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pissed of at college


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Tell the dude you drink alcohol and beat your wife, he'll probably write you a letter of recommendation

I'd laugh but you're probably right.

With no disrespect and all kindness, hempzi didn't get busted for weed. He got busted for not thinking clearly. Confronting or debating the Dean is simply going to hasten his expulsion.


~Resident Puck Bunny~
Yup.... especially considering in the contract he signed for Dorms there more likely than not is a clause for doing nothing illegal in your room....


half cat half man half baked
Sorry to hear about your situation hempzi. The oppression really hits me hard too. Be thankful that we at least have places like ICMAG where we can talk like adults. Voice yourself out here, but like everyone else is saying, don't provoke it with anyone else, not even your room mate. It WILL be decriminalized in our life time, just gotta wait!


I guess there isn't much point this post as far as security issues, but I'm pretty pissed.

I spent the weekend at home and had just gotten back to school (dorms)with some tasty buds for my head. Jack Herrer, Silver Haze, O.G. Kush, and Chocolate Chunk. After I put my stuff away, i broke out the buds, was about to grind and roll when I hear a knock on the door. "RA, please open up." It took me about four minutes to get everything into the safe and they were getting pretty impatient.

I sliced the top of my hand on the underside of my bed, putting everything away. Then I guess the RA on duty came into the suite, and smelled it in the air. I wasn't even smoking, just fresh buds. They tell me that no matter what I say, I'm getting written up for the smell, as is my roommate, who doesn't smoke, or condone it, but puts up with me because I'm pretty chill to him in return. I told them I was grinding up herbs, with my herb grinder and thats what the smell was, and explained I didn't smoke in the room, I was going to take it outside. Now I have to go to Judicial Review and meet with the Dean, get letters to the parents and all kinds of shit. Here I don't drink, and haven't been partying at all since I got here, and I get busted for...not really doing anything. Then I'm gonna have to do all kinds of shit, and I'm gonna have to watch movies about the dangers of marijuana.

When I meet with the Dean I plan to explain to him that I smoke marijuana as an alternative to drinking, because i don't enjoy killing my braincells or poisoning my body. I might have to give him a lesson in 'da buds.' I plan on being completely open about it because I feel that what I did was not hurting or negatively effecting anybody, and does not deserve punishment at all. I'm a chemistry student, and I don't slack off, i'm active as an artist, photographer, writer, and musician, and I'm getting written up for the smell of fresh marijuana which would have done no harm, but is now causing harm because I got caught. I know its not a big deal, worse things could have happened, and I didn't get anything taken, but I feel violated, fucking assholes. I brought up the point that they obviously understood that what they were smelling was fresh herbs, as opposed to burning herbs and offered them to take a whiff, which they declined. I also asked how it was that they were trained to detect marijuana, to memorize the scent of something you've never seen or used yourself might be a difficult task. What was their training like from the college to detect the smell of marijuana through a fucking 2 inch thick metal door? Surely to remember a smell well enough to detect it through a 2 inch thick metal door, you would have to be exposed to it multiple times. Did the school get marijuana from the government to burn for them multiple times? Probably not, because they can't even get it for legit experiments that would actually be worth doing. So the RA's who have been given the authority to bust me, have used it multiple times, or at least been well exposed to it (still equally guilty though if they consider my roommate guilty for 'being exposed to the smell'). Should these people be given this kind of heavy responsibility and authority, considering that they are just as guilty as me at one point. I mean, its like O.J. in the 90's being able to lock someone up for murder, just because he wasn't actually convicted). Fuck that. I don't think that would go over too well.

I keep everything in a safe, thing weighs a ton, portable, and has a keylock. I also keep that inside another container, usually cover the bottom of the door with a towel, and rarely if ever smoke in the room. I'm certainly not trying to get caught, I don't even smoke in large groups (as most people I know who do, get busted.) I've talked cops on two occasions here, out of writing me up/giving me a UPM, and I can't get the lame ass RA's to give me a break. Wouldn't even just offer me a warning. This was my first (that I know of) offense. Hopefully my room mate plays it cool, otherwise I'm pretty fucked.

So I probably sound like an asshole, or just stupid. But whatever, I just smoked some tasty buds and I'm going to just try to take care of this later. Just wanted to share my feelings. Nothing better to do? How was the Superbowl btw? the puppy bowl?

