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Persian Farmer Grows


Well-known member
Ooooofff nice!!!! Must be a real palette pleaser…. Tell me bro have you tried to make some PIATELLA as well?
I've been looking at that...... it's not hard but I'm not patient. And like I gotta wait for it and shit that hash ball u squish the water out and smoke it... that other stuff u gotta get your sift then vacuum it and wait for mad long... yea, prolly this year I'll do it I guess... bastards...


Well-known member
The toys boy secret box with hidden treasures… i see the child side is strong oh Skywalker😂👍🏻
Like u got no idea... I find shit all the time, or drop shit.. ppl be like, yooooooo wtf u doin.
And I ask them if they want it, I'm not picking that up lmao (wrong post, but u get it lol)


Well-known member
I've been looking at that...... it's not hard but I'm not patient. And like I gotta wait for it and shit that hash ball u squish the water out and smoke it... that other stuff u gotta get your sift then vacuum it and wait for mad long... yea, prolly this year I'll do it I guess... bastards...

Yeah I hear u!!! The cold curing process is shitty long but the taste is equal to none really. I am a taste fanatic, so really it overwhelms your mouth. A friend of mine smuggled a little piece and we smoked here and it was the best ever, maybe because it was RS11

What microns u use for your bubble? How many bags? How many washes? I made some out of that Monster Glookies I grew 2 years ago. I had dozens of Colas the size of 1.5L bottles, so i even did finger hash with it lol


Well-known member
Good bag is like idk, depending usually like a 70. I'm using a 30 gal system, ice, and or dry. That dry stuff was through 110,


Well-known member
Ha ha ha I can picture it so vividly being high… but dude i would be like a freaking mario on cart chasing after ur dropped seeds no hesitation on that😂😂
Like u got no idea... I find shit all the time, or drop shit.. ppl be like, yooooooo wtf u doin.
And I ask them if they want it, I'm not picking that up lmao (wrong post, but u get it lol)


Well-known member
I remember when j used to Chuck seeds everywhere, just to see what happened bc they were sooooooo plentiful, but now, it's like...ok...let's do this right... put them in water, in a towel now jn a tray with heat and a dome...... not just watch it grow outa a sidewalk Crack like 20 years ago lol


Well-known member
I hear you loud and clear!!!

I am always desperate for great seeds as it is super challenging to get some

But a miracle happened one day and an ICMAG brother sent me a bunch of amazing seeds (I could not believe my eyes, it was like I found the Holly Grail when the postman knocked on the door lmao


Well-known member
Well, I'm using a 5 gal bucket of material, and it's usually not bud, so like doin all that just gives you garbage tbh... like yea, u gona get shit but it gets darker and greener each time. So like, I run once and Chuck it, yea, the washing machine idea I've looked at alot, but like hash is my backup so like, idk lol

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