeah...and its closely related to all the other caucasian and centralasian otchvarkas and other sheepdogs. In Uzbekistan they will rather feed their fighting dog than therir families.
I own a pitt bull type and I would be terrified if my dog ever met an aggressive otchvarka or familiy. Those dogs has been bred for fighting wolf and dog for thousands of years. The pitt bull merely a few hundreds years if you recognize the original pitt bull terrier, stafforshire bull terrier, as the beginning of the breed.
The strength of a pittbull is fighting in a pitt and give the spectators a ghastly show because the owners will rarely experience his dog refusing the fight. On open land it looses it advantages against bigger dogs.
As someone wrote a real pitt bull is rarely more than 45 pounds because that's gives him a size that enables him to out maneuver the bigger dog when it attacks.
On open land it does not stand fucking chance......And not against a wolf.
When the Caucasian Mountain Dog(a.k.a the Caucasian Ovcharka) vs the American Pit Bull Terrier fought, it's unfair.
1. The Caucasian has long double layered wirey coat which is like 2-3 inches thick and under that is pure muscle. The APBT can't get a bite held in however if the APBT was trained to go for the nose or testicles. If it lached on to the nose, say goodnight to the Caucasian Ovcharka. No way in hell that dog would let go.
2. The Caucasian Ovcharka sees everyone but his owner as a threat. As there in the ring the owners of both dogs and the referee are in the ring and after the pit bull was killed which very rarely it wasn't the Caucasian Ovcharka would attack and sometimes almost kill the other owner and referee.
Caucasian Ovcharka is a flock guardian. If an APBT was to go near the flock, The Caucasian Ovcharka would snap the back or neck of the dog leaving it paralyzed. Then continue to kill it even after its well dead.
If the APBT was trained to go for the nose/testicles .... it will not let go, the Caucasian Ovcharka would tire long before the APBT would and it would die due to blood lose.
Here's a good quality version of a Caucasian Mountain Dog mauling and killing 3-4 wolves that started killing the sheep livestock. Erase the "(dot)" and put a .
jdubz206 said:if some piece of shit trained his pit to fight. it would demolish a wolf 1:1. i don't care how big of a wolf. the wolf would run off when it got hurt enough. pits will fight until their dead. they don't give up. when the piece of shit motherfucker trains it to kill and the pit knows that killing makes the owner happy, the pit is all about killing. they are people pleasers and IMO, the best breed in the world. I've never had more loyal dogs in my life. They have tons of personality too.
The average pit with a GOOD owner who has sociliazed the dog would most likely be killed by the wolf because of the way the wolf survives hunting and fighting is a regular occurence. I think the pit would still win. wolves have sharp teeth but pits are solid. they will fight to their death and against a wolf, i'm pretty sure the wolf would run off crying. the second the pits instinct kicks in and the pit knows he is fighting for his life, the throat is the target. and if the pit ever gets the throat it fucking dead.
I have an 80lb blue nose and and 110 lb red nose that are solid muscle. they're the sweetests dogs in the world until people start showing fear. they're in training now and hopefully can get them some help. my blue nose doesn't have any behavior issue. the red nose was severely abused when we rescued him. he is very scared of males. twice while walking my dogs another dog has been off the leash. when the dogs ran up on us my dogs freaked and started barking. they never touchd the other dog. both of those dogs bit my dog and they say pits are vicious... one dog was a lab, the other a border collie.
someone in the thread mentioned bore hunting with pits. i have a mixed opinion on this but people use pits for bore hunting (the crudest things they're used for IMO. service, therapy, search and rescue, and police k9s are good jobs that pits like) and one or two pits kill these boars that are at least 4 times their wait. once they get that boars neck. the boar is gone. the only way to break a pits bite in this kind of circumstance is to have a break stick.
G00D POSTING ... People who really know A LOT about the bread.
I hate dog fighting but to think that a trained terrier as an APBT or a Dogo Argentino wouldn't win against a wolf is crazy. These dogs were bread specifically to take down such animals as Boar, Bear, Bull, etc....If the APBT wasn't trained to go for the nose or testicles I see it going to the wolf as the wolf has thick hair which can't easily be penetrated. It could go either way really.
One solitary dog on one animal. No wolf even has the will-power to do so and hearing a lot of people who've owned wolfs and treated them as wild animals. The behavior of a wolf is very skidish and fearful and would rather run than t come in conflict. It all depends on size, tenacity, determination.
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