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Pipe cleaning?


Well-known member
Rolled into thin snakes and rolled in the middle of a joint is a good way to smoke it. Just the joint runs easily is the only problem so I wet it as I smoke it.

Green Squall

Well-known member
91% iso and salt. The coarser the salt the better.

I've had the same bubbler for 5 years and I like to keep it very clean. It always makes me laugh when a friend asks "hey man this a new pipe?".


Active member
ZEP citrus cleaner. 10 bucks a gallon home depot.

Let sit over night, clean stuck on gunk with pipe cleaners, flush with water.

As a final rinse, I use a bit of Vodka, just to remove any taste residues.

WARNING: This will take off gold fuming. Silver fuming is ok.


Dishwasher tab and hot water. I smash them with a hammer and use half of it for my 20" bong. Works as good as the smokeshop cleaners.


Active member
Dr bronner's soap diluted for a good soaking. Really penetrates the residue. Smoking pipe resin is horrible.


Well-known member
yeah smoking resin sucks but its better than nothing.its not a whole lot different than qwiso if its good resin.you cant smoke it if you use salt though.oh i probably said this but if you use any kind of solvent dont get it on your logo if you have one.it would suck if your roor logo came off cause you werent careful


For the bowl/exterior I use an alcohol lamp and the flame the bowl. If the resin is built up I'll use a tooth pick to scrape the built up resin off. Then heat the bowl again and then it just wipes clean.

Heating the resin up makes it soft and ply-able and then it wipes or scrapes away with ease!


Well-known member
99% alcohol and Epsom salt. Get a Ziploc baggy and put your pipes / bowls in and shake it up without making a mess and for bongs I like to put a baggy on the top with a rubber band around it and my thumb on the down stem and shake intensely.


Active member
Old thread but:

I really like the 420 [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Formula, it can be reused till it gets dirty(blue new, turns green when moderately dirty, black when garbage)...I just got a 3 pack off Amazon for $14 shipped. I also use 91% ISO and course salt...I like my glass, like I like my women(clean and curvy).

I've gone on a buying binge on science glass lately, really enjoying the technology advances and prepping now for dabs.


Active member
Only thing that cleaned my coffee cup was strait bleach. Tried bar keepers friend, a toothbrush and all sorts of options. Only thing that worked was bleach.

Bronners always worked for me. Maybe not legal clean like bleach would. When I would travel I would clean my glass pipe. Smoke blunta or joints on the highway and only smoke bowls at camp or hotel. Gotta be careful in the bible banging states like Utah and Idaho.