Would have been happy to let ye hijack it, was grateful for yer reply But these wee girls ye got deserve their own topic. Do you trim off the lower branches or are they bred to be single cola?
Yes it was bred for AF-SOG, single dominant cola, there are so few truely AF-SOG types out there, and the fact that AF-SOG is one of the bets ways to grow AFs, it would stand to reason it should be bred for such growing technique. More AFs should be bred for AF-SOG, dont worry more are coming!
Indeed, they are gorgeous so yes please more eye candy.
for the people that didnt see this one.
and new ones just for you!
Green Pheno at harvest Day 63.
PINK/Purple Pheno, not the one I like the best. The best pheno is much more HOT WHITE PINK! I will have pics of her later on. This is all for now.
At harvest Day 67.