Wow bro, that sucks. I know the genereal policies fo the Ra's at CalPoly, but not there...as far as our stuff was concerned, the worst that you can get for telling the RA to go play with his balls is a write up, and the meetings and shit, perhaps a slap on the wrist. You really should rehearsse not admitting to anything for future situations. The way you talk to authority figures can determine whether you go to bed and laugh about it or have to explain the situation in every interiew that does a BG check for the next 5-7 years.

I hope everything works out for you, but honeslty....if you admitted to having the bud you'll have some pretty big consequences. The minimal reprecutions at Poly were suspension until a board review then possible expulsion.
You might want to talk to a lawyer asap and go over the contracts you've signed. A $1,500 retainer could save you your current tuition and the way you look on paper for a very long time. Free legal services are great to call on in such situations.
Good luck bro, imo you should be proactive on this one rather than taking the defense....just tryin to help.
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ICMag Donor
Dude . chill out,, the 'Deans' are often the coolest ppl on campus. They're like the don-gar-gans,, seen and heard it all before. Their interest is as much in your health and social welfare as it is academic ability. Besides smoking dope at college is what students do if they don't like getting intoxicated on alcohol.

All the best with the meeting,


all praises are due to the Most High
you can always buy some fresh rosemary and take it with you to the meeting with the dean, and tell him the RA suspected you were using cannabis because you took too long to open the door for him, then explain it was because you grind up rosemary and mix it with olive oil and rub it over all your naked body, so you were nude grinding the rosemary and had to get dressed and all.



ICMag Donor
explain it was because you grind up rosemary and mix it with olive oil and rub it over all your naked body, so you were nude grinding the rosemary and had to get dressed and all.


^^^ you've obviously done this before .. hehe

You could tell the Dean all-sorts :biglaugh:

peace PVR


Active member
Bud in a dorm never ends well. never open the jar in the dorm, you can smell whats in someones microwave 8 doors down in dorms. you seem a bit too comfortable about smoking and while thats good, it doesn't help your security. definitely don't try "educate" your dean on the subject, he won't take kindly to that. good luck though, that really sucks!


Dude . chill out,, the 'Deans' are often the coolest ppl on campus. They're like the don-gar-gans,, seen and heard it all before. Their interest is as much in your health and social welfare as it is academic ability. Besides smoking dope at college is what students do if they don't like getting intoxicated on alcohol.

All the best with the meeting,

.....I have to disagree. People got expelled left and right for dank at the college I attneded. Not even serious stuff and on first offenses.
This is 10's of thousands of dollars and your entire future at risk bro, donot take the situation lightly. I'm not trying to stress you out, or say it is the end of the road, but you should be proactive at getting legal counsel asap. Its far more intelligent to have your shit planned out before you walk in there. Even just making afew phone calls could salvage your semester, trimester, or what ever you guys rotate on.
Who knows, maybe they tell you not to do it anymore and move one, but if it goes the opposite then...well just think about it. The worst that could come from being prepared is just that, you are prepared. The best is that you save your ass bigtime. I have ahd to deal with a very similar situation in my seior year, and I would not be where I am today if I had not sought a lawyers advice on the issue. Ild have a misdemenor and about an extra $12,000 in debt along with the inability to land high profile gigs. Just my :2cents: to try and help you. I hope it goes well for you bro, just be prepared for a battle.


Active member
I have definately had my fair share of experiances with RAs like this.

One time, i was busted for underage drinking because the RA heard the "snap" of a beer can, that incident almost got me kicked out of colllege because i already had three writeups.

RAs are all losers who wish they could be accepted, but they know everyone hates them so they make it their mission to get kids in trouble. When i was a freshman in college, we had an RA who was on our cases all the time over weed and alcohol, so we declared war on him. First, we duct taped his door so he couldnt get out of his room. According to my friend, the RA had a hard time getting out, he had to wiggle out through the bottom LOL.

picture for proof. Then we got straight up nasty on a couple of the RAs, we hung a dead rat from their door so when he opens his door it hit him in the face, poured fish oil outside their door, we even got a girl to claim she was sexually harassed by the RA. THe best revenge was when we took a tub of old stinky food and dumped it all over the RAs car, then we silly stringed everything on top of that. I remember seeing raccoons attack the car. The car sat in the sun for like 2 days before the RA ever got to it. The best part was seeing the RA come out at 8 in the morning absolutely furious, using her sweater to clean off all the old food.

Moral of the story, RAs are insecure punks, they will cost you hundreds of dollars in siezed alcohol, weed, and fines. Untill you can move out of the dorms (i was out after 2 years, god i hated living on campus) you are gonna have to deal with it.


Active member
Man theres so many funny stories that come to mind from college.

