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Phylos Bioscience sparks outrage after announcing their beginning their own breeding

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Well-known member
I dunno what the whole hoo haa is here.

1. are all donated genetics protected from copright? if yes then people got what they bargained for. And no one was going to do that for free. folks payed to get verified genetics who make money off selling cannabis genetics or products in some way and is a value add for them. or like 23 and me find a novelty in it

is it disapointing they are breeding, yes. as it was sold as little guy against BIG CANNA. bobby clarke is no longer associated because of the direction they went.

if you invest in a company you hope they make money so not sure 14million from investors was squandered. dont always agree with how they do it, but doing it is #1.

who cares what chimera did. find where he said "send samples" then could say he lied if thats what makes u feel better. i just don't get what the whole deal is TBH, what are you trying to accomplish? if all accusations are correct, then what?

and like chimera says what does the data truly do unless grow out var and figure out what genes are doing what. sure its awesome to know unrelated plants to create mega vigor. will they have any info that others are unable to get?

investors love data, but they still have to do work and figure out novel var to be able to patent as everything in phylos is protected which was the whole thing from get go.

yes it give me an ichy feeling but such is capitalism. but it still is a resource that wouldnt be here unless they did it.

shaggy, love ya babe but pulling things out of context from a covid post is kinda skeezo. if really have an argument that will have some sort of impact. formulate your points clearly if accuse someone of something show the video screenshot a post and cut and paste.

there is little doubt like any commodity big ag will jack it up to semi ok product that can be pumped out by teh tonne for the masses cheap. Is that a bad thing, not more then anything else. how amazing that idea would be 20 years ago fields of scientist bred bud for all! its only when they take the rights of growers to save there seed and grow there own varieties is it a problem. or come after little guys for growing a variety they previously had and somehow got a patent week or not to cause them to bleed money before can prove they are not in the wrong. good news is there is at least SOME genetic info that MAY be enough to prevent big ag from patenting nl5.

I assume phylos's play is to build a library quickly of novel var which will impress stupid investors and be purchased by canopy growth. if they are able to use the info to create awesome hybrids awesome! anyone can, just have to pay for genetic testing.

again real value comes from growing out varieties to figure out what gene does what.

they are not free from the law either and feds could come any day and take all info and shut them down and loose freedom. imagine gov would love to have all that data to do with as they please.

anyhoo, maybe i need to look more but just cause they said we wil not be competing with breeders who sent stuff in and then bred auto cbd hemp is not out of line. little misleading sure but what people sent in had nothing to do with there breeding program not sure there auto cbd is patentable? as auto cbd is already in marketplace. however they can use flashy hands to make it seem like its something awesome from the lab. which is fine, thats marketing 101. not going after cherrywine growers etc. so who cares what they sell unless took a seed someone sent and grew it and started selling that. Which happens on the daily with seed sellers.

rest assured there will be stuff much worse esp in the federally illegal states... there will be a tissue culture company saying oh look how cool this is however makes ur plants be hot and really doesn't save time or space but forsure cool for storage and cleaning genetics and when people go to store their elites woopsy those will disappear and be sold far and wide.

if really want to find some canna crimes read about the old leaders of aurora cannabis in canada... those boys knew how to spend money (other peoples money) hired daughter for some BS thing to jet st around on private jets lol.. now one guy moved to aussie...
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The Tri Guy
The end result of this sort of thing is more likely what they did with the goat. Spliced in spider DNA to produce a goat that produced spider web material in its milk. I would imagine producing goats cows whatever that produces THC etc in the milk for big pharma would be the most profitable end game. But I don't have room to breed goats, so I'll happily stick with plants and leave em to it.


Active member
Shaggy, all anyone has to do is click on the link and see for themselves that Chimera is discussing the corona virus, NOT Phylos OR the cannabis DNA project.

..... and nothing has been edited BUT you have added stuff that Chimera never said.:tiphat:

What ever dude I was there.

What topic was he referring to when he said he never hurt anyone and to start a list.

Maybe he was talking about those he infected with covid.
Say what you want, I know what he was referring to.

I said that I was done busting his balls.

He just needed to take a walk out back to the alley for a min. to discuss things like men.

He had enough gravel, sweat and blood, he has now gone on his way.

I told him it would not be fun, but he thought better of it.
I said my peace, unless he has more to discuss, I am done.


Well-known member
What ever dude I was there.

What topic was he referring to when he said he never hurt anyone and to start a list.

Maybe he was talking about those he infected with covid.
Say what you want, I know what he was referring to.

I said that I was done busting his balls.

He just needed to take a walk out back to the alley for a min. to discuss things like men.

He had enough gravel, sweat and blood, he has now gone on his way.

I told him it would not be fun, but he thought better of it.
I said my peace, unless he has more to discuss, I am done.

:laughing: take a step back from the edge Pal, yer starting to post just like a poor Berry imitation, you can do better, LOTS BETTER! :thank you:

vanilla dutch

Active member
This discussion reminds me of a bum getting mad because a rich guy didn't buy him a beer at a corner store when he asked for it. No offence personally just an example of real life problems not internet drama.


Active member
This discussion reminds me of a bum getting mad because a rich guy didn't buy him a beer at a corner store when he asked for it. No offence personally just an example of real life problems not internet drama.

Yea, that is exactly it...LOL
Some folks are just clueless.
I think they like it that way too.
This guy is probably one of those guy that when you tell him you got scammed he says "So what I did not, sorry bout your luck.
Good lookin' out for your fellow man.
You know brotherly love and all that, right?

If you stand for nothing, you will fall for anything.
United we stand divided we fall.


The Tri Guy
Oh shaggy now I get it. You've been watching "the master report" on YouTube and think its a documentary rather than some idiot trying to make easy cash. Using his catch phrase gave it away. For goodness sake, don't start watching David icke or you're gonna start thinking we've been invaded by lizard people too.


Active member
Oh shaggy now I get it. You've been watching "the master report" on YouTube and think its a documentary rather than some idiot trying to make easy cash. Using his catch phrase gave it away. For goodness sake, don't start watching David icke or you're gonna start thinking we've been invaded by lizard people too.

Yea, thats it dude.
You got me.

I watched a video, now I am all in.
The maker of the video is my new religion.
I have his posters on my bedroom wall.
And a screensaver on my phone too.

May I point out your words and actions suggest you may be a Bigot!

Why don't you people look at yourselves instead of me.
Why is everyone worried about what I do.

Why do you think I see a bit of information and I believe everything in it.

It is called search for the truth.
It requires one to get information from as many sources as possible.

You see your thoughts about me are very wrong.

Let me ask you this....
You knock my sources but never ever provide any helpful info yourself.

How can you claim to judge me?
When you yourself provide nothing to help the people.

So just keep standing there in judgement.
Meanwhile I will be out in the world seeking the truth and sharing what I know with the people.
You just sit there and cast your judgement on me.
Time to climb down off the high horse.
Maybe time to get off your ass and do something to help out your fellow man.

Or again you can sit on your high horse and cast judgement on others, never really lending a hand to your fellow man.

World need more judgmental folks like this.
Never willing to lend a hand.
But happy to sit on the sideline and condemn those who take action.:thank you:

vanilla dutch

Active member
Delusional at best is all I can comment. Comprehension is obviously not a strong trait. No offence but making up facts to suit your own agenda is never a good thing. To be honest if a moderator or respected member tells u to move on...well maybe professional help or stronger weed?


The Tri Guy
Could you please a)provide a link to these words
b) show how you know of my actions
c) read a copy of Plato's republic
The last point, if you really want to search for truth, would help you to identify it.


Well-known member
Knowing diddly about this before reading the thread, looks like Phylos has done what the Ancestry/DNA companies have been explicitly doing for years; gathering precious info that people actually pay to give them and that now belongs to that the company for ever and ever. Hell, it's in the contract that they now own and will use the genetic material as they please; sharing with (selling to) insurance companies and anyone else who might profit from the info. Luckily, insofar as the human DNA collecting companies go, no one is yet making clones and offering them up for sale;)
In this case I'd say yes, the business model is shitty but legal, so read the contract and be more careful, don't give away your stuff if you value it.
And, isn't there a way to mute someone so as to read the substance of a thread without the interruptions? Trying to wade through the BS is a turnoff. Gracias


Genetic Resource Management
Top right of your screen: 'My IC' button

Left panel:

Settings & Options --> Edit Ignore List


Genetic Resource Management
I should have thanked the other mods for the solid advice, it really spritzes up a thread!


i wish things were different in the industry and we could organize a legitimate boycott of phylos and any breeding work they happen to do.
This shit is shady as fuck and i could have sworn phylos originally sold everyone on DNA mapping and being able to prove your pedigree and prove your cut/strain's authentic, in which case alot of people didnt get what they signed up for.

I must also comment on the difference between buying genetics from someone, and making seeds from said strain, and having someone pay you to catalog their genetics in a safe place where the customer can establish intellectual property, even for patenting.

Did ,uh, phylos state in the fine print that any genetics submitted to them become Phylos property upon payment? maybe i could see people saying hey fuck u a suckers born every min.

if they didnt state it in the fine print; im no lawyer but, forget patent and intellectual property, isnt this breach of contract?


The Haze Whisperer
Well lucky for us industry can not patent own or control things found in nature so that excludes land race/heirloom variety's.

I find it funny that industry some how feels growers cant breed or do real breeding and only they can when most of the genetics being used in industry comes from underground growers.

I have lost all respect for the cannabis industry all they care about is profit and having a monopoly to control cannabis.

The only guy in the industry to surprise me has been Dj short he dose not believe cannabis should be patented.


Well-known member
Well lucky for us industry can not patent own or control things found in nature so that excludes land race/heirloom variety's.

I find it funny that industry some how feels growers cant breed or do real breeding and only they can when most of the genetics being used in industry comes from underground growers.

I have lost all respect for the cannabis industry all they care about is profit and having a monopoly to control cannabis.

The only guy in the industry to surprise me has been Dj short he dose not believe cannabis should be patented.

This patent is a cross between Celestial temple Sativa and Island Sweet Skunk called ecuadorian sativa
If intellectual property would not be applied to making living entities out of living entities, all this bullshit wouldn't happen
The whole idea of intellectual property is flawed. You are making seed out of seed. Thats not an invention. If you make seeds or create a strain out of non biological means, that would be an invention and it would apply. If you create or invent a cannabis strain or seed out of a piece of rock or some metal like steel or iron, that would certainly be an invention or creation and would deserve a patent


Active member
Delusional at best is all I can comment. Comprehension is obviously not a strong trait. No offence but making up facts to suit your own agenda is never a good thing. To be honest if a moderator or respected member tells u to move on...well maybe professional help or stronger weed?

Well thank you for showing your judgmental side.
Your showing your true colors right now, so let em shine brother.:biggrin:
Comprehension is obviously not a strong trait.
Quote me on some made up facts and we can go from there.
Or keep talkin shit......

Yep, mod asked me nice to drop it and move on.
I agreed.
No problem, the mod that asked me to chill, I do respect him.
I tried several times to let this go....

But you yahoo's keep coming in here to attack me personally.
Never bringing facts to the fight.

Take that shit to the playground.
Oh look the monkey bars are open........


Active member
Knowing diddly about this before reading the thread, looks like Phylos has done what the Ancestry/DNA companies have been explicitly doing for years; gathering precious info that people actually pay to give them and that now belongs to that the company for ever and ever. Hell, it's in the contract that they now own and will use the genetic material as they please; sharing with (selling to) insurance companies and anyone else who might profit from the info. Luckily, insofar as the human DNA collecting companies go, no one is yet making clones and offering them up for sale;)
In this case I'd say yes, the business model is shitty but legal, so read the contract and be more careful, don't give away your stuff if you value it.
And, isn't there a way to mute someone so as to read the substance of a thread without the interruptions? Trying to wade through the BS is a turnoff. Gracias

There is more to the story.
Wading through the personal attacks must suck.
I an under constant personal attack, I do not seek conflict, but refuse to run from it either.

Funny what you call interruptions are the basis for the thread itself.
The interruptions are actually the trolls not me.
I am usually speaking the truth and on topic.
I was one of the first to expose the corruption.
So yea, pull the truth out of it and it make a really boring thread.

vanilla dutch

Active member
As far as the topic of this thread goes. It may have not been the intention of the company but after collecting varies strains probably decided to continue with what the topic of this thread is :laughing:
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