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Pictorial on methods of homebrewing.



This will be an ongoing thread on how homebrew.

This installment will be extract with partial mash.

Checking to see that you have everything.


mashing the specialty grains.

Starting the boil


Adding the Hops and other ingredients at bull boil.


Cooling the Wort.

Pitching the yeast.


Next time I do a brew it will be an all grain process...

Also once the all grain pictorial is posted, I will also post pics od the bottling process.


This is very interesting...
Nice pics, and i am off to read through your posts on brewing.
Thanks for showing us.
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Active member
this is awesome dankdude.. thanks for shareing ur knowledge to all of the community ... :wave:
now if we could just have some kiff ale. or some hempale..


All Grain

All Grain

First of all in order to make an all grain beer you have to heat up some water.

Now your going to have to mix it with your grain and hold the temperature for 15 minutes for a protien rest. 1.25 quarts pf water per pound of grain.

Next your going to heat up some more water (about 1 pint per pound of grain) to 200* F (sorry for got to get a picture of that) and add it to your grain and mix it in well, your temperature should settle around 152*F and hold that temperature for 1 hour.
Once you can put a drop of iodine (take out about a teaspoon of the mash and put it in a white plate) and it does not turn black or purple, you mash will be complete. Meaning that you have converted the starches to sugars.

After that your going to heat up more water (about 4 gallons) to 170*F and and mix it in well. This is called mash out, and is done to stop starch to sugar conversion. If a mash is allowed to go on too long you will get astrengant flavors in your beer.

Next step is to re-circulate the mash until it runs clear, this takes about 30-45 mins.

When your done with that, you just let the mash slowly drain into your brew pot. Boil for 60 minutes, and add your first addition of hops.

Once next your going to add in the flavor hops after 45 mins of the boil as well as any finings (Finings are natural herbs such as irish moss used to make your beer clear) you may want to use.

Remember to stir the wort around every 5 mins so that you don't scorch the bottom of your brew pot.

The last 5 mins of the boil you may want to add some aroma hops as well.
After 1 hour you should have about 5 gallons of wort.
Cool as fast as possible and just like on the first part of the thread, pour into your bucket and add your yeast. Cover the bucket with the lid and add your air lock.

Next part of this thread will be the bottling process.
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