This one time, my friend was smoking a cigar in his room. Well his neighbor smelled it and thought it was weed, he went to the RA claiming he was high off the second hand smoke. We gave him the nickname "contact high" after that.


ICMag Donor
when you folks say college ,, exactly how old are we talking? University fresher age (18-21 right)? :D

University Deans in the Uk are quite laid back,, (who wouldn't be on the salary of a Dean),, they only have to give a few lecture every so often, or hold someones hand, or guide them back towards the books,, :wink:

Think of it this way the RA (who are they anyway??? are they like college wardens?) didn't catch you selling baggies to roomies,, or in mid-session at the smoking-den at 420... and the geeky kid didn't throw a whitey in your room or anything really bad. Look on the bright side... things could be a lot lot worse.

All the best with the Deany dude/dudess.


the Lion is going Guerrilla...
RA around here is most generally the goodie goodie senior students. Narcs, big bros, big sis's, whatever you want to call them, they suck.


ICMag Donor
LMFAO .. you mean that an RA is just a Prefect.. hehe

Tell the Dean that the Prefect is just causing trouble. There is no evidence of "the smell" ,, so what can the Dean do about it?

All the best


sorry but what you are doing is illegal, the dean wont just let it slide, its their ass on the line if they do.

the best thing to do is deny everything... always. they cant prove shit

the RA can smell something - they can smell anything they want to think theyre smelling but you can deny it to kingdom come, and if they have no evidence,just remember - they cant prove shit - but dont believe they wont try to make you think that they can


if you want them to have a reason why you cant answer the door or why you need privacy, act like you're a sexual deviant. people are always weird-ed out by sexual deviants.

maybe answer the door for the RA next time with a healthy topping of lotion on a hand and toilet paper trailer off (be creative) - act all flustered and embarrassed, but outgoing maybe too nice, like act like you're gonna give them a high five or shake their hand at some point

something like that should keep them away from you and your room for the rest of the year...


the Lion is going Guerrilla...
Shit, tell them to smell deez, after a hardcore work out sess or some really sloppy sex...


weed fiend
hempzi, PLEASE READ THIS. The EXACT same thing happened to me brotha! Lil Wayne is right! It is your roommate!

My non-smoker roommate told his mom I smoked in the dorm and she called the head resident. I was given double secret probation. I eventually got a new roommate, they'll let you do that if all roommates associated are cool with the switch. To make a long story short, the snitch never let on there ever was a problem. He was afraid of what I'd do to him if he called me out so instead he ratted me out. This fool came to my room 6 months later and told me he'd met a girl. She turned out to be a stoner and wanted him to cop a spliff. I told the fucker to get lost.

Now on a more positive note. I ended up getting busted again, this time by an ra on steroids. No shit, he played football. I ended up in the Dean's office and was told I would have to live off campus. I told the dean I couldn't afford off campus and would have to drop out. He immediately took a conciliatory tone. I ended up transferred to the animal house dorm where I wanted to be in the first place. The dean explained he didn't want a mistake to ruin my education.

If I had sat there and debated the merits of my own opinion, the dean might have thought I'd cause future problems. Instead I sat there and looked like I'd just shit in my pants and wouldn't EVER puff again. Yea right. Good luck with your situation.


the Lion is going Guerrilla...
hempzi, PLEASE READ THIS. The EXACT same thing happened to me brotha! Lil Wayne is right! It is your roommate!

My non-smoker roommate told his mom I smoked in the dorm and she called the head resident. I was given double secret probation. I eventually got a new roommate, they'll let you do that if all roommates associated are cool with the switch. To make a long story short, the snitch never let on there ever was a problem. He was afraid of what I'd do to him if he called me out so instead he ratted me out. This fool came to my room 6 months later and told me he'd met a girl. She turned out to be a stoner and wanted him to cop a spliff. I told the fucker to get lost.

Now on a more positive note. I ended up getting busted again, this time by an ra on steroids. No shit, he played football. I ended up in the Dean's office and was told I would have to live off campus. I told the dean I couldn't afford off campus and would have to drop out. He immediately took a conciliatory tone. I ended up transferred to the animal house dorm where I wanted to be in the first place. The dean explained he didn't want a mistake to ruin my education.

If I had sat there and debated the merits of my own opinion, the dean might have thought I'd cause future problems. Instead I sat there and looked like I'd just shit in my pants and wouldn't EVER puff again. Yea right. Good luck with your situation.

Good dean you had there, mine was a dick who got pleasure from the pain of students. I rolled out man and my knowledge continues to advance... For free.