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Pets do the funniest things.

I was standing in front of the toilet, peeing, and my cat was sitting on the tank.

He would look up at me, then look down in the bowl, then looked up at me, then down in the bowl, he did this maybe three more times and then he pushed the toilet lid closed.

Needless to say, my reflexes were not the quickest and I ended up doing alot of mopping.

He also loved to jump up and latch on to our dogs neck like it was a tree branch, and see how long he could hang on till the dog shook him off.

I miss that cat everyday of my life!


The Anchorman said:
I was standing in front of the toilet, peeing, and my cat was sitting on the tank.

He would look up at me, then look down in the bowl, then looked up at me, then down in the bowl, he did this maybe three more times and then he pushed the toilet lid closed.

Needless to say, my reflexes were not the quickest and I ended up doing alot of mopping.

He also loved to jump up and latch on to our dogs neck like it was a tree branch, and see how long he could hang on till the dog shook him off.

Pooh has this weird obsession with waiting for you to finish up on the toilet....And then watching the turd go down the hole.... He loved watching it, it seemed to facinate him circling & disappearing like that. We put a stop to the show after he decided to try to bat at the turd one day.

And Wiley does a similar thing with our dog. Ed'll usually end up with Wiley's head in his mouth & he'll drag him around the house. Fruitcake cat just lets him do it....Not like the cat doesn't antagonize him into playing, Wiley always starts it.


Lmfao, yeah, I know :biglaugh:
I told Wolf before I snapped that pic, "Surrounded by all this pussy, and only one of us is legal to touch..."


I don't know who's the funniest? The pet's or their owners?:biglaugh:

I seen the pic of Sam and I swear for a secound there I was lookin at Leona. Does he have gold colored eyes?

Niki & Wolf,
You all are a trip. I love comin' to this place stoned. :woohoo:
Kiki also likes to hang out in the bathroom. I caught him in the sink once when he was little. But to this day we could be in there and he comes scratchin at the door wanting in. Or he may just sit there by the door and "MEOW" very loudly. :yoinks: When you're done carving up your cat feel free to bring some over and I'll throw it in the smoker. :yummy:

Holy piss Batman!!!:biglaugh:What a mess.
One morning I awoke to a bird neatly placed in the middle of the hallway. But, when I entered the living room, there where feathers everywhere!!!
Leona was on the cat tree acting like nothing was wrong. :chin:

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Natalie J. Puffington
OneWingedImp, That picture of the kitty in your pocket!! :biglaugh:
oooh my gosh!!! i do declare, that IS the cutest thing i've ever seen!!

Ahhh!! and Cats in Sinks!!
any of you ever see the site devoted to, what else, cats in sinks!!?

gonna have to dig up a pic of my Jelly in the sink, that's her favorite spot.
in fact, she loves all things bathroom related; sitting in the shower, (while i'm taking a shower, lol), sitting on the counter beside the sink while i wash up..

but, most of all, loves to lounge in the sink!
'the little guy', is more of a 'toilet man'...he likes to peek in there, LOL.

i have to keep the door shut & seat down at ALL times!

makes me wonder if they'd use the potty? :chin:
been wanting to give the 'potty training kit' a shot...
anyone try this yet?? any luck?

this reminds me, i really need to upload some new pix!! :bat:
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