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pet your dogs for me, please...


Well-known member
i had to take Layla, my adopted Siberian Husky on her last ride this morning. we had her for three good years after her former owner lost his home (long story) but i was her fave person for 9 years before we got her. (Kentucky Fried Chicken "might" have had something to do with that...:whistling: ) I don't know what to do, now. first time in years without a pet reminding me that i need to do "something"...even if it was as inconsequential as scratching a cat or dog behind the ears...:cry: house seems so empty.


Well-known member
good of you to give the little baby a loving home for a while. i’d never be able to put my little guy to sleep so i hope it never ever comes to that and i sometimes cry thinking he is not gonna be here one day looking up at me with his silly stupid smiling face. i’d take a bullet for him just as i’d do for my cat, wife and mom. i think dogs and their humans should die at the same exact moment and any other way is just cruel af!


Comfortably numb!
my desktop .jpg

A dble :huggg::huggg:for my buddy Mr Hippie. God's finest gift to mankind. It is unfortunate that people cannot emulate man's best friend. The world would be such a better place.


Active member
I had to help a friend put bruddar the rhodesian ridgeback 15 (yrs) old into her car to go on his .....i dont know what to call it.....she put him down because he was suffering.....he wasnt my dog but he grew up with one of my dogs.....i was attached to that cranky old bastard and it fuken really really tore me up inside saying goodbye, i likedogs more then people


Well-known member
i'm not sure about this...but was it Samuel Clemens that said "if dogs don't go to heaven, then I want to go where they do..." ? we actually got both of my friends dogs when fortune frowned. her buddy Peanut predeceased her by a bit over a year. that seemed to be the start of Layla's decline... i'm wondering how long it will be before i stop having thoughts like "fuck! i forgot to let Layla out! " and running for the door before i catch myself...:badday:
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Active member
You're a sweet sweet man with a good soul anyway I could encourage you to go out there and take one of those dogs that some douchebag left at the shelter hey, we're up here in Vermont they've got a ton of rescues where they take dogs from Texas Louisiana in the Bible Belt so that we can give them a better life. In fact there's a dog locally that I go to a park with that was picked up off the streets of Louisiana that's a pretty good dude now came up here couldn't be near anything with the stick they must have terrorized that poor dog down there as a f****** people that are humans with critical thinking in a brain in their head treat a gift like a dog anyway other with love?


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
I cried for 3 weeks when my Wolfdawg went over the bridge. Humans develop a very close bond with dawgs.

The one I have now was found in a dollar store parking lot... knocked up, full of worms, being serial raped by a black pit. She is a wonderful dawg now.


Comfortably numb!
i'm not sure about this...but was it Samuel Clemens that said "if dogs don't go to heaven, then I want to go where they do..." ? we actually got both of my friends dogs when fortune frowned. her buddy Peanut predeceased her by a bit over a year. that seemed to be the start of Layla's decline... i'm wondering how long it will be before i stop having thoughts like "fuck! i forgot to let Layla out! " and running for the door before i catch myself...:badday:
Amen to that. WRT Layla's decline, yes the lost of a friend/companion will do it. We (the wife) had a Siamese 15 yrs old who let herself go after I introduced Hershey to the household. Simply put... I ain't putting up with that crap. Could very well be a coincidence, but many pets loose the will to live when they loose their buddy.

Get your hands on the movie Hachi with Richard Geere (avail online for free). A tear jerker to say the least. That is true loyalty and devotion.


Well-known member
ALL of my pets have been rescued/adopted ... including the cat i "rustled" in Virginia a couple of years ago. half-grown, half starved, bedraggled & wet, it took me three days of kitty treats before i could pick her up. treacherous back-stabbing beast took up with my youngest son, and he took her with him when he moved out. :biggrin: MY last dog was a rescue Giant Schnauzer. breeder brought him to a vet locally and asked them to put the pup to sleep because the folks that bought him brought him back for chewing a pair of shoes... best dog i ever had. wife wants a few months of no pet responsibility over the summer. i can live with that. she's always wanted a poodle...i agreed so long as it was a standard (BIG!) and she could not paint its toenails. gotta have lines in the sand, lol...


Well-known member
Sorry for your loss aoh, there are no words that will make it better, only time. :grouphug:
time smooths things over, but still leaves spots for you to stumble over, and bring the tears on again. my black Labrador Jubal has been gone now for 26 years now, still miss him. my Schnauzer, the "big sniff" for 8 years. think about him every day...funny story about Sniffer, prob not politically correct, though. :sneaky: