Doctor Doob
Active member
Yeah when I moved a couple years ago the last place I was at I had been there 13+ years so it was a trip to move and see it all empty again as the day I moved in... My wife goes "Walk around and double check upstairs and downstairs and make sure we didn't forget anything!?"....That era of tga releases is great, 2010-2016 had their best collaborations.
So I checked everywhere, and the last place I checked was the jacket closet near the front door and it was empty but something was on the floor.... I reached down and picked it up and it was the little TGA brochure from that era lol... Must've fell when I grabbed the last box. I had to keep it for the old school memory plus didn't want my landlord to check the property and that's all he finds hahaha

He would be like "DAMN, all the neighbors were right! Well at least he was growing Subcool