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Pics from India


Active member
Jai (live) Sun Dance and Doobieduck, thanks alot those words warm my hart :thanks:

I love india, to. "You must be the change you want to see in the world." Mahatma Gandhi

Om beach

Bungo life
dkgrower thank u very much with the info mate u pics is very nice.i was planning to go to north india and nepal but have been told the best cannabis comes from kerala so i changed my plans all the best mate.RESIN SEEKER



I've been in same places as you, LOL.
I stayed in Om beach. Or was it Paradise beach maybe.:xmasnut:
oh, memories... I slept in hamoc by the sea. :rasta:
Every morning this kid walked through the beach with bag full of weed, charash, cakes and other edibles. Selling them to the hippies.
...Easy living!:ying: BOM!:xmasnut::rasta:

Great thread, keep those pictures coming!!!:eggnog:


Active member
Hehe Keneh, jep all the pics is from developed turist places, i think this is some off the nice ones.

Om beach fore you how dont know has the shape off the symbol Om, the eternal sound.

It is in the state off karnataka in south india, i like karnataka more than kerela and goa, because it is less developed and more in the nature that means alot to me, goa beaches is dirty, kerela has real main stream turist and huge hotels i like the karnataka wibe

When i was in Om beach we rented a boat and went out to paradise beach to camp out we came off season so they havent build up any huts there so you are more or less on you own, but comming by boat and not walking there allows you to bring in alot off surplies we where there 9 days and walked back a few times to bring more food, what a time it was 3 femals 2 men alot off love and pure nature life.

Hampi, karnataka.













Hehe Keneh, jep all the pics is from developed turist places, i think this is some off the nice ones.

When i was in Om beach we rented a boat and went out to paradise beach to camp out we came off season so they havent build up any huts there so you are more or less on you own, but comming by boat and not walking there allows you to bring in alot off surplies we where there 9 days and walked back a few times to bring more food, what a time it was 3 femals 2 men alot off love and pure nature life.

I was there february-march. Very goog weather, no hut needed. Just hamoc between two trees.
...Is there Kugli-beach in Gokarna, I recal there was 4 beaches? I don't remember seeing as much people as in your photo of om-beach, but it was over 10 years ago.

Hampi, karnataka.


I've been there also! :D
Magical place. Thousands of empty temples and bazars.


Active member
Thx for those wonderful pics and the very useful info and tips DK.
Please continue with the show:) thru the SouthIndia

best vibes!
Wonderful pictures. Just wonderful. I can imagine smoking somewhere far off, very isolated, very quiet. Nothing but nature. I'm going to India one day...


Active member
Great report, dkgrower :) Brought back a lot of fantastic memories of the Parvati Valley, especially the pics of Kalga. I stayed there for a few weeks at the time, with a baba called Parchuram (sadly, I was told he was murdered in Varanasi a few years later). At the time, there was only one house in Kalga, the one where I was staying in, as well as a few others dwellings further away, where Nepali workers used to live ; you'd see them carrying huge treetrunks on their backs.

Life was great then, days punctuated by shilom, tchai, tchai, shilom, shilom, etc. The best memories of my life really. No roads after Manikaran, everything was done on foot. Now, this was 1987... I guess there has been a lot of changes since. And then maybe not so many changes, when I see your photos :) At the time, you could get a tolla of the finest charras from sheperds at any price between 15 and 50 rupees!!! Not to mention rolling your own cream, of course.

I'll try to scan some old pics if I can find them and I'll post them in your thread, if you don't mind.

Thanks again for the jump in the past. Ha also, the thai baba in Vashist, on one of your pics, I'm quite sure I met him in Goa at the time... only 20 years younger...

h :ying:


Peace, love and THC
ICMag Donor
some pics from Himachal Pradesh (October 2009) taken during the last Strain Hunters expedition.

What an amazing land.....














Active member
BOm shiva franco fore that contribution super sweet keep em coming

Look like the green house had a nice time



Great thread Dkg, india is an amazing place, im totally going again.

yet another hampi pic from frosty copenhagen



Thanks for posting all these mind blowing pictures. You have inspired me to begin saving up funds for my own trip to India !


I am off to India in March. Any suggestions for less obvious places to go hunting in the North (flying in and out of Delhi) would be much appreciated...

...i know about Parvatti, Malana, Tosh, Banjar
... and about bhang shops in Varanasi, Jaisalmer, Puri

but any tips for alternative places, particularly where there may be plants to look at (I guess rather small ones in March! - yes I did see some in March 09 in Nepal) and seeds to collect, please let me know! (PM or post here)



Active member
I was there february-march. Very goog weather, no hut needed. Just hamoc between two trees.
...Is there Kugli-beach in Gokarna, I recal there was 4 beaches? I don't remember seeing as much people as in your photo of om-beach, but it was over 10 years ago.

you are right, kugli beach is north off om beach the place fore smokers

to the south is half moon and paradise beach.

Kaneh you will be surprised how much india has changed and not changed in the last 10 years

Its no longer Chai Chai Chai you hear on the train the new song is
Chai Coffe Coffe Chips and the clay cups are replaced with plastic but the indian way off disposing trash is the same out the window


Active member
@ranneG nice photo i wonder what that long road with the parralle buildings was use fore
properly parades,

I love hampi alot and always rent bicycels and roam around always something new so big place. Unlike most i stay in the city part and not on the other side off the river, to get the indian wibe

@D note, so happy you got inspired to go to india you will thank you slef many times fore making that decision hope you will take the full 6 months you deserve it

If you ask me north india is the real india, full power 24 houre also try to come alittel off season so you dont run into the masses

@limey you know the top spots Jibi is the place to start if you are in banjar vally
saint vally and places around manali also produce good stuff but not with the flavor power and smell off paravati, you are lucky because you are comming off season so you will have the vally with the locals fore you self.

Punjab produces some good ganja that many off my baba freinds love it is much more indica that the plants that grow in the mountains and delivers a long and strong body stone.

A nother note on seeds many families have huge bags off seeds, but a rule off thump if the familie make good charas they have good seeds so go to the families that grow fore living and make super stuff

Bom Shiva and happy journey